blob: c4c6e0a026e888282c5da709f409564465619a33 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import unittest
import mock
import webapp2
import webtest
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from dashboard import mock_oauth2_decorator
# pylint: enable=unused-import
from dashboard import associate_alerts
from dashboard import issue_tracker_service
from dashboard import testing_common
from dashboard import utils
from dashboard.models import anomaly
from dashboard.models import sheriff
from dashboard.models import stoppage_alert
class AssociateAlertsTest(testing_common.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(AssociateAlertsTest, self).setUp()
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([(
'/associate_alerts', associate_alerts.AssociateAlertsHandler)])
self.testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)
self.SetCurrentUser('', is_admin=True)
def _AddSheriff(self):
"""Adds a Sheriff and returns its key."""
return sheriff.Sheriff(
id='Chromium Perf Sheriff', email='').put()
def _AddTests(self):
"""Adds sample Tests and returns a list of their keys."""
testing_common.AddTests(['ChromiumGPU'], ['linux-release'], {
'scrolling-benchmark': {
'first_paint': {},
'mean_frame_time': {},
return map(utils.TestKey, [
def _AddAnomalies(self):
"""Adds sample Anomaly data and returns a dict of revision to key."""
sheriff_key = self._AddSheriff()
test_keys = self._AddTests()
key_map = {}
# Add anomalies to the two tests alternately.
for end_rev in range(10000, 10120, 10):
test_key = test_keys[0] if end_rev % 20 == 0 else test_keys[1]
anomaly_key = anomaly.Anomaly(
start_revision=(end_rev - 5), end_revision=end_rev, test=test_key,
median_before_anomaly=100, median_after_anomaly=200,
key_map[end_rev] = anomaly_key.urlsafe()
# Add an anomaly that overlaps.
anomaly_key = anomaly.Anomaly(
start_revision=9990, end_revision=9996, test=test_keys[0],
median_before_anomaly=100, median_after_anomaly=200,
key_map[9996] = anomaly_key.urlsafe()
# Add an anomaly that overlaps and has bug ID.
anomaly_key = anomaly.Anomaly(
start_revision=9990, end_revision=9997, test=test_keys[0],
median_before_anomaly=100, median_after_anomaly=200,
sheriff=sheriff_key, bug_id=12345).put()
key_map[9997] = anomaly_key.urlsafe()
return key_map
def testGet_NoKeys_ShowsError(self):
response = self.testapp.get('/associate_alerts')
self.assertIn('<div class="error">', response.body)
def testGet_SameAsPost(self):
get_response = self.testapp.get('/associate_alerts')
post_response ='/associate_alerts')
self.assertEqual(get_response.body, post_response.body)
def testGet_InvalidBugId_ShowsError(self):
key_map = self._AddAnomalies()
response = self.testapp.get(
'/associate_alerts?keys=%s&bug_id=foo' % key_map[9996])
self.assertIn('<div class="error">', response.body)
self.assertIn('Invalid bug ID', response.body)
# Mocks fetching bugs from issue tracker.
@mock.patch('', mock.MagicMock())
issue_tracker_service.IssueTrackerService, 'List',
'items': [
'id': 12345,
'summary': '5% regression in bot/suite/x at 10000:20000',
'state': 'open',
'status': 'New',
'author': {'name': ''},
'id': 13579,
'summary': '1% regression in bot/suite/y at 10000:20000',
'state': 'closed',
'status': 'WontFix',
'author': {'name': ''},
def testGet_NoBugId_ShowsDialog(self):
# When a GET request is made with some anomaly keys but no bug ID,
# A HTML form is shown for the user to input a bug number.
key_map = self._AddAnomalies()
response = self.testapp.get('/associate_alerts?keys=%s' % key_map[10000])
# The response contains a table of recent bugs and a form.
self.assertIn('12345', response.body)
self.assertIn('13579', response.body)
self.assertIn('<form', response.body)
def testGet_WithBugId_AlertIsAssociatedWithBugId(self):
# When the bug ID is given and the alerts overlap, then the Anomaly
# entities are updated and there is a response indicating success.
key_map = self._AddAnomalies()
response = self.testapp.get(
'/associate_alerts?keys=%s,%s&bug_id=12345' % (
key_map[9996], key_map[10000]))
# The response page should have a bug number.
self.assertIn('12345', response.body)
# The Anomaly entities should be updated.
for anomaly_entity in anomaly.Anomaly.query().fetch():
if anomaly_entity.end_revision in (10000, 9996):
self.assertEqual(12345, anomaly_entity.bug_id)
elif anomaly_entity.end_revision != 9997:
def testGet_WithStoppageAlert_ChangesAlertBugId(self):
test_keys = self._AddTests()
rows = testing_common.AddRows(utils.TestPath(test_keys[0]), {10, 20})
alert_key = stoppage_alert.CreateStoppageAlert(
test_keys[0].get(), rows[0]).put()
'/associate_alerts?bug_id=123&keys=%s' % alert_key.urlsafe())
self.assertEqual(123, alert_key.get().bug_id)
def testGet_TargetBugHasNoAlerts_DoesNotAskForConfirmation(self):
# Associating alert with bug ID that has no alerts is always OK.
key_map = self._AddAnomalies()
response = self.testapp.get(
'/associate_alerts?keys=%s,%s&bug_id=578' % (
key_map[9996], key_map[10000]))
# The response page should have a bug number.
self.assertIn('578', response.body)
# The Anomaly entities should be updated.
578, anomaly.Anomaly.query(
anomaly.Anomaly.end_revision == 9996).get().bug_id)
578, anomaly.Anomaly.query(
anomaly.Anomaly.end_revision == 10000).get().bug_id)
def testGet_NonOverlappingAlerts_AsksForConfirmation(self):
# Associating alert with bug ID that contains non-overlapping revision
# ranges should show a confirmation page.
key_map = self._AddAnomalies()
response = self.testapp.get(
'/associate_alerts?keys=%s,%s&bug_id=12345' % (
key_map[10000], key_map[10010]))
# The response page should show confirmation page.
self.assertIn('Do you want to continue?', response.body)
# The Anomaly entities should not be updated.
for anomaly_entity in anomaly.Anomaly.query().fetch():
if anomaly_entity.end_revision != 9997:
def testGet_WithConfirm_AssociatesWithNewBugId(self):
# Associating alert with bug ID and with confirmed non-overlapping revision
# range should update alert with bug ID.
key_map = self._AddAnomalies()
response = self.testapp.get(
'/associate_alerts?confirm=true&keys=%s,%s&bug_id=12345' % (
key_map[10000], key_map[10010]))
# The response page should have the bug number.
self.assertIn('12345', response.body)
# The Anomaly entities should be updated.
for anomaly_entity in anomaly.Anomaly.query().fetch():
if anomaly_entity.end_revision in (10000, 10010):
self.assertEqual(12345, anomaly_entity.bug_id)
elif anomaly_entity.end_revision != 9997:
def testRevisionRangeFromSummary(self):
# If the summary is in the expected format, a pair is returned.
(10000, 10500),
'1% regression in bot/my_suite/test at 10000:10500'))
# Otherwise None is returned.
'Regression in rev ranges 12345 to 20000'))
def testRangesOverlap_NonOverlapping_ReturnsFalse(self):
self.assertFalse(associate_alerts._RangesOverlap((1, 5), (6, 9)))
self.assertFalse(associate_alerts._RangesOverlap((6, 9), (1, 5)))
def testRangesOverlap_NoneGiven_ReturnsFalse(self):
self.assertFalse(associate_alerts._RangesOverlap((1, 5), None))
self.assertFalse(associate_alerts._RangesOverlap(None, (1, 5)))
self.assertFalse(associate_alerts._RangesOverlap(None, None))
def testRangesOverlap_OneIncludesOther_ReturnsTrue(self):
# True if one range envelopes the other.
self.assertTrue(associate_alerts._RangesOverlap((1, 9), (2, 5)))
self.assertTrue(associate_alerts._RangesOverlap((2, 5), (1, 9)))
def testRangesOverlap_PartlyOverlap_ReturnsTrue(self):
self.assertTrue(associate_alerts._RangesOverlap((1, 6), (5, 9)))
self.assertTrue(associate_alerts._RangesOverlap((5, 9), (1, 6)))
def testRangesOverlap_CommonBoundary_ReturnsTrue(self):
self.assertTrue(associate_alerts._RangesOverlap((1, 6), (6, 9)))
self.assertTrue(associate_alerts._RangesOverlap((6, 9), (1, 6)))
if __name__ == '__main__':