blob: c417d13b57316f88d1697f5676b60a2962b2a644 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import re
def CreateNoOverheadFilter():
"""Returns a filter with the least overhead possible.
This contains no sub-traces of thread tasks, so it's only useful for
capturing the cpu-time spent on threads (as well as needed benchmark
FIXME: Remove webkit.console when blink.console lands in chromium and
the ref builds are updated.
categories = [
return TracingCategoryFilter(filter_string=','.join(categories))
def CreateMinimalOverheadFilter():
"""Returns a filter with the best-effort amount of overhead."""
return TracingCategoryFilter(filter_string='')
def CreateDebugOverheadFilter():
"""Returns a filter with as many traces enabled as is useful."""
return TracingCategoryFilter(filter_string='*,disabled-by-default-cc.debug')
_delay_re = re.compile(r'DELAY[(][A-Za-z0-9._;]+[)]')
class TracingCategoryFilter(object):
"""A set of included and excluded categories that should be traced.
The TraceCategoryFilter allows fine tuning of what data is traced. Basic
choice of which tracers to use is done by TracingOptions.
Providing filter_string=None gives the default category filter, which leaves
what to trace up to the individual trace systems.
def __init__(self, filter_string=None):
self._included_categories = set()
self._excluded_categories = set()
self._disabled_by_default_categories = set()
self._synthetic_delays = set()
self.contains_wildcards = False
def AddFilterString(self, filter_string):
if filter_string == None:
if '*' in filter_string or '?' in filter_string:
self.contains_wildcards = True
filter_set = set([cf.strip() for cf in filter_string.split(',')])
for category in filter_set:
if category == '':
if _delay_re.match(category):
if category[0] == '-':
assert not category[1:] in self._included_categories
if category.startswith('disabled-by-default-'):
assert not category in self._excluded_categories
def included_categories(self):
return self._included_categories
def excluded_categories(self):
return self._excluded_categories
def disabled_by_default_categories(self):
return self._disabled_by_default_categories
def synthetic_delays(self):
return self._synthetic_delays
def filter_string(self):
return self._GetFilterString(stable_output=False)
def stable_filter_string(self):
return self._GetFilterString(stable_output=True)
def _GetFilterString(self, stable_output):
# Note: This outputs fields in an order that intentionally matches
# trace_event_impl's CategoryFilter string order.
lists = []
lists.append(['-%s' % x for x in self._excluded_categories])
categories = []
for l in lists:
if stable_output:
l = list(l)
return ','.join(categories)
def GetDictForChromeTracing(self):
INCLUDED_CATEGORIES_PARAM = 'included_categories'
EXCLUDED_CATEGORIES_PARAM = 'excluded_categories'
SYNTHETIC_DELAYS_PARAM = 'synthetic_delays'
result = {}
if self._included_categories or self._disabled_by_default_categories:
self._included_categories | self._disabled_by_default_categories)
if self._excluded_categories:
result[EXCLUDED_CATEGORIES_PARAM] = list(self._excluded_categories)
if self._synthetic_delays:
result[SYNTHETIC_DELAYS_PARAM] = list(self._synthetic_delays)
return result
def AddDisabledByDefault(self, category):
assert category.startswith('disabled-by-default-')
def AddIncludedCategory(self, category_glob):
"""Explicitly enables anything matching category_glob."""
assert not category_glob.startswith('disabled-by-default-')
assert not category_glob in self._excluded_categories
def AddExcludedCategory(self, category_glob):
"""Explicitly disables anything matching category_glob."""
assert not category_glob.startswith('disabled-by-default-')
assert not category_glob in self._included_categories
def AddSyntheticDelay(self, delay):
assert _delay_re.match(delay)
def IsSubset(self, other):
""" Determine if filter A (self) is a subset of filter B (other).
Returns True if A is a subset of B, False if A is not a subset of B,
and None if we can't tell for sure.
# We don't handle filters with wildcards in this test.
if self.contains_wildcards or other.contains_wildcards:
return None
# Disabled categories get into a trace if and only if they are contained in
# the 'disabled' set. Return False if A's disabled set is not a subset of
# B's disabled set.
if not self.disabled_by_default_categories <= \
return False
# If A defines more or different synthetic delays than B, then A is not a
# subset.
if not self.synthetic_delays <= other.synthetic_delays:
return False
if self.included_categories and other.included_categories:
# A and B have explicit include lists. If A includes something that B
# doesn't, return False.
if not self.included_categories <= other.included_categories:
return False
elif self.included_categories:
# Only A has an explicit include list. If A includes something that B
# excludes, return False.
if self.included_categories.intersection(other.excluded_categories):
return False
elif other.included_categories:
# Only B has an explicit include list. We don't know which categories are
# contained in the default list, so return None.
return None
# None of the filter have explicit include list. If B excludes categories
# that A doesn't exclude, return False.
if not other.excluded_categories <= self.excluded_categories:
return False
return True