blob: 89de1c16784c0ee3891f2d8727f6db5517c2eed4 [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/model/compound_event_selection_state.html">
<link rel="import" href="/ui/base/color_scheme.html">
<link rel="import" href="/ui/base/dom_helpers.html">
@fileoverview A component used to display a label and a color square.
The colored square is typically filled with the color associated with
that label, using the getColorId* methods from base/color_scheme.
<polymer-element name="tr-ui-b-color-legend">
:host {
display: inline-block;
#square {
font-size: 150%; /* Make the square bigger. */
line-height: 0%; /* Prevent the square from increasing legend height. */
<span id="square"></span>
<span id="label"></span>
'use strict';
ready: function() {
var blackSquareCharCode = 9632;
this.$.square.innerText = String.fromCharCode(blackSquareCharCode);
this.label_ = undefined;
this.compoundEventSelectionState_ =
set compoundEventSelectionState(compoundEventSelectionState) {
this.compoundEventSelectionState_ = compoundEventSelectionState;
// TODO(nduca): Adjust appearance based on associated state.
get label() {
return this.label_;
set label(label) {
if (label === undefined) {
this.setLabelAndColorId(undefined, undefined);
var colorId = tr.ui.b.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(label);
this.setLabelAndColorId(label, colorId);
setLabelAndColorId: function(label, colorId) {
this.label_ = label;
this.$.label.textContent = '';
if (colorId === undefined) {
this.$ = 'initial';
} else {
var paletteRaw = tr.ui.b.getRawColorPalette();
var color = tr.ui.b.colorToRGBString(paletteRaw[colorId]);
this.$ = color;