blob: 74c45d35e0977aa4273c72ad731fd06c12544f12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
namespace importer {
class ImporterListObserver;
struct SourceProfile;
class ImporterList : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ImporterList> {
// Detects the installed browsers and their associated profiles, then stores
// their information in a list. It returns the list of description of all
// profiles. Calls into DetectSourceProfilesWorker() on the FILE thread to do
// the real work of detecting source profiles. |observer| must be non-NULL.
// |locale|: As in DetectSourceProfilesWorker().
void DetectSourceProfiles(const std::string& locale,
bool include_interactive_profiles,
importer::ImporterListObserver* observer);
// Sets the observer of this object. When the current observer is destroyed,
// this method should be called with a NULL |observer| so it is not notified
// after destruction.
void set_observer(importer::ImporterListObserver* observer) {
observer_ = observer;
// DEPRECATED: This method is synchronous and performs file operations which
// may end up blocking the current thread, which is usually the UI thread.
// |locale|: As in DetectSourceProfilesWorker().
void DetectSourceProfilesHack(const std::string& locale,
bool include_interactive_profiles);
// Returns the number of different source profiles you can import from.
size_t count() const { return source_profiles_.size(); }
// Returns the SourceProfile at |index|. The profiles are ordered such that
// the profile at index 0 is the likely default browser. The SourceProfile
// should be passed to ImporterHost::StartImportSettings().
const importer::SourceProfile& GetSourceProfileAt(size_t index) const;
// Returns the SourceProfile for the given |importer_type|.
const importer::SourceProfile& GetSourceProfileForImporterType(
int importer_type) const;
// Tells interested callers if class is done loading source profiles.
bool source_profiles_loaded() const { return source_profiles_loaded_; }
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ImporterList>;
// The worker method for DetectSourceProfiles(). Must be called on the FILE
// thread. |locale|:The application locale (it must be taken as an argument
// since this code runs on the FILE thread where GetApplicationLocale() isn't
// available).
void DetectSourceProfilesWorker(const std::string& locale,
bool include_interactive_profiles);
// Called by DetectSourceProfilesWorker() on the source thread. This method
// notifies |observer_| that the source profiles are loaded. |profiles| is
// the vector of loaded profiles.
void SourceProfilesLoaded(
const std::vector<importer::SourceProfile*>& profiles);
// The list of profiles with the default one first.
ScopedVector<importer::SourceProfile> source_profiles_;
// The ID of the thread DetectSourceProfiles() is called on. Only valid after
// DetectSourceProfiles() is called and until SourceProfilesLoaded() has
// returned.
content::BrowserThread::ID source_thread_id_;
// Weak reference. Only valid after DetectSourceProfiles() is called and until
// SourceProfilesLoaded() has returned.
importer::ImporterListObserver* observer_;
// True if |observer_| is set during the lifetime of source profile detection.
// This hack is necessary in order to not use |observer_| != NULL as a method
// of determining whether this object is being observed or not.
// TODO(jhawkins): Remove once DetectSourceProfilesHack() is removed.
bool is_observed_;
// True if source profiles are loaded.
bool source_profiles_loaded_;