blob: 10205b6225f48a57d516eb23abc58d4707b60edf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import unittest
import webapp2
import webtest
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from dashboard import dump_graph_json
from dashboard import testing_common
from dashboard import utils
from dashboard.models import anomaly
from dashboard.models import graph_data
from dashboard.models import sheriff
class DumpGraphJsonTest(testing_common.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(DumpGraphJsonTest, self).setUp()
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([(
'/dump_graph_json', dump_graph_json.DumpGraphJsonHandler)])
self.testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)
def testGet_DumpJson_Basic(self):
# Insert a test with no rows or alerts.
testing_common.AddTests('M', 'b', {'foo': {}})
# When a request is made for this one test, three entities should
# be returned: the Master, Bot and Test entities.
response = self.testapp.get('/dump_graph_json', {'test_path': 'M/b/foo'})
protobuf_strings = json.loads(response.body)
entities = map(dump_graph_json.BinaryProtobufToEntity, protobuf_strings)
self.assertEqual(3, len(entities))
masters = _EntitiesOfKind(entities, 'Master')
bots = _EntitiesOfKind(entities, 'Bot')
tests = _EntitiesOfKind(entities, 'Test')
self.assertEqual('M', masters[0].key.string_id())
self.assertEqual('b', bots[0].key.string_id())
self.assertEqual('foo', tests[0].key.string_id())
def testGet_DumpJson_WithRows(self):
# Insert a test with rows.
testing_common.AddTests('M', 'b', {'foo': {}})
test_key = utils.TestKey('M/b/foo')
test_container_key = utils.GetTestContainerKey(test_key)
rows = []
# The upper limit for revision numbers in this test; this was added
# so that the test doesn't depend on the value of _DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS.
highest_rev = 2000 + dump_graph_json._DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS - 1
for rev in range(1000, highest_rev + 1):
row = graph_data.Row(parent=test_container_key, id=rev, value=(rev * 2))
# There is a maximum number of rows returned by default, and the rows
# are listed with latest revisions first.
response = self.testapp.get(
{'test_path': 'M/b/foo'})
protobuf_strings = json.loads(response.body)
entities = map(dump_graph_json.BinaryProtobufToEntity, protobuf_strings)
out_rows = _EntitiesOfKind(entities, 'Row')
expected_num_rows = dump_graph_json._DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS
self.assertEqual(expected_num_rows, len(out_rows))
expected_rev_range = range(
highest_rev, highest_rev + 1 - expected_num_rows, -1)
for expected_rev, row in zip(expected_rev_range, out_rows):
self.assertEqual(expected_rev, row.revision)
self.assertEqual(expected_rev * 2, row.value)
# Specifying end_rev sets the final revision.
response = self.testapp.get(
{'test_path': 'M/b/foo', 'end_rev': 1199})
protobuf_strings = json.loads(response.body)
entities = map(dump_graph_json.BinaryProtobufToEntity, protobuf_strings)
out_rows = _EntitiesOfKind(entities, 'Row')
expected_num_rows = min(dump_graph_json._DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS, 200)
self.assertEqual(expected_num_rows, len(out_rows))
self.assertEqual(1199, out_rows[0].revision)
# An alternative max number of rows can be specified.
response = self.testapp.get(
{'test_path': 'M/b/foo', 'num_points': 4})
protobuf_strings = json.loads(response.body)
entities = map(dump_graph_json.BinaryProtobufToEntity, protobuf_strings)
out_rows = _EntitiesOfKind(entities, 'Row')
rev_nums = [row.revision for row in out_rows]
expected_rev_range = range(highest_rev, highest_rev - 4, -1)
self.assertEqual(expected_rev_range, rev_nums)
def testDumpJsonWithAlertData(self):
testing_common.AddTests('M', 'b', {'foo': {}})
test_key = utils.TestKey('M/b/foo')
sheriff_key = sheriff.Sheriff(email='').put()
anomaly.Anomaly(sheriff=sheriff_key, test=test_key).put()
# Anomaly entities for the requested test, as well as sheriffs for
# the aforementioned Anomaly, should be returned.
response = self.testapp.get(
{'test_path': 'M/b/foo'})
protobuf_strings = json.loads(response.body)
self.assertEqual(5, len(protobuf_strings))
entities = map(dump_graph_json.BinaryProtobufToEntity, protobuf_strings)
anomalies = _EntitiesOfKind(entities, 'Anomaly')
sheriffs = _EntitiesOfKind(entities, 'Sheriff')
self.assertEqual(1, len(anomalies))
self.assertEqual(1, len(sheriffs))
self.assertEqual('', sheriffs[0].email)
def testGet_DumpAnomaliesDataForSheriff(self):
# Insert some test, sheriffs and alerts.
testing_common.AddTests('M', 'b', {'foo': {}})
testing_common.AddTests('M', 'b', {'bar': {}})
test_key_foo = utils.TestKey('M/b/foo')
test_key_bar = utils.TestKey('M/b/bar')
test_con_foo_key = utils.GetTestContainerKey(test_key_foo)
test_con_bar_key = utils.GetTestContainerKey(test_key_bar)
chromium_sheriff = sheriff.Sheriff(
id='Chromium Perf Sheriff', email='').put()
qa_sheriff = sheriff.Sheriff(
id='QA Perf Sheriff', email='').put()
anomaly.Anomaly(sheriff=chromium_sheriff, test=test_key_foo).put()
anomaly.Anomaly(sheriff=qa_sheriff, test=test_key_bar).put()
default_max_points = dump_graph_json._DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS
# Add some rows.
rows = []
for rev in range(1, default_max_points * 2):
row = graph_data.Row(parent=test_con_foo_key, id=rev, value=(rev * 2))
row = graph_data.Row(parent=test_con_bar_key, id=rev, value=(rev * 2))
# Anomaly entities, Row entities, Test, and Sheriff entities for
# parameter 'sheriff' should be returned.
response = self.testapp.get(
{'sheriff': 'Chromium Perf Sheriff'})
protobuf_strings = json.loads(response.body)
self.assertEqual(default_max_points + 5, len(protobuf_strings))
entities = map(dump_graph_json.BinaryProtobufToEntity, protobuf_strings)
rows = _EntitiesOfKind(entities, 'Row')
anomalies = _EntitiesOfKind(entities, 'Anomaly')
sheriffs = _EntitiesOfKind(entities, 'Sheriff')
self.assertEqual(default_max_points, len(rows))
self.assertEqual(1, len(anomalies))
self.assertEqual(1, len(sheriffs))
self.assertEqual('Chromium Perf Sheriff', sheriffs[0].key.string_id())
def testGet_NoTestPath_ReturnsError(self):
# If no test path is given, an error is reported.
self.testapp.get('/dump_graph_json', {}, status=500)
def testGet_InvalidTestPath_ReturnsError(self):
# If a wrong test path is given, JSON for an empty list is returned.
response = self.testapp.get('/dump_graph_json', {'test_path': 'x'})
self.assertEqual('[]', response.body)
def _EntitiesOfKind(entities, kind):
"""Returns a sublist of entities that are of a certain kind."""
return [e for e in entities if e.key.kind() == kind]
if __name__ == '__main__':