blob: a9ba92c387c6490ab54f832d6abacf141fa84315 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Map of test units to improvement direction."""
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from dashboard.models import anomaly
class UnitsToDirection(ndb.Model):
"""Data about improvement direction for one type of unit."""
bigger_is_better = ndb.BooleanProperty(indexed=False)
def GetImprovementDirection(units):
"""Returns the improvement direction for the given units string."""
if not units:
return anomaly.UNKNOWN
entity = ndb.Key(UnitsToDirection, units).get()
if not entity:
return anomaly.UNKNOWN
if entity.bigger_is_better:
return anomaly.UP
return anomaly.DOWN
def UpdateFromJson(units_dict):
"""Updates internal maps of units to direction from the given dictionary.
units_dict: A dictionary mapping unit names to dictionaries mapping
the string 'improvement_direction' to either 'up' or 'down'.
existing_units = []
# Update or remove existing UnitsToDirection entities.
for units_to_direction_entity in UnitsToDirection.query():
unit =
if unit not in units_dict:
# Units not in the input dictionary will be removed from the datastore.
# Update the improvement direction if necessary.
improvement_direction = units_dict[unit]['improvement_direction']
bigger_is_better = (improvement_direction == 'up')
if units_to_direction_entity.bigger_is_better != bigger_is_better:
units_to_direction_entity.bigger_is_better = bigger_is_better
# Add new UnitsToDirection entities.
for unit, value in units_dict.iteritems():
if type(value) != dict:
if unit not in existing_units:
bigger_is_better = (value['improvement_direction'] == 'up')
UnitsToDirection(id=unit, bigger_is_better=bigger_is_better).put()