blob: 54f0aff9ea308d65a032b0a263f9bc565a6e8b53 [file] [log] [blame]
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Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/diagnostics/diagnostic.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/diagnostics/value_ref.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.v.d', function() {
class RelatedValueMap extends tr.v.d.Diagnostic {
constructor() {
this.valuesByName_ = new Map();
* Lookup a Histogram by name. Returns undefined if |name| is not found.
* @param {string} name
* @return {!tr.v.d.ValueRef|!tr.v.Histogram|undefined}
get(name) {
return this.valuesByName_.get(name);
* Add a Histogram by an explicit name to this map.
* @param {string} name
* @param {!(tr.v.d.ValueRef|tr.v.Histogram)} value
set(name, value) {
if (!(value instanceof tr.v.Histogram) &&
!(value instanceof tr.v.d.ValueRef))
throw new Error('Must be instanceof Histogram or ValueRef: ' + value);
this.valuesByName_.set(name, value);
* Add a Histogram implicitly by its own name to this map.
* @param {!(tr.v.d.ValueRef|tr.v.Histogram)} value
add(value) {
this.set(, value);
get length() {
return this.valuesByName_.size;
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
for (var pair of this.valuesByName_)
yield pair;
* Resolve all ValueRefs into Values by looking up their guids in
* |valueSet|.
* If a value cannot be found and |opt_required| is true, then throw an
* Error.
* If a value cannot be found and |opt_required| is false, then the ValueRef
* will remain a ValueRef.
* @param {!tr.v.ValueSet} valueSet
* @param {boolean=} opt_required
resolve(valueSet, opt_required) {
for (var [name, value] of this) {
if (!(value instanceof tr.v.d.ValueRef))
var guid = value.guid;
value = valueSet.lookup(guid);
if (value instanceof tr.v.Histogram)
this.valuesByName_.set(name, value);
else if (opt_required)
throw new Error('Unable to find Histogram ' + guid);
asDictInto_(d) {
d.values = {};
for (var [name, value] of this)
d.values[name] = value.guid;
static fromDict(d) {
var map = new RelatedValueMap();
tr.b.iterItems(d.values, function(name, guid) {
map.set(name, new tr.v.d.ValueRef(guid));
return map;
tr.v.d.Diagnostic.register(RelatedValueMap, {
elementName: 'tr-v-ui-related-value-map-span'
return {
RelatedValueMap: RelatedValueMap