blob: 34c4a2691561fcc95b97f522650f87c341368534 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// NOTE: No header guards are used, since this file is intended to be expanded
// directly into net_log.h. DO NOT include this file anywhere else.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// General pseudo-events
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Something got cancelled (we determine what is cancelled based on the
// log context around it.)
// Marks the creation/destruction of a request (net::URLRequest or
// SocketStream).
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HostResolverImpl
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The start/end of waiting on a host resolve (DNS) request.
// The BEGIN phase contains the following parameters:
// {
// "source_dependency": <Source id of the request being waited on>,
// }
// The start/end of a host resolve (DNS) request. Note that these events are
// logged for all DNS requests, though not all requests result in the creation
// of a HostResolvedImpl::Request object.
// The BEGIN phase contains the following parameters:
// {
// "host": <Hostname associated with the request>,
// "source_dependency": <Source id, if any, of what created the request>,
// }
// If an error occurred, the END phase will contain these parameters:
// {
// "net_error": <The net error code integer for the failure>,
// "os_error": <The exact error code integer that getaddrinfo() returned>,
// }
// This event is logged when a request is handled by a cache entry.
// This event means a request was queued/dequeued for subsequent job creation,
// because there are already too many active HostResolverImpl::Jobs.
// The BEGIN phase contains the following parameters:
// {
// "priority": <Priority of the queued request>,
// }
// This event is created when a new HostResolverImpl::Request is evicted from
// JobPool without a Job being created, because the limit on number of queued
// Requests was reached.
// This event is created when a new HostResolverImpl::Job is about to be created
// for a request.
// This is logged for a request when it's attached to a
// HostResolverImpl::Job. When this occurs without a preceding
// HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL_CREATE_JOB entry, it means the request was attached to an
// existing HostResolverImpl::Job.
// If the BoundNetLog used to create the event has a valid source id, the BEGIN
// phase contains the following parameters:
// {
// "source_dependency": <Source identifier for the attached Job>,
// }
// The creation/completion of a host resolve (DNS) job.
// The BEGIN phase contains the following parameters:
// {
// "host": <Hostname associated with the request>,
// "source_dependency": <Source id, if any, of what created the request>,
// }
// On success, the END phase has these parameters:
// {
// "address_list": <The host name being resolved>,
// }
// If an error occurred, the END phase will contain these parameters:
// {
// "net_error": <The net error code integer for the failure>,
// "os_error": <The exact error code integer that getaddrinfo() returned>,
// }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// InitProxyResolver
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The start/end of auto-detect + custom PAC URL configuration.
// The start/end of when proxy autoconfig was artificially paused following
// a network change event. (We wait some amount of time after being told of
// network changes to avoid hitting spurious errors during auto-detect).
// The start/end of download of a PAC script. This could be the well-known
// WPAD URL (if testing auto-detect), or a custom PAC URL.
// The START event has the parameters:
// {
// "url": <URL string of script being fetched>,
// }
// If the fetch failed, then the END phase has these parameters:
// {
// "error_code": <Net error code integer>,
// }
// The start/end of the testing of a PAC script (trying to parse the fetched
// file as javascript).
// If the parsing of the script failed, the END phase will have parameters:
// {
// "error_code": <Net error code integer>,
// }
// This event means that initialization failed because there was no
// configured script fetcher. (This indicates a configuration error).
// This event is emitted after deciding to fall-back to the next PAC
// script in the list.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ProxyService
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The start/end of a proxy resolve request.
// The time while a request is waiting on InitProxyResolver to configure
// against either WPAD or custom PAC URL. The specifics on this time
// are found from ProxyService::init_proxy_resolver_log().
// This event is emitted to show what the PAC script returned. It can contain
// extra parameters that are either:
// {
// "pac_string": <List of valid proxy servers, in PAC format>,
// }
// Or if the the resolver failed:
// {
// "net_error": <Net error code that resolver failed with>,
// }
// This event is emitted whenever the proxy settings used by ProxyService
// change.
// It contains these parameters:
// {
// "old_config": <Dump of the previous proxy settings>,
// "new_config": <Dump of the new proxy settings>,
// }
// Note that the "old_config" key will be omitted on the first fetch of the
// proxy settings (since there wasn't a previous value).
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Proxy Resolver
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Measures the time taken to execute the "myIpAddress()" javascript binding.
// Measures the time taken to execute the "myIpAddressEx()" javascript binding.
// Measures the time taken to execute the "dnsResolve()" javascript binding.
// Measures the time taken to execute the "dnsResolveEx()" javascript binding.
// This event is emitted when a javascript error has been triggered by a
// PAC script. It contains the following event parameters:
// {
// "line_number": <The line number in the PAC script
// (or -1 if not applicable)>,
// "message": <The error message>,
// }
// This event is emitted when a PAC script called alert(). It contains the
// following event parameters:
// {
// "message": <The string of the alert>,
// }
// Measures the time that a proxy resolve request was stalled waiting for a
// proxy resolver thread to free-up.
// This event is emitted just before a PAC request is bound to a thread. It
// contains these parameters:
// {
// "thread_number": <Identifier for the PAC thread that is going to
// run this request>,
// }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ClientSocket
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The start/end of a TCP connect(). This corresponds with a call to
// TCPClientSocket::Connect().
// The START event contains these parameters:
// {
// "address_list": <List of network address strings>,
// }
// And the END event will contain the following parameters on failure:
// {
// "net_error": <Net integer error code>,
// }
// Nested within TCP_CONNECT, there may be multiple attempts to connect
// to the individual addresses. The START event will describe the
// address the attempt is for:
// {
// "address": <String of the network address>,
// }
// And the END event will contain the system error code if it failed:
// {
// "os_error": <Integer error code the operating system returned>,
// }
// The start/end of a TCP connect(). This corresponds with a call to
// TCPServerSocket::Accept().
// The END event will contain the following parameters on success:
// {
// "address": <Remote address of the accepted connection>,
// }
// On failure it contains the following parameters
// {
// "net_error": <Net integer error code>,
// }
// Marks the begin/end of a socket (TCP/SOCKS/SSL).
// This event is logged to the socket stream whenever the socket is
// acquired/released via a ClientSocketHandle.
// The BEGIN phase contains the following parameters:
// {
// "source_dependency": <Source identifier for the controlling entity>,
// }
// The start/end of a SOCKS connect().
// The start/end of a SOCKS5 connect().
// This event is emitted when the SOCKS connect fails because the provided
// was longer than 255 characters.
// These events are emitted when insufficient data was read while
// trying to establish a connection to the SOCKS proxy server
// (during the greeting phase or handshake phase, respectively).
// This event indicates that a bad version number was received in the
// proxy server's response. The extra parameters show its value:
// {
// "version": <Integer version number in the response>,
// }
// This event indicates that the SOCKS proxy server returned an error while
// trying to create a connection. The following parameters will be attached
// to the event:
// {
// "error_code": <Integer error code returned by the server>,
// }
// This event indicates that the SOCKS proxy server asked for an authentication
// method that we don't support. The following parameters are attached to the
// event:
// {
// "method": <Integer method code>,
// }
// This event indicates that the SOCKS proxy server's response indicated an
// address type which we are not prepared to handle.
// The following parameters are attached to the event:
// {
// "address_type": <Integer code for the address type>,
// }
// The start/end of a SSL connect().
// The start/end of a SSL accept().
// An SSL error occurred while trying to do the indicated activity.
// The following parameters are attached to the event:
// {
// "net_error": <Integer code for the specific error type>,
// "ssl_lib_error": <SSL library's integer code for the specific error type>
// }
// An SSL Snap Start was attempted
// The following parameters are attached to the event:
// {
// "type": <Integer code for the Snap Start result>,
// }
// We found that our prediction of the server's certificates was correct and
// we merged the verification with the SSLHostInfo.
// An SSL error occurred while calling an NSS function not directly related to
// one of the above activities. Can also be used when more information than
// is provided by just an error code is needed:
// {
// "function": <Name of the NSS function, as a string>,
// "param": <Most relevant parameter, if any>,
// "ssl_lib_error": <NSS library's integer code for the specific error type>
// }
// The specified number of bytes were sent on the socket.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "byte_count": <Number of bytes that were just sent>,
// "hex_encoded_bytes": <The exact bytes sent, as a hexadecimal string.
// Only present when byte logging is enabled>,
// }
// The specified number of bytes were received on the socket.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "byte_count": <Number of bytes that were just received>,
// "hex_encoded_bytes": <The exact bytes received, as a hexadecimal string.
// Only present when byte logging is enabled>,
// }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ClientSocketPoolBase::ConnectJob
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The start/end of a ConnectJob.
// The start/end of the ConnectJob::Connect().
// The BEGIN phase has these parameters:
// {
// "group_name": <The group name for the socket request.>,
// }
// This event is logged whenever the ConnectJob gets a new socket
// association. The event parameters point to that socket:
// {
// "source_dependency": <The source identifier for the new socket.>,
// }
// Whether the connect job timed out.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The start/end of a client socket pool request for a socket.
// The request stalled because there are too many sockets in the pool.
// The request stalled because there are too many sockets in the group.
// Indicates that we reused an existing socket. Attached to the event are
// the parameters:
// {
// "idle_ms": <The number of milliseconds the socket was sitting idle for>,
// }
// This event simply describes the host:port that were requested from the
// socket pool. Its parameters are:
// {
// "host_and_port": <String encoding the host and port>,
// }
// This event simply describes the host:port that were requested from the
// socket pool. Its parameters are:
// {
// "host_and_port": <String encoding the host and port>,
// }
// A backup socket is created due to slow connect
// This event is sent when a connect job is eventually bound to a request
// (because of late binding and socket backup jobs, we don't assign the job to
// a request until it has completed).
// The event parameters are:
// {
// "source_dependency": <Source identifer for the connect job we are
// bound to>,
// }
// Identifies the NetLog::Source() for the Socket assigned to the pending
// request. The event parameters are:
// {
// "source_dependency": <Source identifier for the socket we acquired>,
// }
// The start/end of a client socket pool request for multiple sockets.
// The event parameters are:
// {
// "num_sockets": <Number of sockets we're trying to ensure are connected>,
// }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// URLRequest
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Measures the time it took a net::URLRequestJob to start. For the most part
// this corresponds with the time between net::URLRequest::Start() and
// net::URLRequest::ResponseStarted(), however it is also repeated for every
// redirect, and every intercepted job that handles the request.
// For the BEGIN phase, the following parameters are attached:
// {
// "url": <String of URL being loaded>,
// "method": <The method ("POST" or "GET" or "HEAD" etc..)>,
// "load_flags": <Numeric value of the combined load flags>,
// }
// For the END phase, if there was an error, the following parameters are
// attached:
// {
// "net_error": <Net error code of the failure>,
// }
// This event is sent once a net::URLRequest receives a redirect. The parameters
// attached to the event are:
// {
// "location": <The URL that was redirected to>,
// }
// Measures the time a net::URLRequest is blocked waiting for an extension to
// respond to the onBefoteRequest extension event.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HttpCache
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Measures the time while getting a reference to the back end.
// Measures the time while opening a disk cache entry.
// Measures the time while creating a disk cache entry.
// Measures the time it takes to add a HttpCache::Transaction to an http cache
// entry's list of active Transactions.
// Measures the time while deleting a disk cache entry.
// Measures the time while reading/writing a disk cache entry's response headers
// or metadata.
// Measures the time while reading/writing a disk cache entry's body.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Disk Cache / Memory Cache
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The creation/destruction of a disk_cache::EntryImpl object. The "creation"
// is considered to be the point at which an Entry is first considered to be
// good and associated with a key. Note that disk and memory cache entries
// share event types.
// For the BEGIN phase, the following parameters are attached:
// {
// "created": <true if the Entry was created, rather than being opened>,
// "key": <The Entry's key>,
// }
// Logs the time required to read/write data from/to a cache entry.
// For the BEGIN phase, the following parameters are attached:
// {
// "index": <Index being read/written>,
// "offset": <Offset being read/written>,
// "buf_len": <Length of buffer being read to/written from>,
// "truncate": <If present for a write, the truncate flag is set to true.
// Not present in reads or writes where it is false>,
// }
// For the END phase, the following parameters are attached:
// {
// "bytes_copied": <Number of bytes copied. Not present on error>,
// "net_error": <Network error code. Only present on error>,
// }
// Logged when sparse read/write operation starts/stops for an Entry.
// For the BEGIN phase, the following parameters are attached:
// {
// "offset": <Offset at which to start reading>,
// "buff_len": <Bytes to read/write>,
// }
// Logged when a parent Entry starts/stops reading/writing a child Entry's data.
// For the BEGIN phase, the following parameters are attached:
// {
// "source_dependency": <Source id of the child entry>,
// "child_len": <Bytes to read/write from/to child>,
// }
// Logged when sparse GetAvailableRange operation starts/stops for an Entry.
// For the BEGIN phase, the following parameters are attached:
// {
// "buff_len": <Bytes to read/write>,
// "offset": <Offset at which to start reading>,
// }
// For the END phase, the following parameters are attached. No parameters are
// attached when cancelled:
// {
// "length": <Length of returned range. Only present on success>,
// "start": <Position where returned range starts. Only present on success>,
// "net_error": <Resulting error code. Only present on failure. This may be
// "OK" when there's no error, but no available bytes in the
// range>,
// }
// Indicates the children of a sparse EntryImpl are about to be deleted.
// Not logged for MemEntryImpls.
// Logged when an EntryImpl is closed. Not logged for MemEntryImpls.
// Logged when an entry is doomed.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HttpStreamFactoryImpl
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Measures the time taken to fulfill the HttpStreamRequest.
// Measures the time taken to execute the HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job
// Identifies the NetLog::Source() for the Job that fulfilled the request.
// request. The event parameters are:
// {
// "source_dependency": <Source identifier for the job we acquired>,
// }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HttpNetworkTransaction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Measures the time taken to send the tunnel request to the server.
// This event is sent for a tunnel request.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "line": <The HTTP request line, CRLF terminated>,
// "headers": <The list of header:value pairs>,
// }
// Measures the time to read the tunnel response headers from the server.
// This event is sent on receipt of the HTTP response headers to a tunnel
// request.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "headers": <The list of header:value pairs>,
// }
// Measures the time taken to send the request to the server.
// This event is sent for a HTTP request.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "line": <The HTTP request line, CRLF terminated>,
// "headers": <The list of header:value pairs>,
// }
// Measures the time to read HTTP response headers from the server.
// This event is sent on receipt of the HTTP response headers.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "headers": <The list of header:value pairs>,
// }
// Measures the time to read the entity body from the server.
// Measures the time taken to read the response out of the socket before
// restarting for authentication, on keep alive connections.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SpdySession
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The start/end of a SpdySession.
// {
// "host": <The host-port string>,
// "proxy": <The Proxy PAC string>,
// }
// This event is sent for a SPDY SYN_STREAM.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "flags": <The control frame flags>,
// "headers": <The list of header:value pairs>,
// "id": <The stream id>,
// }
// This event is sent for a SPDY SYN_STREAM pushed by the server, where a
// net::URLRequest is already waiting for the stream.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "flags": <The control frame flags>,
// "headers": <The list of header:value pairs>,
// "id": <The stream id>,
// "associated_stream": <The stream id>,
// }
// This event is sent for a SPDY HEADERS frame.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "flags": <The control frame flags>,
// "headers": <The list of header:value pairs>,
// "id": <The stream id>,
// }
// This event is sent for a SPDY SYN_REPLY.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "flags": <The control frame flags>,
// "headers": <The list of header:value pairs>,
// "id": <The stream id>,
// }
// On sending a SPDY SETTINGS frame.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "settings": <The list of setting id:value pairs>,
// }
// Receipt of a SPDY SETTINGS frame.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "settings": <The list of setting id:value pairs>,
// }
// The receipt of a RST_STREAM
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "stream_id": <The stream ID for the window update>,
// "status": <The reason for the RST_STREAM>,
// }
// Sending of a RST_STREAM
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "stream_id": <The stream ID for the window update>,
// "status": <The reason for the RST_STREAM>,
// }
// Sending of a SPDY PING frame.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "unique_id": <The unique id of the PING message>,
// }
// Receipt of a SPDY GOAWAY frame.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "last_accepted_stream_id": <Last stream id accepted by the server, duh>,
// "active_streams": <Number of active streams>,
// "unclaimed_streams": <Number of unclaimed push streams>,
// }
// Receipt of a SPDY WINDOW_UPDATE frame (which controls the send window).
// {
// "stream_id": <The stream ID for the window update>,
// "delta" : <The delta window size>,
// "new_size" : <The new window size (computed)>,
// }
// Sending of a SPDY WINDOW_UPDATE frame (which controls the receive window).
// {
// "stream_id": <The stream ID for the window update>,
// "delta" : <The delta window size>,
// "new_size" : <The new window size (computed)>,
// }
// Sending a data frame
// {
// "stream_id": <The stream ID for the window update>,
// "length" : <The size of data sent>,
// "flags" : <Send data flags>,
// }
// Receiving a data frame
// {
// "stream_id": <The stream ID for the window update>,
// "length" : <The size of data sent>,
// "flags" : <Send data flags>,
// }
// Logs that a stream is stalled on the send window being closed.
// Session is closing
// {
// "status": <The error status of the closure>,
// }
// Event when the creation of a stream is stalled because we're at
// the maximum number of concurrent streams.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SpdySessionPool
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This event indicates the pool is reusing an existing session
// {
// "id": <The session id>,
// }
// This event indicates the pool is reusing an existing session from an
// IP pooling match.
// {
// "id": <The session id>,
// }
// This event indicates the pool created a new session
// {
// "id": <The session id>,
// }
// This event indicates that a SSL socket has been upgraded to a SPDY session.
// {
// "id": <The session id>,
// }
// This event indicates that the session has been removed.
// {
// "id": <The session id>,
// }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SpdyStream
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The begin and end of a SPDY STREAM.
// Logs that a stream attached to a pushed stream.
// This event indicates that the send window has been updated
// {
// "id": <The stream id>,
// "delta": <The window size delta>,
// "new_window": <The new window size>,
// }
// This event indicates that the recv window has been updated
// {
// "id": <The stream id>,
// "delta": <The window size delta>,
// "new_window": <The new window size>,
// }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HttpStreamParser
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Measures the time to read HTTP response headers from the server.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SocketStream
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Measures the time between SocketStream::Connect() and
// SocketStream::DidEstablishConnection()
// For the BEGIN phase, the following parameters are attached:
// {
// "url": <String of URL being loaded>,
// }
// For the END phase, if there was an error, the following parameters are
// attached:
// {
// "net_error": <Net error code of the failure>,
// }
// A message sent on the SocketStream.
// A message received on the SocketStream.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WebSocketJob
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This event is sent for a WebSocket handshake request.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "headers": <handshake request message>,
// }
// This event is sent on receipt of the WebSocket handshake response headers.
// The following parameters are attached:
// {
// "headers": <handshake response message>,
// }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SOCKS5ClientSocket
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The time spent sending the "greeting" to the SOCKS server.
// The time spent waiting for the "greeting" response from the SOCKS server.
// The time spent sending the CONNECT request to the SOCKS server.
// The time spent waiting for the response to the CONNECT request.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HTTP Authentication
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The time spent authenticating to the proxy.
// The time spent authentication to the server.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HTML5 Application Cache
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This event is emitted whenever a request is satistifed directly from
// the appache.
// This event is emitted whenever the appcache uses a fallback response.
// This event is emitted whenever the appcache generates an error response.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global events
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// These are events which are not grouped by source id, as they have no
// context.
// This event is emitted whenever NetworkChangeNotifier determines that the
// underlying network has changed.