blob: b1b8890f45105d6d2755bece46a80715677e0389 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
Exception classes raised by AdbWrapper and DeviceUtils.
from devil import base_error
from devil.utils import cmd_helper
class CommandFailedError(base_error.BaseError):
"""Exception for command failures."""
def __init__(self, message, device_serial=None):
if device_serial is not None:
message = '(device: %s) %s' % (device_serial, message)
self.device_serial = device_serial
super(CommandFailedError, self).__init__(message)
class _BaseCommandFailedError(CommandFailedError):
"""Base Exception for adb and fastboot command failures."""
def __init__(self, args, output, status=None, device_serial=None,
self.args = args
self.output = output
self.status = status
if not message:
adb_cmd = ' '.join(cmd_helper.SingleQuote(arg) for arg in self.args)
message = ['adb %s: failed ' % adb_cmd]
if status:
message.append('with exit status %s ' % self.status)
if output:
message.append('and output:\n')
message.extend('- %s\n' % line for line in output.splitlines())
message.append('and no output.')
message = ''.join(message)
super(_BaseCommandFailedError, self).__init__(message, device_serial)
class AdbCommandFailedError(_BaseCommandFailedError):
"""Exception for adb command failures."""
def __init__(self, args, output, status=None, device_serial=None,
super(AdbCommandFailedError, self).__init__(
args, output, status=status, message=message,
class FastbootCommandFailedError(_BaseCommandFailedError):
"""Exception for fastboot command failures."""
def __init__(self, args, output, status=None, device_serial=None,
super(FastbootCommandFailedError, self).__init__(
args, output, status=status, message=message,
class DeviceVersionError(CommandFailedError):
"""Exception for device version failures."""
def __init__(self, message, device_serial=None):
super(DeviceVersionError, self).__init__(message, device_serial)
class AdbShellCommandFailedError(AdbCommandFailedError):
"""Exception for shell command failures run via adb."""
def __init__(self, command, output, status, device_serial=None):
self.command = command
message = ['shell command run via adb failed on the device:\n',
' command: %s\n' % command]
message.append(' exit status: %s\n' % status)
if output:
message.append(' output:\n')
if isinstance(output, basestring):
output_lines = output.splitlines()
output_lines = output
message.extend(' - %s\n' % line for line in output_lines)
message.append(" output: ''\n")
message = ''.join(message)
super(AdbShellCommandFailedError, self).__init__(
['shell', command], output, status, device_serial, message)
class CommandTimeoutError(base_error.BaseError):
"""Exception for command timeouts."""
class DeviceUnreachableError(base_error.BaseError):
"""Exception for device unreachable failures."""
class NoDevicesError(base_error.BaseError):
"""Exception for having no devices attached."""
def __init__(self):
super(NoDevicesError, self).__init__(
'No devices attached.', is_infra_error=True)
class NoAdbError(base_error.BaseError):
"""Exception for being unable to find ADB."""
def __init__(self, msg=None):
super(NoAdbError, self).__init__(
msg or 'Unable to find adb.', is_infra_error=True)
class DeviceChargingError(CommandFailedError):
"""Exception for device charging errors."""
def __init__(self, message, device_serial=None):
super(DeviceChargingError, self).__init__(message, device_serial)