blob: 70946bf4bdb120c4f27378333160cc7bee503a64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_types.h"
#include "content/public/common/page_transition_types.h"
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace history {
// Identifier for a context to scope page ids. (ContextIDs are used in
// comparisons only and are never dereferenced.)
// NB: The use of WebContents here is temporary; when the dependency on content
// is broken, some other type will take its place.
typedef content::WebContents* ContextID;
// VisitRow -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Holds all information associated with a specific visit. A visit holds time
// and referrer information for one time a URL is visited.
class VisitRow {
VisitRow(URLID arg_url_id,
base::Time arg_visit_time,
VisitID arg_referring_visit,
content::PageTransition arg_transition,
SegmentID arg_segment_id);
// ID of this row (visit ID, used a a referrer for other visits).
VisitID visit_id;
// Row ID into the URL table of the URL that this page is.
URLID url_id;
base::Time visit_time;
// Indicates another visit that was the referring page for this one.
// 0 indicates no referrer.
VisitID referring_visit;
// A combination of bits from PageTransition.
content::PageTransition transition;
// The segment id (see visitsegment_database.*).
// If 0, the segment id is null in the table.
SegmentID segment_id;
// Record how much time a user has this visit starting from the user
// opened this visit to the user closed or ended this visit.
// This includes both active and inactive time as long as
// the visit was present.
base::TimeDelta visit_duration;
// Compares two visits based on dates, for sorting.
bool operator<(const VisitRow& other) {
return visit_time < other.visit_time;
// We allow the implicit copy constuctor and operator=.
// We pass around vectors of visits a lot
typedef std::vector<VisitRow> VisitVector;
// The basic information associated with a visit (timestamp, type of visit),
// used by HistoryBackend::AddVisits() to create new visits for a URL.
typedef std::pair<base::Time, content::PageTransition> VisitInfo;
// QueryURLResult -------------------------------------------------------------
// QueryURLResult encapsulates the result of a call to HistoryBackend::QueryURL.
struct QueryURLResult {
// Indicates whether the call to HistoryBackend::QueryURL was successfull
// or not. If false, then both |row| and |visits| fields are undefined.
bool success;
URLRow row;
VisitVector visits;
// Navigation -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Marshalling structure for AddPage.
struct HistoryAddPageArgs {
// The default constructor is equivalent to:
// HistoryAddPageArgs(
// GURL(), base::Time(), NULL, 0, GURL(),
// history::RedirectList(), content::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK,
HistoryAddPageArgs(const GURL& url,
base::Time time,
ContextID context_id,
int32 page_id,
const GURL& referrer,
const history::RedirectList& redirects,
content::PageTransition transition,
VisitSource source,
bool did_replace_entry);
GURL url;
base::Time time;
ContextID context_id;
int32 page_id;
GURL referrer;
history::RedirectList redirects;
content::PageTransition transition;
VisitSource visit_source;
bool did_replace_entry;
// Abbreviated information about a visit.
struct BriefVisitInfo {
URLID url_id;
base::Time time;
content::PageTransition transition;
// An observer of VisitDatabase.
class VisitDatabaseObserver {
virtual ~VisitDatabaseObserver();
virtual void OnAddVisit(const BriefVisitInfo& info) = 0;
} // namespace history