blob: d20dd1fceac2a512f2736e6bbffbfad3611a9b24 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import distutils.spawn
import logging
import os
import re
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
from telemetry.internal.platform import desktop_platform_backend
from telemetry.internal.util import ps_util
def _BinaryExistsInSudoersFiles(path, sudoers_file_contents):
"""Returns True if the binary in |path| features in the sudoers file.
for line in sudoers_file_contents.splitlines():
if re.match(r'\s*\(.+\) NOPASSWD: %s(\s\S+)*$' % re.escape(path), line):
return True
return False
def _CanRunElevatedWithSudo(path):
"""Returns True if the binary at |path| appears in the sudoers file.
If this function returns true then the binary at |path| can be run via sudo
without prompting for a password.
sudoers = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/sudo', '-l'])
return _BinaryExistsInSudoersFiles(path, sudoers)
class PosixPlatformBackend(desktop_platform_backend.DesktopPlatformBackend):
# This is an abstract class. It is OK to have abstract methods.
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
def RunCommand(self, args):
return subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
def GetFileContents(self, path):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
def GetPsOutput(self, columns, pid=None):
"""Returns output of the 'ps' command as a list of lines.
Subclass should override this function.
columns: A list of require columns, e.g., ['pid', 'pss'].
pid: If not None, returns only the information of the process
with the pid.
return ps_util.GetPsOutputWithPlatformBackend(self, columns, pid)
def _GetTopOutput(self, pid, columns):
"""Returns output of the 'top' command as a list of lines.
pid: pid of process to examine.
columns: A list of require columns, e.g., ['idlew', 'vsize'].
args = ['top']
args.extend(['-pid', str(pid), '-l', '1', '-s', '0', '-stats',
return self.RunCommand(args).splitlines()
def GetChildPids(self, pid):
"""Returns a list of child pids of |pid|."""
ps_output = self.GetPsOutput(['pid', 'ppid', 'state'])
ps_line_re = re.compile(
processes = []
for pid_ppid_state in ps_output:
m = ps_line_re.match(pid_ppid_state)
assert m, 'Did not understand ps output: %s' % pid_ppid_state
return ps_util.GetChildPids(processes, pid)
def GetCommandLine(self, pid):
command = self.GetPsOutput(['command'], pid)
return command[0] if command else None
def CanLaunchApplication(self, application):
return bool(distutils.spawn.find_executable(application))
def IsApplicationRunning(self, application):
ps_output = self.GetPsOutput(['command'])
application_re = re.compile(
r'(.*%s|^)%s(\s|$)' % (os.path.sep, application))
return any(application_re.match(cmd) for cmd in ps_output)
def LaunchApplication(
self, application, parameters=None, elevate_privilege=False):
assert application, 'Must specify application to launch'
if os.path.sep not in application:
application = distutils.spawn.find_executable(application)
assert application, 'Failed to find application in path'
args = [application]
if parameters:
assert isinstance(parameters, list), 'parameters must be a list'
args += parameters
def IsElevated():
""" Returns True if the current process is elevated via sudo i.e. running
sudo will not prompt for a password. Returns False if not authenticated
via sudo or if telemetry is run on a non-interactive TTY."""
# `sudo -v` will always fail if run from a non-interactive TTY.
p = subprocess.Popen(
['/usr/bin/sudo', '-nv'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout = p.communicate()[0]
# Some versions of sudo set the returncode based on whether sudo requires
# a password currently. Other versions return output when password is
# required and no output when the user is already authenticated.
return not p.returncode and not stdout
def IsSetUID(path):
"""Returns True if the binary at |path| has the setuid bit set."""
return (os.stat(path).st_mode & stat.S_ISUID) == stat.S_ISUID
if elevate_privilege and not IsSetUID(application):
args = ['/usr/bin/sudo'] + args
if not _CanRunElevatedWithSudo(application) and not IsElevated():
if not sys.stdout.isatty():
# Without an interactive terminal (or a configured 'askpass', but
# that is rarely relevant), there's no way to prompt the user for
# sudo. Fail with a helpful error message. For more information, see:
text = ('Telemetry needs to run %s with elevated privileges, but the '
'setuid bit is not set and there is no interactive terminal '
'for a prompt. Please ask an administrator to set the setuid '
'bit on this executable and ensure that it is owned by a user '
'with the necessary privileges. Aborting.' % application)
print text
raise Exception(text)
# Else, there is a tty that can be used for a useful interactive prompt.
print ('Telemetry needs to run %s under sudo. Please authenticate.' %
# Synchronously authenticate.
subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/sudo', '-v'])
stderror_destination = subprocess.PIPE
if logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
stderror_destination = None
return subprocess.Popen(
args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderror_destination)