blob: 534b3526302bec0e7cbe2b19b22b8bf0bd966a3b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import six
class ParseError(Exception):
class Expectation(object):
def __init__(self, reason, test, conditions, results):
"""Constructor for expectations.
reason: String that indicates the reason for disabling.
test: String indicating which test is being disabled.
conditions: List of tags indicating which conditions to disable for.
Conditions are combined using logical and. Example: ['Mac', 'Debug']
results: List of outcomes for test. Example: ['Skip', 'Pass']
assert isinstance(reason, six.string_types) or reason is None
self._reason = reason
assert isinstance(test, six.string_types)
self._test = test
assert isinstance(conditions, list)
self._conditions = conditions
assert isinstance(results, list)
self._results = results
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.reason == other.reason and
self.test == other.test and
self.conditions == other.conditions and
self.results == other.results)
def reason(self):
return self._reason
def test(self):
return self._test
def conditions(self):
return self._conditions
def results(self):
return self._results
class TestExpectationParser(object):
"""Parse expectations data in TA/DA format.
This parser covers the 'tagged' test lists format in:
Takes raw expectations data as a string read from the TA/DA expectation file
in the format:
# This is an example expectation file.
# tags: Mac Mac10.10 Mac10.11
# tags: Win Win8 [ Win ] benchmark/story [ Skip ]
TAG_TOKEN = '# tags:'
_MATCH_STRING = r'^(?:(\d+) )?' # The bug field (optional).
_MATCH_STRING += r'(?:\[ (.+) \] )?' # The label field (optional).
_MATCH_STRING += r'(\S+) ' # The test path field.
_MATCH_STRING += r'\[ ([^\[.]+) \]' # The expectation field.
_MATCH_STRING += r'(\s+#.*)?$' # End comment (optional).
def __init__(self, raw_data):
self._tags = []
self._expectations = []
def _ParseRawExpectationData(self, raw_data):
for count, line in list(enumerate(raw_data.splitlines(), start=1)):
# Handle metadata and comments.
if line.startswith(self.TAG_TOKEN):
for word in line[len(self.TAG_TOKEN):].split():
# Expectations must be after all tags are declared.
if self._expectations:
raise ParseError('Tag found after first expectation.')
elif line.startswith('#') or not line:
continue # Ignore, it is just a comment or empty.
self._ParseExpectationLine(count, line, self._tags))
def _ParseExpectationLine(self, line_number, line, tags):
match = self.MATCHER.match(line)
if not match:
raise ParseError(
'Expectation has invalid syntax on line %d: %s'
% (line_number, line))
# Unused group is optional trailing comment.
reason, raw_conditions, test, results, _ = match.groups()
conditions = [c for c in raw_conditions.split()] if raw_conditions else []
for c in conditions:
if c not in tags:
raise ParseError(
'Condition %s not found in expectations tag data. Line %d'
% (c, line_number))
return Expectation(reason, test, conditions, [r for r in results.split()])
def expectations(self):
return self._expectations
def tags(self):
return self._tags