blob: e1c5693369209849b4fe2979d485b51191e87d55 [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/device.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/power_series.html">
'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
var Device = tr.model.Device;
var Model = tr.Model;
var PowerSeries = tr.model.PowerSeries;
test('updateBounds', function() {
var device = new Device(new Model());
device.powerSeries = new PowerSeries(device);
// Verify that the bounds match the lowest and highest timestamps.
device.powerSeries.addPowerSample(100, 5);
device.powerSeries.addPowerSample(200, 5);
assert.equal(device.bounds.min, 100);
assert.equal(device.bounds.max, 200);
// Add a new sample and verify that the bounds change.
device.powerSeries.addPowerSample(700, 5);
assert.equal(device.bounds.min, 100);
assert.equal(device.bounds.max, 700);
test('shiftTimestampsForward', function() {
var device = new Device(new Model());
device.powerSeries = new PowerSeries(device);
device.powerSeries.addPowerSample(100, 2);
device.powerSeries.addPowerSample(200, 2);
assert.equal(device.powerSeries.samples[0].start, 102);
assert.equal(device.powerSeries.samples[1].start, 202);
test('iterateAllChildEventContainers', function() {
var device = new Device(new Model());
// Power series shouldn't be included as a child until one's set.
var childEventContainers = [];
device.iterateAllChildEventContainers(function(eventContainer) {
assert.deepEqual(childEventContainers, []);
device.powerSeries = new PowerSeries(device);
// Verify that the power series is now included as a child.
var childEventContainers = [];
device.iterateAllChildEventContainers(function(eventContainer) {
assert.deepEqual(childEventContainers, [device.powerSeries]);