blob: ffd81e0e8147aaf5f7a74e7331fdeb4fe88aec74 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""URL endpoint to list externally-visible Bots."""
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from dashboard import request_handler
from dashboard import xsrf
WHITELIST_KEY = 'bot_whitelist'
class BotWhitelist(ndb.Model):
bots = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
class BotWhitelistHandler(request_handler.RequestHandler):
"""URL endpoint to view/edit the external Bot whitelist for /add_point."""
def get(self):
"""Lists the Bots in the whitelist."""
bots = []
whitelist = ndb.Key('BotWhitelist', WHITELIST_KEY).get()
if whitelist:
bots = whitelist.bots
self.RenderHtml('bot_whitelist.html', {'bot_whitelist': '\n'.join(bots)})
def post(self):
"""Updates the Bot names in the whitelist."""
bots = []
whitelist_text = self.request.get('bot_whitelist', '')
if whitelist_text:
bots = whitelist_text.strip().split()
whitelist = BotWhitelist.get_or_insert(WHITELIST_KEY)
whitelist.bots = bots
self.RenderHtml('result.html', {
'headline': 'Updated Bot Whitelist',
'results': [{
'name': 'New Bot Whitelist',
'class': 'results-pre',
'value': '\n'.join(bots)}]})