blob: 20963ed2739e3ecafa9c4766a4d40528cec33bc1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Author: Bruce Pennypacker
# Create a temporary RDS database instance, then create a read-replica of the
# instance. Once the replica is available, promote it and verify that the
# promotion succeeds, then rename it. Delete the databases upon completion i
# of the tests.
# For each step (creating the databases, promoting, etc) we loop for up
# to 15 minutes to wait for the instance to become available. It should
# never take that long for any of the steps to complete.
Check that promotion of read replicas and renaming instances works as expected
import unittest
import time
from boto.rds import RDSConnection
class PromoteReadReplicaTest(unittest.TestCase):
rds = True
def setUp(self):
self.conn = RDSConnection()
self.masterDB_name = "boto-db-%s" % str(int(time.time()))
self.replicaDB_name = "replica-%s" % self.masterDB_name
self.renamedDB_name = "renamed-replica-%s" % self.masterDB_name
def tearDown(self):
instances = self.conn.get_all_dbinstances()
for db in [self.masterDB_name, self.replicaDB_name, self.renamedDB_name]:
for i in instances:
if == db:
self.conn.delete_dbinstance(db, skip_final_snapshot=True)
def test_promote(self):
print '--- running RDS promotion & renaming tests ---'
self.masterDB = self.conn.create_dbinstance(self.masterDB_name, 5, 'db.t1.micro', 'root', 'bototestpw')
# Wait up to 15 minutes for the masterDB to become available
print '--- waiting for "%s" to become available ---' % self.masterDB_name
wait_timeout = time.time() + (15 * 60)
instances = self.conn.get_all_dbinstances(self.masterDB_name)
inst = instances[0]
while wait_timeout > time.time() and inst.status != 'available':
instances = self.conn.get_all_dbinstances(self.masterDB_name)
inst = instances[0]
self.assertTrue(inst.status == 'available')
self.replicaDB = self.conn.create_dbinstance_read_replica(self.replicaDB_name, self.masterDB_name)
# Wait up to 15 minutes for the replicaDB to become available
print '--- waiting for "%s" to become available ---' % self.replicaDB_name
wait_timeout = time.time() + (15 * 60)
instances = self.conn.get_all_dbinstances(self.replicaDB_name)
inst = instances[0]
while wait_timeout > time.time() and inst.status != 'available':
instances = self.conn.get_all_dbinstances(self.replicaDB_name)
inst = instances[0]
self.assertTrue(inst.status == 'available')
# Promote the replicaDB and wait for it to become available
self.replicaDB = self.conn.promote_read_replica(self.replicaDB_name)
# Wait up to 15 minutes for the replicaDB to become available
print '--- waiting for "%s" to be promoted and available ---' % self.replicaDB_name
wait_timeout = time.time() + (15 * 60)
instances = self.conn.get_all_dbinstances(self.replicaDB_name)
inst = instances[0]
while wait_timeout > time.time() and inst.status != 'available':
instances = self.conn.get_all_dbinstances(self.replicaDB_name)
inst = instances[0]
# Verify that the replica is now a standalone instance and no longer
# functioning as a read replica
self.assertTrue(inst.status == 'available')
# Verify that the master no longer has any read replicas
instances = self.conn.get_all_dbinstances(self.masterDB_name)
inst = instances[0]
print '--- renaming "%s" to "%s" ---' % ( self.replicaDB_name, self.renamedDB_name )
self.renamedDB = self.conn.modify_dbinstance(self.replicaDB_name, new_instance_id=self.renamedDB_name, apply_immediately=True)
# Wait up to 15 minutes for the masterDB to become available
print '--- waiting for "%s" to exist ---' % self.renamedDB_name
wait_timeout = time.time() + (15 * 60)
# Wait up to 15 minutes until the new name shows up in the instance table
found = False
while found == False and wait_timeout > time.time():
instances = self.conn.get_all_dbinstances()
for i in instances:
if == self.renamedDB_name:
found = True
if found == False:
print '--- waiting for "%s" to become available ---' % self.renamedDB_name
instances = self.conn.get_all_dbinstances(self.renamedDB_name)
inst = instances[0]
# Now wait for the renamed instance to become available
while wait_timeout > time.time() and inst.status != 'available':
instances = self.conn.get_all_dbinstances(self.renamedDB_name)
inst = instances[0]
self.assertTrue(inst.status == 'available')
# Since the replica DB was renamed...
self.replicaDB = None
print '--- tests completed ---'