blob: 24e721a186eb07e3853dade98eeac6a71328bbc6 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="/ui/tracks/chart_axis.html">
<link rel="import" href="/ui/tracks/chart_point.html">
<link rel="import" href="/ui/tracks/chart_series.html">
<link rel="import" href="/ui/tracks/chart_track.html">
<link rel="import" href="/ui/tracks/container_track.html">
<link rel="import" href="/ui/tracks/letter_dot_track.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.ui.tracks', function() {
// TODO(petrcermak): This constant is defined and/or used in many files. It
// should be defined once only.
* Add numeric values from a source dictionary to the numeric values in
* a destination dictionary. Undefined values are treated as zeros. Note that
* this method modifies the destination dictionary in place.
* Example: addDictionary({a: 1, b: 2}, {b: 3, c: 4}) will update the
* destination dictionary (first argument) to {a: 1, b: 5, c: 4}.
function addDictionary(dstDict, srcDict) {
tr.b.iterItems(srcDict, function(key, value) {
var existingValue = dstDict[key];
if (existingValue === undefined)
existingValue = 0;
dstDict[key] = existingValue + value;
* Get a dictionary mapping root allocator names (e.g. 'v8') to the
* corresponding sizes (e.g. 1024) in a process memory dump.
function getProcessMemoryDumpAllocatorSizes(processMemoryDump) {
var allocatorDumps = processMemoryDump.memoryAllocatorDumps;
if (allocatorDumps === undefined)
return {};
var allocatorSizes = {};
allocatorDumps.forEach(function(allocatorDump) {
// Don't show tracing overhead in the charts.
// TODO(petrcermak): Find a less hacky way to do this.
if (allocatorDump.fullName === 'tracing')
var allocatorSize = allocatorDump.attributes[
if (allocatorSize === undefined)
var allocatorSizeValue = allocatorSize.value;
if (allocatorSizeValue === undefined)
allocatorSizes[allocatorDump.fullName] = allocatorSizeValue;
return allocatorSizes;
* Get a dictionary mapping root allocator names (e.g. 'v8') to the
* corresponding sizes (e.g. 1024) in a global memory dump (i.e. summed over
* all simultaneous process memory dumps).
function getGlobalMemoryDumpAllocatorSizes(globalMemoryDump) {
var globalAllocatorSizes = {};
function(pid, processMemoryDump) {
return globalAllocatorSizes;
* A generic function which converts a list of memory dumps to a list of chart
* series (one per root allocator). Each series represents the evolution of
* the size of a the corresponding root allocator (e.g. 'v8') over time.
function buildAllocatedMemoryChartSeries(memoryDumps,
memoryDumpToAllocatorSizesFn) {
var allocatorNameToPoints = {};
var dumpsData = {
var allocatorSizes = memoryDumpToAllocatorSizesFn(memoryDump);
tr.b.iterItems(allocatorSizes, function(allocatorName) {
allocatorNameToPoints[allocatorName] = [];
return {dump: memoryDump, sizes: allocatorSizes};
// Do not generate any chart series if no process memory dump contains any
// allocator dumps.
if (Object.keys(allocatorNameToPoints).length === 0)
return undefined;
dumpsData.forEach(function(dumpData) {
var memoryDump = dumpData.dump;
var allocatorSizes = dumpData.sizes;
tr.b.iterItems(allocatorNameToPoints, function(allocatorName, points) {
var allocatorSize = allocatorSizes[allocatorName] || 0;
points.push(new tr.ui.tracks.ChartPoint(
memoryDump, memoryDump.start, allocatorSize));
// Create one common axis for all allocated memory chart series.
var axis = new tr.ui.tracks.ChartAxis(0);
// Build a chart series for each allocator.
var series = [];
tr.b.iterItems(allocatorNameToPoints, function(allocatorName, points) {
var colorId = tr.ui.b.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(allocatorName);
var renderingConfig = {
chartType: tr.ui.tracks.ChartSeriesType.LINE,
colorId: colorId
series.push(new tr.ui.tracks.ChartSeries(points, axis, renderingConfig));
return series;
* Transform a list of memory dumps to a list of letter dots (with letter 'M'
* inside).
function buildMemoryLetterDots(memoryDumps) {
var memoryColorId = tr.ui.b.getColorIdForReservedName('memory_dump');
return {
return new tr.ui.tracks.LetterDot(
memoryDump, 'M', memoryColorId, memoryDump.start);
* Convert a list of global memory dumps to a list of chart series (one per
* process). Each series represents the evolution of the memory used by the
* process over time.
function buildGlobalUsedMemoryChartSeries(globalMemoryDumps) {
// Do not generate the chart if no process memory dump contains VM regions.
var containsVmRegions = globalMemoryDumps.some(function(globalDump) {
for (var pid in globalDump.processMemoryDumps)
if (globalDump.processMemoryDumps[pid].mostRecentVmRegions)
return true;
return false;
if (!containsVmRegions)
return undefined;
// Find all processes that dump memory at least once.
var pidToProcess = {};
globalMemoryDumps.forEach(function(globalDump) {
tr.b.iterItems(globalDump.processMemoryDumps, function(pid, processDump) {
pidToProcess[pid] = processDump.process;
// Build one list of points for each instrumented process.
var pidToPoints = {};
tr.b.iterItems(pidToProcess, function(pid, process) {
pidToPoints[pid] = [];
// For every timestamp, calculate the total PSS (proportional set size) of
// each process and append it to the corresponding list of points.
globalMemoryDumps.forEach(function(globalDump) {
var pssBase = 0;
tr.b.iterItems(pidToPoints, function(pid, points) {
var processMemoryDump = globalDump.processMemoryDumps[pid];
var pss;
if (processMemoryDump === undefined) {
// If no dump was found, assume that the process is dead.
pss = 0;
} else {
pss = processMemoryDump.getMostRecentTotalVmRegionStat(
if (pss === undefined) {
// If the dump does not provide the necessary information (namely
// most recent VM regions), assume zero.
pss = 0;
var cumulativePss = pssBase + pss;
points.push(new tr.ui.tracks.ChartPoint(
globalDump, globalDump.start, cumulativePss, pssBase));
pssBase = cumulativePss;
// Create one common axis for all used memory chart series.
var axis = new tr.ui.tracks.ChartAxis(0);
// Build a chart series for each instrumented process.
var series = [];
tr.b.iterItems(pidToPoints, function(pid, points) {
var process = pidToProcess[pid];
var colorId = tr.ui.b.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString(
var renderingConfig = {
chartType: tr.ui.tracks.ChartSeriesType.AREA,
colorId: colorId,
backgroundOpacity: 0.8
series.push(new tr.ui.tracks.ChartSeries(points, axis, renderingConfig));
// Show the first series (with the smallest cumulative value) at the top.
return series;
* Convert a list of process memory dumps to a list of chart series (one per
* root allocator). Each series represents the evolution of the size of a the
* corresponding root allocator (e.g. 'v8') over time.
function buildProcessAllocatedMemoryChartSeries(processMemoryDumps) {
return buildAllocatedMemoryChartSeries(processMemoryDumps,
* Convert a list of global memory dumps to a list of chart series (one per
* root allocator). Each series represents the evolution of the size of a the
* corresponding root allocator (e.g. 'v8') over time.
function buildGlobalAllocatedMemoryChartSeries(globalMemoryDumps) {
return buildAllocatedMemoryChartSeries(globalMemoryDumps,
return {