blob: 582cf6c84095b56cb59466a4be3671e8520006e1 [file] [log] [blame]
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Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/diagnostics/diagnostic.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.v.d', function() {
class IterationInfo extends tr.v.d.Diagnostic {
constructor(opt_info) {
this.benchmarkName_ = '';
this.benchmarkStart_ = undefined;
this.label_ = '';
this.osVersion_ = '';
this.productVersion_ = '';
this.storyDisplayName_ = '';
this.storyGroupingKeys_ = {};
this.storyRepeatCounter_ = 0;
this.storyUrl_ = '';
this.storysetRepeatCounter_ = 0;
if (opt_info)
* @param {!Object} info
* @param {string} info.benchmarkName
* @param {undefined|string} info.label
* @param {undefined|!Object} info.storyGroupingKeys
* @param {undefined|string} info.storyDisplayName
* @param {undefined|string} info.storyUrl
* @param {undefined|number} info.storyRepeatCounter
* @param {number} info.storysetRepeatCounter
* @param {number} info.benchmarkStartMs Milliseconds since Unix epoch.
addInfo(info) {
// IterationInfo from Telemetry
if (info.benchmarkName)
this.benchmarkName_ = info.benchmarkName;
if (info.benchmarkStartMs)
this.benchmarkStart_ = new Date(info.benchmarkStartMs);
if (info.label)
this.label_ = info.label;
if (info.storyDisplayName)
this.storyDisplayName_ = info.storyDisplayName;
if (info.storyGroupingKeys)
this.storyGroupingKeys_ = info.storyGroupingKeys;
if (info.storyRepeatCounter)
this.storyRepeatCounter_ = info.storyRepeatCounter;
if (info.storyUrl)
this.storyUrl_ = info.storyUrl;
if (info.storysetRepeatCounter)
this.storysetRepeatCounter_ = info.storysetRepeatCounter;
// From platform tracing metadata
if (info['os-version'])
this.osVersion_ = info['os-version'];
if (info['product-version'])
this.productVersion_ = info['product-version'];
addToValue(value) {
value.diagnostics.set(IterationInfo.NAME, this);
* @param {!tr.v.Value} value
* @return {(undefined|!tr.v.d.IterationInfo)}
static getFromValue(value) {
return value.diagnostics.get(IterationInfo.NAME);
asDictInto_(d) {
d.benchmarkName = this.benchmarkName;
if (this.benchmarkStart)
d.benchmarkStartMs = this.benchmarkStart.getTime();
d.label = this.label;
d.storyDisplayName = this.storyDisplayName;
d.storyGroupingKeys = this.storyGroupingKeys;
d.storyRepeatCounter = this.storyRepeatCounter;
d.storyUrl = this.storyUrl;
d.storysetRepeatCounter = this.storysetRepeatCounter;
d['os-version'] = this.osVersion;
d['product-version'] = this.productVersion;
static fromDict(d) {
var info = new IterationInfo();
return info;
get displayLabel() {
if (this.label)
return this.label;
return this.benchmarkName + ' ' + this.benchmarkStartString;
get osVersion() {
return this.osVersion_;
get productVersion() {
return this.productVersion_;
get benchmarkName() {
return this.benchmarkName_;
get label() {
return this.label_;
get storyGroupingKeys() {
return this.storyGroupingKeys_;
get storyDisplayName() {
return this.storyDisplayName_;
get storyUrl() {
return this.storyUrl_;
get storyRepeatCounter() {
return this.storyRepeatCounter_;
get storyRepeatCounterLabel() {
return 'story repeat ' + this.storyRepeatCounter;
get storysetRepeatCounter() {
return this.storysetRepeatCounter_;
get storysetRepeatCounterLabel() {
return 'storyset repeat ' + this.storysetRepeatCounter;
get benchmarkStart() {
return this.benchmarkStart_;
get benchmarkStartString() {
if (this.benchmarkStart_ === undefined)
return '';
return tr.b.formatDate(this.benchmarkStart);
* @param {!tr.v.Value} value
* @param {string} fieldName
* @param {*} defaultValue
* @return {*}
static getField(value, fieldName, defaultValue) {
var iteration = tr.v.d.IterationInfo.getFromValue(value);
if (!(iteration instanceof tr.v.d.IterationInfo) ||
!iteration[fieldName]) {
return defaultValue;
return iteration[fieldName];
* @param {!tr.v.Value} value
* @param {string} storyGroupingKey
* @return {string}
static getStoryGroupingKeyLabel(value, storyGroupingKey) {
var iteration = tr.v.d.IterationInfo.getFromValue(value);
if (!(iteration instanceof tr.v.d.IterationInfo))
return storyGroupingKey + ': undefined';
return storyGroupingKey + ': ' +
// Diagnostics generally do not need a constant name or getFromValue().
// IterationInfo is a special kind of Diagnostic that is produced by
// telemetry, which shepherds whole flocks of traces at once, and needs a
// system to identify and find traces by these attributes.
// Values produced by telemetry all have a single IterationInfo at this key in
// their DiagnosticMap.
IterationInfo.NAME = 'iteration';
tr.v.d.Diagnostic.register(IterationInfo, {
elementName: 'tr-v-ui-iteration-info-span'
return {
IterationInfo: IterationInfo