blob: bafb8b3ba9264c969921940361f1fa3c0619bf98 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Serves JSON for a graph.
This serves the JSON in the format consumed by Flot:
import copy
import datetime
import json
import logging
import re
import urllib
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from dashboard import alerts
from dashboard import list_tests
from dashboard import request_handler
from dashboard import utils
from dashboard.models import anomaly
from dashboard.models import graph_data
# Default number of points to fetch per test.
# This can be overridden by specifying num_points or start_rev and end_rev.
# Dictionary mapping improvement directions constants to strings.
anomaly.UP: 'Higher',
anomaly.DOWN: 'Lower',
anomaly.UNKNOWN: '?',
class GraphJsonHandler(request_handler.RequestHandler):
"""Request handler for requests for graph data."""
def post(self):
"""Fetches and prepares data for a graph.
Request parameters:
graphs: A JSON serialization of a dict that contains the arguments
for GetGraphJson.
JSON serialization of data to be used for plotting a graph.
self.response.headers.add_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
arguments = self._ParseRequestArguments()
if not arguments:
self.ReportError('Bad Graph JSON Request')
def _ParseRequestArguments(self):
"""Parses parameters from a request and checks for errors.
The post request is expected to pass one parameter, called 'graphs',
whose value is a JSON serialization of a dict of parameters.
A dict of arguments that can be given to GetGraphJson, or None if
no valid dict of arguments can be constructed.
graphs = self.request.get('graphs')
if graphs is None:
logging.error('No graph names specified')
return None
graphs = json.loads(graphs)
except ValueError:
logging.error('Invalid JSON string for graphs')
return None
if not graphs.get('test_path_dict'):
logging.error('No test_path_dict specified')
return None
arguments = {
'test_path_dict': graphs['test_path_dict'],
'rev': PositiveIntOrNone(graphs.get('rev')),
'num_points': (PositiveIntOrNone(graphs.get('num_points'))
'is_selected': graphs.get('is_selected'),
'start_rev': PositiveIntOrNone(graphs.get('start_rev')),
'end_rev': PositiveIntOrNone(graphs.get('end_rev')),
return arguments
def PositiveIntOrNone(input_str):
"""Parses a string as a positive int if possible, otherwise returns None."""
if not input_str:
return None
parsed = int(input_str)
except ValueError:
return None
if parsed < 0:
return None
return parsed
def _GetAnomalyAnnotationMap(test):
"""Gets a map of revision numbers to Anomaly entities."""
anomalies = anomaly.Anomaly.query().filter(
anomaly.Anomaly.test == test).fetch()
return dict((a.end_revision, a) for a in anomalies)
def _UpdateRevisionMap(revision_map, parent_test, rev, num_points,
start_rev=None, end_rev=None):
"""Updates a dict of revisions to data point information for one Test.
Depending on which arguments are given, there are several ways that
this function can update the dict of revisions:
1. If start_rev and end_rev are given, then revisions in this range
are used. The num_points argument is ignored.
2. Otherwise, if rev is given, then revisions before and after the
specified revision are used.
3. Otherwise, the latest revisions are used.
revision_map: A dict mapping revision numbers to dicts of point info.
Each point info dict contains information from a Row entity.
parent_test: A Test entity with Row children.
rev: The middle revision in the revision map (could be None).
num_points: The number of points to include in the revision map.
start_rev: Start revision number (optional).
end_rev: End revision number (optional).
anomaly_annotation_map = _GetAnomalyAnnotationMap(parent_test.key)
if start_rev and end_rev:
rows = _GetRowsForTestInRange(parent_test.key, start_rev, end_rev)
elif rev:
assert num_points
rows = _GetRowsForTestAroundRev(parent_test.key, rev, num_points)
assert num_points
rows = _GetLatestRowsForTest(parent_test.key, num_points)
parent_test_key = parent_test.key.urlsafe()
for row in rows:
if row.revision not in revision_map:
revision_map[row.revision] = {}
revision_map[row.revision][parent_test_key] = _PointInfoDict(
row, parent_test, anomaly_annotation_map)
def _PointInfoDict(row, parent_test, anomaly_annotation_map):
"""Makes a dict of properties of one Row."""
point_info = {
'value': row.value,
'a_trace_rerun_options': _GetTracingRerunOptions(row),
tracing_uri = _GetTracingUri(row)
if tracing_uri:
point_info['a_tracing_uri'] = tracing_uri
old_stdio_uri = _GetOldStdioUri(row, parent_test)
if old_stdio_uri:
_CreateLinkProperty('stdio_uri', 'Buildbot stdio', old_stdio_uri))
if row.error is not None:
point_info['error'] = row.error
if anomaly_annotation_map.get(row.revision):
anomaly_entity = anomaly_annotation_map.get(row.revision)
point_info['g_anomaly'] = alerts.GetAnomalyDict(anomaly_entity)
for name, val in row.to_dict().iteritems():
if name.startswith('r_'):
point_info[name] = val
elif name == 'a_default_rev':
point_info['a_default_rev'] = val
elif name == 'timestamp':
point_info['timestamp'] = val
elif name.startswith('a_') and _IsMarkdownLink(val):
point_info[name] = val
return point_info
def _IsMarkdownLink(value):
"""Checks whether |value| is a markdown link."""
if not isinstance(value, str):
return False
return re.match(r'\[.+?\]\(.+?\)', value)
def _CreateLinkProperty(name, label, url):
"""Returns a dict containing markdown link to show on dashboard."""
return {'a_' + name: '[%s](%s)' % (label, url)}
def _GetOldStdioUri(row, test):
"""Gets or makes the URI string for the buildbot stdio link.
This is here to support the deprecated method way of creating
Buildbot stdio URI.
TODO(chrisphan): Remove this after sometime.
row: A Row entity.
test: The Test entity for the given Row.
An URI string, or None if none can be made.
# A masterid and buildname are required to construct a valid URI.
if (not hasattr(test, 'masterid') or not hasattr(test, 'buildername')
or not hasattr(row, 'buildnumber')):
return None
buildbot_uri_prefix = _GetBuildbotUriPrefix(test, row=row)
if not buildbot_uri_prefix:
return None
return '%s/%s/builders/%s/builds/%s/steps/%s/logs/stdio' % (
urllib.quote(str(getattr(row, 'buildnumber'))),
def _GetBuildbotUriPrefix(test, row=None):
"""Gets the start of the buildbot stdio or builder status URI.
Gets the uri prefix from 'a_stdio_uri_prefix' property if exist or
the public uri prefix if test is not internal.
test: A Test entity.
row: A Row entity, optional.
The protocol, hostname and start of the pathname for Buildbot builder
status or stdio links.
if row and hasattr(row, 'a_stdio_uri_prefix'):
return row.a_stdio_uri_prefix
if test.internal_only:
return None
return ''
def _GetRowsForTestInRange(test_key, start_rev, end_rev):
"""Gets all the Row entities for a Test between a given start and end."""
query = graph_data.Row.query(
graph_data.Row.parent_test == test_key,
graph_data.Row.revision >= start_rev,
graph_data.Row.revision <= end_rev)
return query.fetch(batch_size=100)
def _GetRowsForTestAroundRev(test_key, rev, num_points):
"""Gets up to num_points Row entities for a Test centered on a revision."""
num_rows_before = int(num_points / 2) + 1
num_rows_after = int(num_points / 2)
query_up_to_rev = graph_data.Row.query(
graph_data.Row.parent_test == test_key,
graph_data.Row.revision <= rev)
query_up_to_rev = query_up_to_rev.order(-graph_data.Row.revision)
rows_up_to_rev = query_up_to_rev.fetch(limit=num_rows_before, batch_size=100)
query_after_rev = graph_data.Row.query(
graph_data.Row.parent_test == test_key,
graph_data.Row.revision > rev)
query_after_rev = query_after_rev.order(graph_data.Row.revision)
rows_after_rev = query_after_rev.fetch(limit=num_rows_after, batch_size=100)
return rows_up_to_rev + rows_after_rev
def _GetLatestRowsForTest(test_key, num_points):
"""Gets the latest num_points Row entities for a Test."""
query = graph_data.Row.query(graph_data.Row.parent_test == test_key)
query = query.order(-graph_data.Row.revision)
return query.fetch(limit=num_points, batch_size=100)
def _GetSeriesAnnotations(tests):
"""Makes a list of metadata about each series (i.e. each test).
tests: List of Test entities.
A list of dicts of metadata about each series. One dict for each test.
series_annotations = {}
for i, test in enumerate(tests):
series_annotations[i] = {
'name': test.key.string_id(),
'path': test.test_path,
'units': test.units,
'better': _BETTER_DICT[test.improvement_direction],
'description': test.description
return series_annotations
def _ClampRevisionMap(revision_map, rev, num_points):
"""Clamp the results down to the requested number of points before/after rev.
Not all of the Tests have Rows for the exact same revisions. If one test has
gaps in the requested range, the query for points before/after rev will
extend outside the range, but the other tests with complete data will not
extend their query range. We only want the num_points/2 rows nearest rev
because the extended range didn't query all of the tests. See
revision_map: The dict with all found revisions. This will be modified.
rev: The requested revision.
num_points: The requested number of points to plot.
revisions = sorted(revision_map.keys())
if len(revisions) <= num_points:
# Default to clamping to the last revision, then try to fill in better.
index = len(revisions) - 1
if rev is not None:
for i, r in enumerate(revisions):
if r >= rev:
index = i
rows_before = int(num_points / 2) if rev is not None else num_points
clamp_before = max(index - rows_before, 0)
rows_after = int(num_points / 2) if rev is not None else 0
clamp_after = index + rows_after + 1
for rev_to_delete in (
revisions[:clamp_before] + revisions[clamp_after:]):
del revision_map[rev_to_delete]
def _GetTracingUri(point):
"""Gets the URI string for tracing in cloud storage, if available.
point: A Row entitiy.
An URI string, or None if there is no trace available.
if not hasattr(point, 'a_tracing_uri'):
return None
return point.a_tracing_uri
def _GetTracingRerunOptions(point):
"""Gets the trace rerun options, if available.
point: A Row entitiy.
A dict of {description: params} strings, or None.
if not hasattr(point, 'a_trace_rerun_options'):
return None
return point.a_trace_rerun_options.to_dict()
def _GetFlotJson(revision_map, tests):
"""Constructs JSON in the format expected by Flot.
revision_map: A dict which maps revision numbers to data point info.
tests: A list of Test entities.
JSON serialization of a dict with line data, annotations, error range data,
(This data may not be passed exactly as-is to the Flot plot funciton, but
it will all be used when plotting.)
# TODO(qyearsley): Break this function into smaller functions.
# Each entry in the following dict is one Flot series object. The actual
# x-y values will be put into the 'data' properties for each object.
cols = {i: _FlotSeries(i) for i in range(len(tests))}
flot_annotations = {}
flot_annotations['series'] = _GetSeriesAnnotations(tests)
# For each Test (which corresponds to a trace line), the shaded error
# region is specified by two series objects. For a demo, see:
error_bars = {x: [
'id': 'bottom_%d' % x,
'data': [],
'color': x,
'clickable': False,
'hoverable': False,
'lines': {
'show': True,
'lineWidth': 0,
'fill': 0.2,
'fillBetween': 'line_%d' % x,
'id': 'top_%d' % x,
'data': [],
'color': x,
'clickable': False,
'hoverable': False,
'lines': {
'show': True,
'lineWidth': 0,
'fill': 0.2,
'fillBetween': 'line_%d' % x,
] for x, _ in enumerate(tests)}
test_keys = [t.key.urlsafe() for t in tests]
for revision in sorted(revision_map.keys()):
for series_index, key in enumerate(test_keys):
point_info = revision_map[revision].get(key, None)
if not point_info:
timestamp = point_info.get('timestamp')
if timestamp and type(timestamp) is datetime.datetime:
point_info['timestamp'] = utils.TimestampMilliseconds(timestamp)
point_list = [revision, point_info['value']]
if 'error' in point_info:
error = point_info['error']
[revision, point_info['value'] - error])
[revision, point_info['value'] + error])
data_index = len(cols[series_index]['data']) - 1
series_dict = flot_annotations.setdefault(series_index, {})
data_dict = copy.deepcopy(point_info)
del data_dict['value']
series_dict.setdefault(data_index, data_dict)
return json.dumps(
'data': cols,
'annotations': flot_annotations,
'error_bars': error_bars,
def _FlotSeries(index):
return {
'data': [],
'color': index,
'id': 'line_%d' % index
def _GetTestPathFromDict(test_path_dict):
"""Gets a list of test paths from a test path dictionary.
This function looks up series and the corresponding list of selected
series and returns test paths of those that contain rows.
test_path_dict: Dictionary of test path to list of selected series.
List of test paths with rows.
test_paths_with_rows = []
for test_path in test_path_dict:
parent_test_name = test_path.split('/')[-1]
selected_traces = test_path_dict[test_path]
if not selected_traces:
sub_test_dict = _GetSubTestDict([test_path])
selected_traces = _GetTraces(test_path, sub_test_dict)
for trace in selected_traces:
if trace == parent_test_name:
test_paths_with_rows.append(test_path + '/' + trace)
return test_paths_with_rows
def _GetUnselectedTestPathFromDict(test_path_dict):
"""Gets a list of test paths for unselected series for a test path dictionary.
This function looks up series that are directly under provided test path
that are also not in the list of selected series.
test_path_dict: Dictionary of test path to list of selected sub-series.
List of test paths of Tests that have rows.
test_paths = []
sub_test_dict = _GetSubTestDict(t for t in test_path_dict)
for test_path in test_path_dict:
parent_test_name = test_path.split('/')[-1]
selected_traces = test_path_dict[test_path]
# Add sub-tests not in selected traces.
unselected_traces = _GetTraces(test_path, sub_test_dict)
for trace in unselected_traces:
if trace not in selected_traces:
if trace == parent_test_name:
test_paths.append(test_path + '/' + trace)
return test_paths
def _GetSubTestDict(test_paths):
"""Gets a dict of test suite path to sub test dict.
test_paths: List of test paths.
Dictionary of test suite path to sub-test tree (see
subtests = {}
for test_path in test_paths:
path_parts = test_path.split('/')
bot_path = '/'.join(path_parts[0:2])
test_suite_path = '/'.join(path_parts[0:3])
test_suite = path_parts[2]
if test_suite_path not in subtests:
subtests[test_suite_path] = {}
subtests[test_suite_path] = list_tests.GetSubTests(test_suite, [bot_path])
return subtests
def _GetTraces(test_path, sub_test_dict):
"""Gets summary and sub-test traces directly underneath test_path.
test_path: A test path.
sub_test_dict: Dictionary of test suite path to sub-test tree.
List of trace names.
traces = []
test_parts = test_path.split('/')
test_suite_path = '/'.join(test_parts[0:3])
if test_suite_path not in sub_test_dict:
return []
sub_test_tree = sub_test_dict[test_suite_path]
if len(test_parts) > 3:
return _GetSubTestTraces(test_parts, sub_test_tree)
for key, value in sub_test_tree.iteritems():
if value['has_rows']:
return traces
def _GetSubTestTraces(test_parts, sub_test_tree):
"""Gets summary and sub-test traces after the test suite.
test_parts: List of parts of a test path.
sub_test_tree: Nested dictionary of test data (see list_tests.GetSubTests).
List of trace names.
traces = []
target_trace = test_parts[-1]
for part in test_parts[3:-1]:
if part in sub_test_tree:
sub_test_tree = sub_test_tree[part]['sub_tests']
return []
if target_trace not in sub_test_tree:
return []
# Add target trace.
target_sub_test_tree = sub_test_tree[target_trace]
if target_sub_test_tree['has_rows']:
# Add direct sub-tests.
for key, value in target_sub_test_tree['sub_tests'].iteritems():
if value['has_rows']:
return traces
def GetGraphJson(
test_path_dict, rev=None, num_points=None,
is_selected=True, start_rev=None, end_rev=None):
"""Makes a JSON serialization of data for one chart with multiple series.
This function can return data for one chart (with multiple data series
plotted on it) with revisions on the x-axis, for a certain range of
revisions. The particular set of revisions to get data for can be specified
with the arguments rev, num_points, start_rev, and end_rev.
test_path_dict: Dictionary of test path to list of selected series.
rev: A revision number that the chart may be clamped relative to.
num_points: Number of points to plot.
is_selected: Whether this request is for selected or un-selected series.
start_rev: The lowest revision to get trace data for.
end_rev: The highest revision to get trace data for.
JSON serialization of a dict with info that will be used to plot a chart.
# TODO(qyearsley): Parallelize queries if possible.
# Get a list of Test entities.
if is_selected:
test_paths = _GetTestPathFromDict(test_path_dict)
test_paths = _GetUnselectedTestPathFromDict(test_path_dict)
test_keys = map(utils.TestKey, test_paths)
test_entities = ndb.get_multi(test_keys)
test_entities = [t for t in test_entities if t is not None]
# Filter out deprecated tests, but only if not all the tests are deprecated.
all_deprecated = all(t.deprecated for t in test_entities)
if not all_deprecated:
test_entities = [t for t in test_entities if not t.deprecated]
test_entities = [t for t in test_entities if t.has_rows]
revision_map = {}
num_points = num_points or _DEFAULT_NUM_POINTS
for test in test_entities:
_UpdateRevisionMap(revision_map, test, rev, num_points, start_rev, end_rev)
if not (start_rev and end_rev):
_ClampRevisionMap(revision_map, rev, num_points)
return _GetFlotJson(revision_map, test_entities)