blob: 3a39e746bf334d738fe0a61462b28eaf59685b64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// InMemoryURLIndex caching protocol buffers.
// At certain times during browser operation, the indexes from the
// InMemoryURLIndex are written to a disk-based cache using the
// following protobuf description.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package in_memory_url_index;
message InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem {
message WordListItem {
required uint32 word_count = 1;
repeated string word = 2;
message WordMapItem {
message WordMapEntry {
required string word = 1;
required int32 word_id = 2;
required uint32 item_count = 1;
repeated WordMapEntry word_map_entry = 2;
message CharWordMapItem {
message CharWordMapEntry {
required uint32 item_count = 1;
required int32 char_16 = 2;
repeated int32 word_id = 3 [packed=true];
required uint32 item_count = 1;
repeated CharWordMapEntry char_word_map_entry = 2;
message WordIDHistoryMapItem {
message WordIDHistoryMapEntry {
required uint32 item_count = 1;
required int32 word_id = 2;
repeated int64 history_id = 3 [packed=true];
required uint32 item_count = 1;
repeated WordIDHistoryMapEntry word_id_history_map_entry = 2;
message HistoryInfoMapItem {
message HistoryInfoMapEntry {
message VisitInfo {
required int64 visit_time = 1;
// Corresponds to content::PageTransition.
required uint64 transition_type = 2;
required int64 history_id = 1;
required int32 visit_count = 2;
required int32 typed_count = 3;
required int64 last_visit = 4;
required string url = 5;
optional string title = 6;
repeated VisitInfo visits = 7;
required uint32 item_count = 1;
repeated HistoryInfoMapEntry history_info_map_entry = 2;
message WordStartsMapItem {
message WordStartsMapEntry {
required int64 history_id = 1;
repeated int32 url_word_starts = 2 [packed=true];
repeated int32 title_word_starts = 3 [packed=true];
required uint32 item_count = 1;
repeated WordStartsMapEntry word_starts_map_entry = 2;
// The date that the cache was last rebuilt from history. Note that
// this cache may include items that were visited after this date if
// the InMemoryURLIndex was updated on the fly. This timestamp is meant
// to indicate the last date the index was rebuilt from the ground truth:
// the history database on disk.
required int64 last_rebuild_timestamp = 1;
// If there is no version we'll assume version 0.
optional int32 version = 2;
required int32 history_item_count = 3;
optional WordListItem word_list = 4;
optional WordMapItem word_map = 5;
optional CharWordMapItem char_word_map = 6;
optional WordIDHistoryMapItem word_id_history_map = 7;
optional HistoryInfoMapItem history_info_map = 8;
optional WordStartsMapItem word_starts_map = 9;