blob: bf3c26691a87e12653a0e9e4d8c6cf9dd6fc1e52 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/ui/tracks/ruler_track.css">
<link rel="import" href="/core/constants.html">
<link rel="import" href="/ui/base/draw_helpers.html">
<link rel="import" href="/ui/base/heading.html">
<link rel="import" href="/ui/base/ui.html">
<link rel="import" href="/ui/tracks/track.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.ui.tracks', function() {
* A track that displays the ruler.
* @constructor
* @extends {Track}
var RulerTrack = tr.ui.b.define('ruler-track', tr.ui.tracks.Track);
var logOf10 = Math.log(10);
function log10(x) {
return Math.log(x) / logOf10;
RulerTrack.prototype = {
__proto__: tr.ui.tracks.Track.prototype,
decorate: function(viewport) {, viewport);
this.strings_secs_ = [];
this.strings_msecs_ = [];
this.strings_usecs_ = [];
this.strings_nsecs_ = [];
this.viewportChange_ = this.viewportChange_.bind(this);
viewport.addEventListener('change', this.viewportChange_);
var heading = document.createElement('tr-ui-heading');
heading.arrowVisible = false;
detach: function() {;
viewportChange_: function() {
if (this.viewport.interestRange.isEmpty)
draw: function(type, viewLWorld, viewRWorld) {
switch (type) {
case tr.ui.tracks.DrawType.GRID:
this.drawGrid_(viewLWorld, viewRWorld);
case tr.ui.tracks.DrawType.MARKERS:
if (!this.viewport.interestRange.isEmpty)
viewLWorld, viewRWorld);
drawGrid_: function(viewLWorld, viewRWorld) {
var ctx = this.context();
var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
var canvasBounds = ctx.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
var trackBounds = this.getBoundingClientRect();
var width = canvasBounds.width * pixelRatio;
var height = trackBounds.height * pixelRatio;
var hasInterestRange = !this.viewport.interestRange.isEmpty;
var rulerHeight = hasInterestRange ? (height * 2) / 5 : height;
var vp = this.viewport;
var dt = vp.currentDisplayTransform;
var idealMajorMarkDistancePix = 150 * pixelRatio;
var idealMajorMarkDistanceWorld =
var majorMarkDistanceWorld;
// The conservative guess is the nearest enclosing 0.1, 1, 10, 100, etc.
var conservativeGuess =
Math.pow(10, Math.ceil(log10(idealMajorMarkDistanceWorld)));
// Once we have a conservative guess, consider things that evenly add up
// to the conservative guess, e.g. 0.5, 0.2, 0.1 Pick the one that still
// exceeds the ideal mark distance.
var divisors = [10, 5, 2, 1];
for (var i = 0; i < divisors.length; ++i) {
var tightenedGuess = conservativeGuess / divisors[i];
if (dt.xWorldVectorToView(tightenedGuess) < idealMajorMarkDistancePix)
majorMarkDistanceWorld = conservativeGuess / divisors[i - 1];
var unit;
var unitDivisor;
var tickLabels = undefined;
if (majorMarkDistanceWorld < 0.0001) {
unit = 'ns';
unitDivisor = 0.000001;
tickLabels = this.strings_nsecs_;
} else if (majorMarkDistanceWorld < 0.1) {
unit = 'us';
unitDivisor = 0.001;
tickLabels = this.strings_usecs_;
} else if (majorMarkDistanceWorld < 100) {
unit = 'ms';
unitDivisor = 1;
tickLabels = this.strings_msecs_;
} else {
unit = 's';
unitDivisor = 1000;
tickLabels = this.strings_secs_;
var numTicksPerMajor = 5;
var minorMarkDistanceWorld = majorMarkDistanceWorld / numTicksPerMajor;
var minorMarkDistancePx = dt.xWorldVectorToView(minorMarkDistanceWorld);
var firstMajorMark =
Math.floor(viewLWorld / majorMarkDistanceWorld) *
var minorTickH = Math.floor(rulerHeight * 0.25);;
var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
ctx.lineWidth = Math.round(pixelRatio);
// Apply subpixel translate to get crisp lines.
var crispLineCorrection = (ctx.lineWidth % 2) / 2;
ctx.translate(crispLineCorrection, -crispLineCorrection);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)';
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)';
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
ctx.font = (9 * pixelRatio) + 'px sans-serif';
vp.majorMarkPositions = [];
// Each iteration of this loop draws one major mark
// and numTicksPerMajor minor ticks.
// Rendering can't be done in world space because canvas transforms
// affect line width. So, do the conversions manually.
for (var curX = firstMajorMark;
curX < viewRWorld;
curX += majorMarkDistanceWorld) {
var curXView = Math.floor(dt.xWorldToView(curX));
var unitValue = curX / unitDivisor;
var roundedUnitValue = Math.round(unitValue * 100000) / 100000;
if (!tickLabels[roundedUnitValue])
tickLabels[roundedUnitValue] = roundedUnitValue + ' ' + unit;
curXView + (2 * pixelRatio), 0);
// Major mark
tr.ui.b.drawLine(ctx, curXView, 0, curXView, rulerHeight);
// Minor marks
for (var i = 1; i < numTicksPerMajor; ++i) {
var xView = Math.floor(curXView + minorMarkDistancePx * i);
xView, rulerHeight - minorTickH,
xView, rulerHeight);
// Draw bottom bar.
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)';
tr.ui.b.drawLine(ctx, 0, height, width, height);
// Give distance between directly adjacent markers.
if (!hasInterestRange)
// Draw middle bar.
tr.ui.b.drawLine(ctx, 0, rulerHeight, width, rulerHeight);
// Distance Variables.
var displayDistance;
var displayTextColor = 'rgb(0,0,0)';
// Arrow Variables.
var arrowSpacing = 10 * pixelRatio;
var arrowColor = 'rgb(128,121,121)';
var arrowPosY = rulerHeight * 1.75;
var arrowWidthView = 3 * pixelRatio;
var arrowLengthView = 10 * pixelRatio;
var spaceForArrowsView = 2 * (arrowWidthView + arrowSpacing);
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
ctx.font = (14 * pixelRatio) + 'px sans-serif';
var textPosY = arrowPosY;
var interestRange = vp.interestRange;
// If the range is zero, draw it's min timestamp next to the line.
if (interestRange.range === 0) {
var markerWorld = interestRange.min;
var markerView = dt.xWorldToView(markerWorld);
var displayValue = markerWorld / unitDivisor;
displayValue = Math.abs((Math.round(displayValue * 1000) / 1000));
var textToDraw = displayValue + ' ' + unit;
var textLeftView = markerView + 4 * pixelRatio;
var textWidthView = ctx.measureText(textToDraw).width;
// Put text to the left in case it gets cut off.
if (textLeftView + textWidthView > width)
textLeftView = markerView - 4 * pixelRatio - textWidthView;
ctx.fillStyle = displayTextColor;
ctx.fillText(textToDraw, textLeftView, textPosY);
var leftMarker = interestRange.min;
var rightMarker = interestRange.max;
var leftMarkerView = dt.xWorldToView(leftMarker);
var rightMarkerView = dt.xWorldToView(rightMarker);
var distanceBetweenMarkers = interestRange.range;
var distanceBetweenMarkersView =
var positionInMiddleOfMarkersView =
leftMarkerView + (distanceBetweenMarkersView / 2);
// Determine units.
if (distanceBetweenMarkers < 0.0001) {
unit = 'ns';
unitDivisor = 0.000001;
} else if (distanceBetweenMarkers < 0.1) {
unit = 'us';
unitDivisor = 0.001;
} else if (distanceBetweenMarkers < 100) {
unit = 'ms';
unitDivisor = 1;
} else {
unit = 's';
unitDivisor = 1000;
// Calculate display value to print.
displayDistance = distanceBetweenMarkers / unitDivisor;
var roundedDisplayDistance =
Math.abs((Math.round(displayDistance * 1000) / 1000));
var textToDraw = roundedDisplayDistance + ' ' + unit;
var textWidthView = ctx.measureText(textToDraw).width;
var spaceForArrowsAndTextView =
textWidthView + spaceForArrowsView + arrowSpacing;
// Set text positions.
var textLeftView = positionInMiddleOfMarkersView - textWidthView / 2;
var textRightView = textLeftView + textWidthView;
if (spaceForArrowsAndTextView > distanceBetweenMarkersView) {
// Print the display distance text right of the 2 markers.
textLeftView = rightMarkerView + 2 * arrowSpacing;
// Put text to the left in case it gets cut off.
if (textLeftView + textWidthView > width)
textLeftView = leftMarkerView - 2 * arrowSpacing - textWidthView;
ctx.fillStyle = displayTextColor;
ctx.fillText(textToDraw, textLeftView, textPosY);
// Draw the arrows pointing from outside in and a line in between.
ctx.strokeStyle = arrowColor;
tr.ui.b.drawLine(ctx, leftMarkerView, arrowPosY, rightMarkerView,
ctx.fillStyle = arrowColor;
leftMarkerView - 1.5 * arrowSpacing, arrowPosY,
leftMarkerView, arrowPosY,
arrowLengthView, arrowWidthView);
rightMarkerView + 1.5 * arrowSpacing, arrowPosY,
rightMarkerView, arrowPosY,
arrowLengthView, arrowWidthView);
} else if (spaceForArrowsView <= distanceBetweenMarkersView) {
var leftArrowStart;
var rightArrowStart;
if (spaceForArrowsAndTextView <= distanceBetweenMarkersView) {
// Print the display distance text.
ctx.fillStyle = displayTextColor;
ctx.fillText(textToDraw, textLeftView, textPosY);
leftArrowStart = textLeftView - arrowSpacing;
rightArrowStart = textRightView + arrowSpacing;
} else {
leftArrowStart = positionInMiddleOfMarkersView;
rightArrowStart = positionInMiddleOfMarkersView;
// Draw the arrows pointing inside out.
ctx.strokeStyle = arrowColor;
ctx.fillStyle = arrowColor;
leftArrowStart, arrowPosY,
leftMarkerView, arrowPosY,
arrowLengthView, arrowWidthView);
rightArrowStart, arrowPosY,
rightMarkerView, arrowPosY,
arrowLengthView, arrowWidthView);
* Adds items intersecting the given range to a selection.
* @param {number} loVX Lower X bound of the interval to search, in
* viewspace.
* @param {number} hiVX Upper X bound of the interval to search, in
* viewspace.
* @param {number} loVY Lower Y bound of the interval to search, in
* viewspace.
* @param {number} hiVY Upper Y bound of the interval to search, in
* viewspace.
* @param {Selection} selection Selection to which to add results.
addIntersectingEventsInRangeToSelection: function(
loVX, hiVX, loY, hiY, selection) {
// Does nothing. There's nothing interesting to pick on the ruler
// track.
addAllEventsMatchingFilterToSelection: function(filter, selection) {
return {
RulerTrack: RulerTrack