blob: b4b4cba22247e24a2244092f6924f3defe469cb3 [file] [log] [blame]
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Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/ui/base/chart_base_2d_brushable_x.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.ui.b', function() {
var ColorScheme = tr.b.ColorScheme;
var ChartBase2DBrushX = tr.ui.b.ChartBase2DBrushX;
var getColorOfKey = tr.ui.b.getColorOfKey;
// @constructor
var BarChart = tr.ui.b.define('bar-chart', ChartBase2DBrushX);
BarChart.prototype = {
__proto__: ChartBase2DBrushX.prototype,
decorate: function() {;
this.xCushion_ = 0;
isDatumFieldSeries_: function(fieldName) {
return fieldName != 'x';
getXForDatum_: function(datum, index) {
return datum.x;
updateScales_: function() {
if (this.data_.length === 0)
var xDifferences = 0;
var currentX = undefined;
var previousX = undefined;
var yRange = new tr.b.Range();
this.data_.forEach(function(datum, index) {
previousX = currentX;
currentX = this.getXForDatum_(datum, index);
if (previousX !== undefined) {
xDifferences += currentX - previousX;
this.seriesKeys_.forEach(function(key) {
// Allow for sparse data
if (datum[key] !== undefined)
}, this);
// X.
// Leave a cushion on the right so that the last rect doesn't
// exceed the chart boundaries. The last rect's width is set to the
// average width of the rects, which is chart.width / data.length.
var width = this.chartAreaSize.width;
this.xScale_.range([0, width]);
var domain = d3.extent(this.data_, this.getXForDatum_.bind(this));
this.xCushion_ = xDifferences / (this.data_.length - 1);
this.xScale_.domain([domain[0], domain[1] + this.xCushion_]);
// Y.
this.yScale_.range([this.chartAreaSize.height, 0]);
this.yScale_.domain(this.getYScaleDomain_(yRange.min, yRange.max));
updateDataContents_: function(dataSel) {
var rectsSel = dataSel.selectAll('path').data(this.seriesKeys_);
this.data_.forEach(function(datum, index) {
var currentX = this.getXForDatum_(datum, index);
var width = undefined;
if (index < (this.data_.length - 1)) {
var nextX = this.getXForDatum_(this.data_[index + 1], index + 1);
width = nextX - currentX;
} else {
width = this.xCushion_;
var stacks = [];
this.seriesKeys_.forEach(function(key) {
if (datum[key] !== undefined)
stacks.push({y: datum[key], color: getColorOfKey(key)});
stacks.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.y - a.y;
stacks.forEach(function(stack) {
var left = this.xScale_(currentX);
var right = this.xScale_(currentX + width);
var widthPx = right - left;
var top = this.yScale_(Math.max(stack.y, this.getYScaleMin_()));
.attr('fill', stack.color)
.attr('x', left)
.attr('y', top)
.attr('width', widthPx)
.attr('height', this.yScale_.range()[0] - top);
}, this);
}, this);
return {
BarChart: BarChart