blob: d0266392babb5d949855eba9cacabda4f3a7f390 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/statistics.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/metrics/metric_registry.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/metrics/system_health/loading_metric.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/numeric.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('', function() {
* Call the functions in loading_metric.html to get the TTI intervals.
* "TTI interval" here means the interval between the start of the
* LoadExpectation (i.e. navigation start) and time to interactive.
* A trace can have multiple TTI intervals in the case that there are
* multiple page loads (e.g. a browsing story where the user switches
* between multiple pages)
function getNavigationTTIIntervals(model) {
// TODO(alexandermont): When LoadExpectation v.1.0 is released,
// update this function to use the new LoadExpectation rather
// than calling loading_metric.html.
var values = new tr.v.ValueSet();, model);
var ttiValues = values.getValuesNamed('timeToFirstInteractive');
var intervals = [];
for (var bin of tr.b.getOnlyElement(ttiValues).allBins)
for (var diagnostics of bin.diagnosticMaps) {
var info = diagnostics.get('Navigation infos');
info.value.start, info.value.interactive));
return intervals.sort((x, y) => x.min - y.min);
function ttiPowerMetric(values, model) {
if (!model.device.powerSeries)
var intervals = getNavigationTTIIntervals(model);
var lastLoadTime = 0;
var loadHistogram = new tr.v.Histogram('energy:load',
loadHistogram.description = 'Energy consumed in page loads';
avg: false,
count: false,
max: false,
min: false,
std: false,
sum: true,
for (var interval of intervals) {
var energyInJ = model.device.powerSeries.getEnergyConsumedInJ(
interval.min, interval.max);
lastLoadTime = interval.max;
var afterLoadEnergyInJ = model.device.powerSeries.getEnergyConsumedInJ(
lastLoadTime, model.bounds.max);
var afterLoadTimeInMs = model.bounds.max - lastLoadTime;
var afterLoadTimeInS = tr.b.convertUnit(afterLoadTimeInMs,
tr.b.UnitScale.Metric.MILLI, tr.b.UnitScale.Metric.NONE);
var afterLoadPowerInW = afterLoadEnergyInJ / afterLoadTimeInS;
var afterLoadHistogram = new tr.v.Histogram('power:after_load',
afterLoadHistogram.description = 'Average power after load';
avg: false,
count: false,
max: false,
min: false,
std: false,
sum: false,
return {
ttiPowerMetric: ttiPowerMetric