blob: 2d69f083af04dd6be1fe16847eb0ec145166a3f9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import atexit
import json
import os
import sys
import time
import threading
from py_trace_event import trace_time
from py_utils import lock
_lock = threading.Lock()
_enabled = False
_log_file = None
_cur_events = [] # events that have yet to be buffered
_tls = threading.local() # tls used to detect forking/etc
_atexit_regsitered_for_pid = None
_control_allowed = True
class TraceException(Exception):
def _note(msg, *args):
# print "%i: %s" % (os.getpid(), msg)
def _locked(fn):
def locked_fn(*args,**kwargs):
ret = fn(*args,**kwargs)
return ret
return locked_fn
def _disallow_tracing_control():
global _control_allowed
_control_allowed = False
def trace_enable(log_file=None):
def _trace_enable(log_file=None):
global _enabled
if _enabled:
raise TraceException("Already enabled")
if not _control_allowed:
raise TraceException("Tracing control not allowed in child processes.")
_enabled = True
global _log_file
if log_file == None:
if sys.argv[0] == '':
n = 'trace_event'
n = sys.argv[0]
log_file = open("%s.json" % n, "ab", False)
_note("trace_event: tracelog name is %s.json" % n)
elif isinstance(log_file, basestring):
_note("trace_event: tracelog name is %s" % log_file)
log_file = open("%s" % log_file, "ab", False)
elif not hasattr(log_file, 'fileno'):
raise TraceException(
"Log file must be None, a string, or file-like object with a fileno()")
_log_file = log_file
with lock.FileLock(_log_file, lock.LOCK_EX):, os.SEEK_END)
lastpos = _log_file.tell()
creator = lastpos == 0
if creator:
_note("trace_event: Opened new tracelog, lastpos=%i", lastpos)
tid = threading.current_thread().ident
if not tid:
tid = os.getpid()
x = {"ph": "M", "category": "process_argv",
"pid": os.getpid(), "tid": threading.current_thread().ident,
"ts": trace_time.Now(),
"name": "process_argv", "args": {"argv": sys.argv}}
_log_file.write("%s\n" % json.dumps(x))
_note("trace_event: Opened existing tracelog")
def trace_flush():
if _enabled:
def trace_disable():
global _enabled
if not _control_allowed:
raise TraceException("Tracing control not allowed in child processes.")
if not _enabled:
_enabled = False
def _flush(close=False):
global _log_file
with lock.FileLock(_log_file, lock.LOCK_EX):, os.SEEK_END)
if len(_cur_events):
_log_file.write(",\n".join([json.dumps(e) for e in _cur_events]))
del _cur_events[:]
if close:
# We might not be the only process writing to this logfile. So,
# we will simply close the file rather than writign the trailing ] that
# it technically requires. The trace viewer understands that this may
# happen and will insert a trailing ] during loading.
if close:
_note("trace_event: Closed")
_log_file = None
_note("trace_event: Flushed")
def trace_is_enabled():
return _enabled
def add_trace_event(ph, ts, category, name, args=None):
global _enabled
if not _enabled:
if not hasattr(_tls, 'pid') or != os.getpid(): = os.getpid()
global _atexit_regsitered_for_pid
if != _atexit_regsitered_for_pid:
_atexit_regsitered_for_pid =
atexit.register(_trace_disable_atexit) = os.getpid()
del _cur_events[:] # we forked, clear the event buffer!
tid = threading.current_thread().ident
if not tid:
tid = os.getpid()
_tls.tid = tid
_cur_events.append({"ph": ph,
"category": category,
"tid": _tls.tid,
"ts": ts,
"name": name,
"args": args or {}});
def trace_begin(name, args=None):
add_trace_event("B", trace_time.Now(), "python", name, args)
def trace_end(name, args=None):
add_trace_event("E", trace_time.Now(), "python", name, args)
def trace_set_thread_name(thread_name):
add_trace_event("M", trace_time.Now(), "__metadata", "thread_name",
{"name": thread_name})
def _trace_disable_atexit():
def is_tracing_controllable():
global _control_allowed
return _control_allowed