blob: b111453fed463f8d64a2ada990022b3e28c487a8 [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/extension_registry.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.v.d', function() {
class Diagnostic {
asDict() {
var result = {type:};
return result;
asDictInto_(d) {
throw new Error('Abstract virtual method');
static fromDict(d) {
var typeInfo = Diagnostic.findTypeInfoWithName(d.type);
if (!typeInfo)
throw new Error('Unrecognized diagnostic type: ' + d.type);
return typeInfo.constructor.fromDict(d);
var options = new tr.b.ExtensionRegistryOptions(tr.b.BASIC_REGISTRY_MODE);
options.defaultMetadata = {};
options.mandatoryBaseClass = Diagnostic;
tr.b.decorateExtensionRegistry(Diagnostic, options);
Diagnostic.addEventListener('will-register', function(e) {
var constructor = e.typeInfo.constructor;
if (!(constructor.fromDict instanceof Function) ||
(constructor.fromDict === Diagnostic.fromDict) ||
(constructor.fromDict.length !== 1)) {
throw new Error('Diagnostics must define fromDict(d)');
return {
Diagnostic: Diagnostic