blob: 644be51e7e1e8729f528c5911650bd56122b89c4 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _api.webapp2_extras.sessions:
.. module:: webapp2_extras.sessions
This module provides a lightweight but flexible session support for webapp2.
It has three built-in backends: secure cookies, memcache and datastore.
New backends can be added extending :class:`CustomBackendSessionFactory`.
The session store can provide multiple sessions using different keys,
even using different backends in the same request, through the method
:meth:`SessionStore.get_session`. By default it returns a session using the
default key from configuration.
.. autodata:: default_config
.. autoclass:: SessionStore
:members: __init__, get_backend, get_session, save_sessions
.. autoclass:: SessionDict
:members: get_flashes, add_flash
.. autoclass:: SecureCookieSessionFactory
.. autoclass:: CustomBackendSessionFactory
.. autofunction:: get_store
.. autofunction:: set_store