blob: d175d4e8928f5a9b74a612db466954ae451fa5f1 [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/measure/measure.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
var AsyncSlice = tr.model.AsyncSlice;
var MeasureAsyncSlice = tr.e.measure.MeasureAsyncSlice;
test('basic', function() {
var s = new MeasureAsyncSlice(
'blink.user_timing', 'createImports', 7, 0, {});
s.duration = 100;
'blink.user_timing', 'createImports'),
assert.equal(s.viewSubGroupTitle, 'Ungrouped Measure');
test('import', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'createImports', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 100,
cat: 'blink.user_timing', tid: 2, ph: 'b', id: 71},
{name: 'createImports', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 200,
cat: 'blink.user_timing', tid: 2, ph: 'e', id: 71}
var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events]);
var t2 = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(2);
assert.equal(t2.asyncSliceGroup.length, 1);
assert.instanceOf(t2.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0], MeasureAsyncSlice);
test('groupMeasureAsyncSlice', function() {
var events = [
{name: 'createImports', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 100,
cat: 'blink.user_timing', tid: 2, ph: 'b', id: 71},
{name: 'createImports', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 200,
cat: 'blink.user_timing', tid: 2, ph: 'e', id: 71},
{name: 'runAutoClosers', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 210,
cat: 'blink.user_timing', tid: 2, ph: 'b', id: 72},
{name: 'runAutoClosers', args: {}, pid: 1, ts: 310,
cat: 'blink.user_timing', tid: 2, ph: 'e', id: 72}
var m = tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([events]);
var t2 = m.getOrCreateProcess(1).getOrCreateThread(2);
assert.equal(t2.asyncSliceGroup.length, 2);
assert.equal(t2.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0].title, 'createImports');
assert.equal(t2.asyncSliceGroup.slices[1].title, 'runAutoClosers');
assert.instanceOf(t2.asyncSliceGroup.slices[0], MeasureAsyncSlice);
assert.instanceOf(t2.asyncSliceGroup.slices[1], MeasureAsyncSlice);