blob: 915eff142adba836ed1d3e268066049558b25a08 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="/base/guid.html">
<link rel="import" href="/base/statistics.html">
<link rel="import" href="/base/unittest/test_case.html">
<link rel="import" href="/base/unittest/constants.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.b.unittest', function() {
var TestCase = tr.b.unittest.TestCase;
var PerfTestCase = tr.b.unittest.PerfTestCase;
var TestTypes = tr.b.unittest.TestTypes;
function TestSuite(name, suiteConstructor) {
this.guid = tr.b.GUID.allocate();
this.name_ = name;
this.tests_ = [];
this.testNames_ = {}; // For dupe checking.
global.test = function(testCaseOrName, opt_testFn, opt_options) {
if (testCaseOrName instanceof TestCase) {
if (opt_testFn !== undefined)
throw new Error('opt_testFn cannot be given when giving a TestCase');
if (opt_options !== undefined)
throw new Error('opt_options cannot be given when giving a TestCase');
var testName = testCaseOrName;
var testFn = opt_testFn;
var options = options || {};
if (testFn == undefined)
throw new Error('Must provide opt_testFn');
// If the test cares about DPI settings then we first push a test
// that fakes the DPI as the low or hi Dpi version, depending on what
// we're current using.
if (options.dpiAware) {
var defaultDevicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;
var dpi = defaultDevicePixelRatio > 1 ? 1 : 2;
var testWrapper = function() {
window.devicePixelRatio = dpi;
try {
} finally {
window.devicePixelRatio = defaultDevicePixelRatio;
var newName = name;
if (dpi === 1) {
newName += '_loDPI';
testName += '_hiDPI';
} else {
newName += '_hiDPI';
testName += '_loDPI';
this.addTest(new TestCase(newName,
testWrapper, options || {}));
this.addTest(new TestCase(testName,
testFn, options || {}));
global.timedPerfTest = function(name, testFn, options) {
if (options === undefined || options.iterations === undefined)
throw new Error('timedPerfTest must have iteration option provided.');
this.addTest(new PerfTestCase(name, testFn, options));
try {;
} finally {
global.test = undefined;
global.timedPerfTest = undefined;
TestSuite.prototype = {
__proto__: Object.prototype,
get tests() {
return this.tests_;
addTest: function(test) {
if (test.suite !== undefined)
throw new Error('Test suite is already assigned');
if (this.testNames_[] !== undefined)
throw new Error('Test name already used');
test.suite = this;
this.testNames_[] = true;
get name() {
return this.name_;
return {
TestSuite: TestSuite