blob: 66d4c1df0d91a1272a68c5d68456b1b955c8d626 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "media/cast/cast_defines.h"
namespace media {
namespace cast {
enum RtcpMode {
kRtcpCompound, // Compound RTCP mode is described by RFC 4585.
kRtcpReducedSize, // Reduced-size RTCP mode is described by RFC 5506.
enum VideoCodec {
enum AudioCodec {
struct AudioSenderConfig {
uint32 sender_ssrc;
uint32 incoming_feedback_ssrc;
int rtcp_interval;
std::string rtcp_c_name;
RtcpMode rtcp_mode;
int rtp_history_ms; // The time RTP packets are stored for retransmissions.
int rtp_max_delay_ms;
int rtp_payload_type;
bool use_external_encoder;
int frequency;
int channels;
int bitrate; // Set to <= 0 for "auto variable bitrate" (libopus knows best).
AudioCodec codec;
std::string aes_key; // Binary string of size kAesKeySize.
std::string aes_iv_mask; // Binary string of size kAesKeySize.
struct VideoSenderConfig {
uint32 sender_ssrc;
uint32 incoming_feedback_ssrc;
int rtcp_interval;
std::string rtcp_c_name;
RtcpMode rtcp_mode;
int rtp_history_ms; // The time RTP packets are stored for retransmissions.
int rtp_max_delay_ms;
int rtp_payload_type;
bool use_external_encoder;
int width; // Incoming frames will be scaled to this size.
int height;
float congestion_control_back_off;
int max_bitrate;
int min_bitrate;
int start_bitrate;
int max_qp;
int min_qp;
int max_frame_rate;
int max_number_of_video_buffers_used; // Max value depend on codec.
VideoCodec codec;
int number_of_cores;
std::string aes_key; // Binary string of size kAesKeySize.
std::string aes_iv_mask; // Binary string of size kAesKeySize.
struct AudioReceiverConfig {
uint32 feedback_ssrc;
uint32 incoming_ssrc;
int rtcp_interval;
std::string rtcp_c_name;
RtcpMode rtcp_mode;
// The time the receiver is prepared to wait for retransmissions.
int rtp_max_delay_ms;
int rtp_payload_type;
bool use_external_decoder;
int frequency;
int channels;
AudioCodec codec;
std::string aes_key; // Binary string of size kAesKeySize.
std::string aes_iv_mask; // Binary string of size kAesKeySize.
struct VideoReceiverConfig {
uint32 feedback_ssrc;
uint32 incoming_ssrc;
int rtcp_interval;
std::string rtcp_c_name;
RtcpMode rtcp_mode;
// The time the receiver is prepared to wait for retransmissions.
int rtp_max_delay_ms;
int rtp_payload_type;
bool use_external_decoder;
int max_frame_rate;
// Some HW decoders can not run faster than the frame rate, preventing it
// from catching up after a glitch.
bool decoder_faster_than_max_frame_rate;
VideoCodec codec;
std::string aes_key; // Binary string of size kAesKeySize.
std::string aes_iv_mask; // Binary string of size kAesKeySize.
// DEPRECATED: Do not use in new code. Please migrate existing code to use
// media::VideoFrame.
struct I420VideoPlane {
int stride;
int length;
uint8* data;
// DEPRECATED: Do not use in new code. Please migrate existing code to use
// media::VideoFrame.
struct I420VideoFrame {
int width;
int height;
I420VideoPlane y_plane;
I420VideoPlane u_plane;
I420VideoPlane v_plane;
struct EncodedVideoFrame {
VideoCodec codec;
bool key_frame;
uint32 frame_id;
uint32 last_referenced_frame_id;
std::string data;
// DEPRECATED: Do not use in new code. Please migrate existing code to use
// media::AudioBus.
struct PcmAudioFrame {
int channels; // Samples in interleaved stereo format. L0, R0, L1 ,R1 ,...
int frequency;
std::vector<int16> samples;
struct EncodedAudioFrame {
AudioCodec codec;
uint32 frame_id; // Needed to release the frame.
int samples; // Needed send side to advance the RTP timestamp.
// Not used receive side.
// Support for max sampling rate of 48KHz, 2 channels, 100 ms duration.
static const int kMaxNumberOfSamples = 48 * 2 * 100;
std::string data;
typedef std::vector<uint8> Packet;
typedef std::vector<Packet> PacketList;
class PacketSender {
// All packets to be sent to the network will be delivered via these
// functions.
virtual bool SendPackets(const PacketList& packets) = 0;
virtual bool SendPacket(const Packet& packet) = 0;
virtual ~PacketSender() {}
class PacketReceiver : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<PacketReceiver> {
// All packets received from the network should be delivered via this
// function.
virtual void ReceivedPacket(const uint8* packet, size_t length,
const base::Closure callback) = 0;
static void DeletePacket(const uint8* packet);
virtual ~PacketReceiver() {}
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<PacketReceiver>;
class VideoEncoderController {
// Inform the encoder about the new target bit rate.
virtual void SetBitRate(int new_bit_rate) = 0;
// Inform the encoder to not encode the next frame.
// Note: this setting is sticky and should last until called with false.
virtual void SkipNextFrame(bool skip_next_frame) = 0;
// Inform the encoder to encode the next frame as a key frame.
virtual void GenerateKeyFrame() = 0;
// Inform the encoder to only reference frames older or equal to frame_id;
virtual void LatestFrameIdToReference(uint32 frame_id) = 0;
// Query the codec about how many frames it has skipped due to slow ACK.
virtual int NumberOfSkippedFrames() const = 0;
virtual ~VideoEncoderController() {}
} // namespace cast
} // namespace media