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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/diagnostics/related_value_map.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.v.d', function() {
* RelatedHistogramBreakdown encapsulates an additive relationship between
* Histograms: the Histogram that contains this RelatedHistogramBreakdown
* diagnostic is composed of the Histograms referenced by this
* RelatedHistogramBreakdown diagnostic. RelatedHistogramBreakdown is a
* "breakdown" of its containing Histogram into its contained Histograms. This
* additive relationship can apply to groups of other things besides Events,
* such as memory allocations. RelatedHistogramBreakdowns over groups of
* Events is expected to be the most common way of building
* RelatedHistogramBreakdowns, though it is not the only way. See
* buildFromEvents() for an example of how to build a
* RelatedHistogramBreakdown from an EventSet and a grouping function.
class RelatedHistogramBreakdown extends tr.v.d.RelatedValueMap {
constructor() {
this.colorScheme = undefined;
* Add a Histogram by an explicit name to this map.
* @param {string} name
* @param {!(tr.v.d.ValueRef|tr.v.Histogram)} value
set(name, value) {
if (!(value instanceof tr.v.d.ValueRef)) {
if (!(value instanceof tr.v.Histogram)) {
throw new Error(
'RelatedHistogramBreakdown can only contain Histograms');
if ( !== ( - name.length)) {
throw new Error(
'RelatedHistogramBreakdown name must be a suffix of');
if ((this.length > 0) &&
(value.unit !==
tr.b.getFirstElement(this)[1].unit)) {
throw new Error('Units mismatch', tr.b.getFirstElement(this)[1].unit,
}, name, value);
asDictInto_(d) {, d);
if (this.colorScheme)
d.colorScheme = this.colorScheme;
static fromDict(d) {
var diagnostic = new RelatedHistogramBreakdown();
tr.b.iterItems(d.values, function(name, guid) {
diagnostic.set(name, new tr.v.d.ValueRef(guid));
if (d.colorScheme)
diagnostic.colorScheme = d.colorScheme;
return diagnostic;
* Build a RelatedHistogramBreakdown and its Histograms from |events|. Group
* events using |categoryForEvent|. Add the Histograms to |values|.
* Histograms' names are prefixed with |namePrefix|. Histograms are built
* with |opt_binBoundaries|. The numeric sample for each Event is derived
* from |opt_sampleForEvent|, which defaults to event.cpuSelfTime. The caller
* must add the result RelatedHistogramBreakdown to their Histogram's
* diagnostics.
* @param {!tr.v.ValueSet} values
* @param {string} namePrefix
* @param {!tr.model.EventSet} events
* @param {!function(!tr.model.Event):string} categoryForEvent
* @param {!tr.b.Unit} unit
* @param {!function(!tr.model.Event):number=} opt_sampleForEvent
* @param {!tr.v.HistogramBinBoundaries=} opt_binBoundaries
* @param {*=} opt_this
* @return {!RelatedHistogramBreakdown}
static buildFromEvents(values, namePrefix, events, categoryForEvent, unit,
opt_sampleForEvent, opt_binBoundaries, opt_this) {
var sampleForEvent = opt_sampleForEvent || ((event) => event.cpuSelfTime);
var diagnostic = new RelatedHistogramBreakdown();
for (var event of events) {
var sample =, event);
if (sample === undefined)
var eventCategory =, event);
var value = diagnostic.get(eventCategory);
if (value === undefined) {
value = new tr.v.Histogram(
namePrefix + eventCategory, unit, opt_binBoundaries);
diagnostic.set(eventCategory, value);
{relatedEvents: new tr.v.d.RelatedEventSet([event])});
return diagnostic;
tr.v.d.Diagnostic.register(RelatedHistogramBreakdown, {
elementName: 'tr-v-ui-breakdown-span'
return {
RelatedHistogramBreakdown: RelatedHistogramBreakdown