blob: 0c04b73c4a4e016860b44a2a50e07c4ccb7be3d5 [file] [log] [blame]
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Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/base/settings.html">
'use strict';
tv.exportTo('tv.c', function() {
var Settings = tv.b.Settings;
* A way to persist settings specific to parts of a trace model.
* This object should not be persisted because it builds up internal data
* structures that map model objects to settings keys. It should thus be
* created for the duration of whatever interaction(s) you're going to do with
* model settings, and then discarded.
* This system works on a notion of an object key: for an object's key, it
* considers all the other keys in the model. If it is unique, then the key is
* persisted to tv.b.Settings. However, if it is not unique, then the
* setting is stored on the object itself. Thus, objects with unique keys will
* be persisted across page reloads, whereas objects with nonunique keys will
* not.
function TraceModelSettings(model) {
this.model = model;
this.objectsByKey_ = [];
this.nonuniqueKeys_ = [];
this.ephemeralSettingsByGUID_ = {};
TraceModelSettings.prototype = {
buildObjectsByKeyMap_: function() {
var objects = [];
this.model.iterateAllPersistableObjects(function(o) {
var objectsByKey = {};
var NONUNIQUE_KEY = 'nonuniqueKey';
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
var object = objects[i];
var objectKey = object.getSettingsKey();
if (!objectKey)
if (objectsByKey[objectKey] === undefined) {
objectsByKey[objectKey] = object;
objectsByKey[objectKey] = NONUNIQUE_KEY;
var nonuniqueKeys = {};
tv.b.dictionaryKeys(objectsByKey).forEach(function(objectKey) {
if (objectsByKey[objectKey] !== NONUNIQUE_KEY)
delete objectsByKey[objectKey];
nonuniqueKeys[objectKey] = true;
this.nonuniqueKeys = nonuniqueKeys;
this.objectsByKey_ = objectsByKey;
removeNonuniqueKeysFromSettings_: function() {
var settings = Settings.get('trace_model_settings', {});
var settingsChanged = false;
tv.b.dictionaryKeys(settings).forEach(function(objectKey) {
if (!this.nonuniqueKeys[objectKey])
settingsChanged = true;
delete settings[objectKey];
}, this);
if (settingsChanged)
Settings.set('trace_model_settings', settings);
hasUniqueSettingKey: function(object) {
var objectKey = object.getSettingsKey();
if (!objectKey)
return false;
return this.objectsByKey_[objectKey] !== undefined;
getSettingFor: function(object, objectLevelKey, defaultValue) {
var objectKey = object.getSettingsKey();
if (!objectKey || !this.objectsByKey_[objectKey]) {
var settings = this.getEphemeralSettingsFor_(object);
var ephemeralValue = settings[objectLevelKey];
if (ephemeralValue !== undefined)
return ephemeralValue;
return defaultValue;
var settings = Settings.get('trace_model_settings', {});
if (!settings[objectKey])
settings[objectKey] = {};
var value = settings[objectKey][objectLevelKey];
if (value !== undefined)
return value;
return defaultValue;
setSettingFor: function(object, objectLevelKey, value) {
var objectKey = object.getSettingsKey();
if (!objectKey || !this.objectsByKey_[objectKey]) {
this.getEphemeralSettingsFor_(object)[objectLevelKey] = value;
var settings = Settings.get('trace_model_settings', {});
if (!settings[objectKey])
settings[objectKey] = {};
if (settings[objectKey][objectLevelKey] === value)
settings[objectKey][objectLevelKey] = value;
Settings.set('trace_model_settings', settings);
getEphemeralSettingsFor_: function(object) {
if (object.guid === undefined)
throw new Error('Only objects with GUIDs can be persisted');
if (this.ephemeralSettingsByGUID_[object.guid] === undefined)
this.ephemeralSettingsByGUID_[object.guid] = {};
return this.ephemeralSettingsByGUID_[object.guid];
return {
TraceModelSettings: TraceModelSettings