blob: 1713be46357538c8b2f3e7657f143c70531050d3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_LOCK_SCREEN_SETTINGS_PATH = '/data/system/locksettings.db'
_COMPATIBLE_BUILD_TYPES = ['userdebug', 'eng']
# Note that setting these in this order is required in order for all of
# them to take and stick through a reboot.
('', [
('use_location_for_services', 1),
('settings/secure', [
# Ensure Geolocation is enabled and allowed for tests.
('location_providers_allowed', 'gps,network'),
('', [
('network_location_opt_in', 1),
('', [
('use_location_for_services', 0),
('settings/secure', [
# Ensure Geolocation is disabled.
('location_providers_allowed', ''),
('settings/secure', [
('mock_location', 1),
('settings/secure', [
('mock_location', 0),
('settings/global', [
('assisted_gps_enabled', 0),
# Disable "auto time" and "auto time zone" to avoid network-provided time
# to overwrite the device's datetime and timezone synchronized from host
# when running tests later. See b/6569849.
('auto_time', 0),
('auto_time_zone', 0),
('development_settings_enabled', 1),
# Flag for allowing ActivityManagerService to send ACTION_APP_ERROR intents
# on application crashes and ANRs. If this is disabled, the crash/ANR dialog
# will never display the "Report" button.
# Type: int ( 0 = disallow, 1 = allow )
('send_action_app_error', 0),
('stay_on_while_plugged_in', 3),
('verifier_verify_adb_installs', 0),
('window_animation_scale', 0),
('settings/secure', [
# Ensure that we never get random dialogs like "Unfortunately the process
# android.process.acore has stopped", which steal the focus, and make our
# automation fail (because the dialog steals the focus then mistakenly
# receives the injected user input events).
('anr_show_background', 0),
('lockscreen.disabled', 1),
('screensaver_enabled', 0),
('skip_first_use_hints', 1),
('settings/system', [
# Don't want devices to accidentally rotate the screen as that could
# affect performance measurements.
('accelerometer_rotation', 0),
('lockscreen.disabled', 1),
# Turn down brightness and disable auto-adjust so that devices run cooler.
('screen_brightness', 5),
('screen_brightness_mode', 0),
('user_rotation', 0),
('window_animation_scale', 0),
('settings/global', [
('airplane_mode_on', 1),
('wifi_on', 0),
class ContentSettings(dict):
"""A dict interface to interact with device content settings.
System properties are key/value pairs as exposed by adb shell content.
def __init__(self, table, device):
super(ContentSettings, self).__init__()
self._table = table
self._device = device
def _GetTypeBinding(value):
if isinstance(value, bool):
return 'b'
if isinstance(value, float):
return 'f'
if isinstance(value, int):
return 'i'
if isinstance(value, long):
return 'l'
if isinstance(value, str):
return 's'
raise ValueError('Unsupported type %s' % type(value))
def iteritems(self):
for row in self._device.RunShellCommand(
['content', 'query', '--uri', 'content://%s' % self._table],
check_return=True, as_root=True):
key, value = _ParseContentRow(row)
if not key:
yield key, value
def __getitem__(self, key):
query_row = self._device.RunShellCommand(
['content', 'query', '--uri', 'content://%s' % self._table,
'--where', "name='%s'" % key],
check_return=True, as_root=True, single_line=True)
parsed_key, parsed_value = _ParseContentRow(query_row)
if parsed_key is None:
raise KeyError('key=%s not found' % key)
if parsed_key != key:
raise KeyError('Expected key=%s, but got key=%s' % (key, parsed_key))
return parsed_value
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key in self:
['content', 'update', '--uri', 'content://%s' % self._table,
'--bind', 'value:%s:%s' % (self._GetTypeBinding(value), value),
'--where', "name='%s'" % key],
check_return=True, as_root=True)
['content', 'insert', '--uri', 'content://%s' % self._table,
'--bind', 'name:%s:%s' % (self._GetTypeBinding(key), key),
'--bind', 'value:%s:%s' % (self._GetTypeBinding(value), value)],
check_return=True, as_root=True)
def __delitem__(self, key):
['content', 'delete', '--uri', 'content://%s' % self._table,
'--bind', 'name:%s:%s' % (self._GetTypeBinding(key), key)],
check_return=True, as_root=True)
def ConfigureContentSettings(device, desired_settings):
"""Configures device content setings from a list.
Many settings are documented at:
Many others are undocumented.
device: A DeviceUtils instance for the device to configure.
desired_settings: A list of (table, [(key: value), ...]) for all
settings to configure.
for table, key_value in desired_settings:
settings = ContentSettings(table, device)
for key, value in key_value:
settings[key] = value'\n%s %s', table, (80 - len(table)) * '-')
for key, value in sorted(settings.iteritems()):'\t%s: %s', key, value)
def SetLockScreenSettings(device):
"""Sets lock screen settings on the device.
On certain device/Android configurations we need to disable the lock screen in
a different database. Additionally, the password type must be set to
Lock screen settings are stored in sqlite on the device in:
IMPORTANT: The first column is used as a primary key so that all rows with the
same value for that column are removed from the table prior to inserting the
new values.
device: A DeviceUtils instance for the device to configure.
Exception if the setting was not properly set.
if device.build_type not in _COMPATIBLE_BUILD_TYPES:
logger.warning('Unable to disable lockscreen on %s builds.',
def get_lock_settings(table):
return [(table, 'lockscreen.disabled', '1'),
(table, 'lockscreen.password_type', PASSWORD_QUALITY_UNSPECIFIED),
(table, 'lockscreen.password_type_alternate',
if device.FileExists(_LOCK_SCREEN_SETTINGS_PATH):
locksettings = get_lock_settings('locksettings')
columns = ['name', 'user', 'value']
generate_values = lambda k, v: [k, '0', v]
locksettings = get_lock_settings('secure') + get_lock_settings('system')
columns = ['name', 'value']
generate_values = lambda k, v: [k, v]
logger.warning('Unable to find database file to set lock screen settings.')
for table, key, value in locksettings:
# Set the lockscreen setting for default user '0'
values = generate_values(key, value)
cmd = """begin transaction;
delete from '%(table)s' where %(primary_key)s='%(primary_value)s';
insert into '%(table)s' (%(columns)s) values (%(values)s);
commit transaction;""" % {
'table': table,
'primary_key': columns[0],
'primary_value': values[0],
'columns': ', '.join(columns),
'values': ', '.join(["'%s'" % value for value in values])
output_msg = device.RunShellCommand(
['sqlite3', db, cmd], check_return=True, as_root=True)
if output_msg:' '.join(output_msg))
def _ParseContentRow(row):
"""Parse key, value entries from a row string."""
# Example row:
# 'Row: 0 _id=13, name=logging_id2, value=-1fccbaa546705b05'
fields = row.split(', ')
key = None
value = ''
for field in fields:
k, _, v = field.partition('=')
if k == 'name':
key = v
elif k == 'value':
value = v
return key, value