blob: 9264999adbfcdae5845d364034508d0c50751553 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/source_info/js_source_info.html">
'use strict';
* @fileoverview TraceCodeEntry is a wrapper around the V8 CodeEntry that
* extracts extra context information for each item. This includes things like
* the source file, line and if the function is a native method or not.
tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer', function() {
function TraceCodeEntry(address, size, name, scriptId) {
this.id_ = tr.b.GUID.allocate();
this.address_ = address;
this.size_ = size;
// Stolen from DevTools TimelineJSProfileProcessor._buildCallFrame
// Code states:
// (empty) -> compiled
// ~ -> optimizable
// * -> optimized
var rePrefix = /^(\w*:)?([*~]?)(.*)$/m;
var tokens = rePrefix.exec(name);
var prefix = tokens[1];
var state = tokens[2];
var body = tokens[3];
if (state === '*') {
state = tr.model.source_info.JSSourceState.OPTIMIZED;
} else if (state === '~') {
state = tr.model.source_info.JSSourceState.OPTIMIZABLE;
} else if (state === '') {
state = tr.model.source_info.JSSourceState.COMPILED;
} else {
console.warning('Unknown v8 code state ' + state);
state = tr.model.source_info.JSSourceState.UNKNOWN;
var rawName;
var rawUrl;
if (prefix === 'Script:') {
rawName = '';
rawUrl = body;
} else {
var spacePos = body.lastIndexOf(' ');
rawName = spacePos !== -1 ? body.substr(0, spacePos) : body;
rawUrl = spacePos !== -1 ? body.substr(spacePos + 1) : '';
function splitLineAndColumn(url) {
var lineColumnRegEx = /(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?$/;
var lineColumnMatch = lineColumnRegEx.exec(url);
var lineNumber;
var columnNumber;
if (typeof(lineColumnMatch[1]) === 'string') {
lineNumber = parseInt(lineColumnMatch[1], 10);
// Immediately convert line and column to 0-based numbers.
lineNumber = isNaN(lineNumber) ? undefined : lineNumber - 1;
if (typeof(lineColumnMatch[2]) === 'string') {
columnNumber = parseInt(lineColumnMatch[2], 10);
columnNumber = isNaN(columnNumber) ? undefined : columnNumber - 1;
return {
url: url.substring(0, url.length - lineColumnMatch[0].length),
lineNumber: lineNumber,
columnNumber: columnNumber
var nativeSuffix = ' native';
var isNative = rawName.endsWith(nativeSuffix);
this.name_ =
isNative ? rawName.slice(0, -nativeSuffix.length) : rawName;
var urlData = splitLineAndColumn(rawUrl);
var url = urlData.url || '';
var line = urlData.lineNumber || 0;
var column = urlData.columnNumber || 0;
this.sourceInfo_ = new tr.model.source_info.JSSourceInfo(
url, line, column, isNative, scriptId, state);
TraceCodeEntry.prototype = {
get id() {
return this.id_;
get sourceInfo() {
return this.sourceInfo_;
get name() {
return this.name_;
set address(address) {
this.address_ = address;
get address() {
return this.address_;
set size(size) {
this.size_ = size;
get size() {
return this.size_;
return {
TraceCodeEntry: TraceCodeEntry