blob: 64be870634d6f888cb9695a41dee5e482134f51c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import optparse
import py_utils
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import zlib
from import device_utils
from py_trace_event import trace_time as trace_time_module
from systrace import trace_result
from systrace import tracing_agents
from systrace import util
# Text that ADB sends, but does not need to be displayed to the user.
ADB_IGNORE_REGEXP = r'^capturing trace\.\.\. done|^capturing trace\.\.\.'
# The number of seconds to wait on output from ADB.
# The adb shell command to initiate a trace.
ATRACE_BASE_ARGS = ['atrace']
# If a custom list of categories is not specified, traces will include
# these categories (if available on the device).
DEFAULT_CATEGORIES = 'sched gfx view dalvik webview input disk am wm'.split()
# The command to list trace categories.
# Minimum number of seconds between displaying status updates.
# ADB sends this text to indicate the beginning of the trace data.
# Plain-text trace data should always start with this string.
TRACE_TEXT_HEADER = '# tracer'
# The property name for switching on and off tracing during boot.
BOOTTRACE_PROP = 'persist.debug.atrace.boottrace'
# The file path for specifying categories to be traced during boot.
BOOTTRACE_CATEGORIES = '/data/misc/boottrace/categories'
def list_categories(config):
"""List the possible trace event categories.
This function needs the tracing config since it needs to get the serial
number of the device to send a command to.
config: Tracing config.
devutils = device_utils.DeviceUtils(config.device_serial_number)
print '\n'.join(devutils.RunShellCommand(LIST_CATEGORIES_ARGS))
if not devutils.HasRoot():
print '\nNOTE: more categories may be available with adb root\n'
def get_available_categories(config):
"""Gets the list of atrace categories available for tracing.
config: Tracing config.
devutils = device_utils.DeviceUtils(config.device_serial_number)
categories_output = devutils.RunShellCommand(LIST_CATEGORIES_ARGS)
return [c.split('-')[0].strip() for c in categories_output]
def try_create_agent(config):
"""Create an Atrace agent.
config: Command line config.
if != 'android':
return None
if config.from_file is not None:
return None
# Check device SDK version.
device_sdk_version = util.get_device_sdk_version()
if device_sdk_version <= 17:
print ('Device SDK versions <= 17 not supported.\n'
'Your device SDK version is %d.' % device_sdk_version)
return None
if device_sdk_version <= 22 and config.boot:
print ('--boot option does not work on the device SDK '
'version 22 or before.\nYour device SDK version '
'is %d.' % device_sdk_version)
return None
return BootAgent() if config.boot else AtraceAgent()
def _construct_extra_atrace_args(config, categories):
"""Construct extra arguments (-a, -k, categories) for atrace command.
config: Tracing config.
extra_args = []
if config.app_name is not None:
extra_args.extend(['-a', config.app_name])
if config.kfuncs is not None:
extra_args.extend(['-k', config.kfuncs])
return extra_args
def _construct_atrace_args(config, categories):
"""Builds the command used to invoke a trace process.
A tuple where the first element is an array of command arguments, and
the second element is a boolean which will be true if the command will
stream trace data.
atrace_args = ATRACE_BASE_ARGS[:]
if config.compress_trace_data:
if (config.trace_time is not None) and (config.trace_time > 0):
atrace_args.extend(['-t', str(config.trace_time)])
if (config.trace_buf_size is not None) and (config.trace_buf_size > 0):
atrace_args.extend(['-b', str(config.trace_buf_size)])
elif 'sched' in categories:
# 'sched' is a high-volume tag, double the default buffer size
# to accommodate that
atrace_args.extend(['-b', '4096'])
extra_args = _construct_extra_atrace_args(config, categories)
return atrace_args
class AtraceAgent(tracing_agents.TracingAgent):
def __init__(self):
super(AtraceAgent, self).__init__()
self._adb = None
self._trace_data = None
self._tracer_args = None
self._collection_thread = None
self._device_utils = None
self._device_serial_number = None
self._config = None
self._categories = None
def StartAgentTracing(self, config, timeout=None):
self._config = config
self._categories = config.atrace_categories
if not self._categories:
self._categories = DEFAULT_CATEGORIES
avail_cats = get_available_categories(config)
unavailable = [x for x in self._categories if x not in avail_cats]
self._categories = [x for x in self._categories if x in avail_cats]
if unavailable:
print 'These categories are unavailable: ' + ' '.join(unavailable)
self._device_utils = device_utils.DeviceUtils(config.device_serial_number)
self._device_serial_number = config.device_serial_number
self._tracer_args = _construct_atrace_args(config,
self._device_utils.RunShellCommand(self._tracer_args + ['--async_start'])
return True
def _collect_and_preprocess(self):
"""Collects and preprocesses trace data.
Stores results in self._trace_data.
trace_data = self._collect_trace_data()
self._trace_data = self._preprocess_trace_data(trace_data)
def StopAgentTracing(self, timeout=None):
"""Stops tracing and starts collecting results.
To synchronously retrieve the results after calling this function,
call GetResults().
self._collection_thread = threading.Thread(
return True
def GetResults(self, timeout=None):
"""Waits for collection thread to finish and returns trace results."""
self._collection_thread = None
return trace_result.TraceResult('systemTraceEvents', self._trace_data)
def SupportsExplicitClockSync(self):
return True
def RecordClockSyncMarker(self, sync_id, did_record_sync_marker_callback):
"""Records a clock sync marker.
sync_id: ID string for clock sync marker.
cmd = 'echo trace_event_clock_sync: name=%s >' \
' /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker' % sync_id
with self._device_utils.adb.PersistentShell(
self._device_serial_number) as shell:
t1 = trace_time_module.Now()
shell.RunCommand(cmd, close=True)
did_record_sync_marker_callback(t1, sync_id)
def _dump_trace(self):
"""Dumps the atrace buffer and returns the dumped buffer."""
dump_cmd = self._tracer_args + ['--async_dump']
return self._device_utils.RunShellCommand(dump_cmd, raw_output=True)
def _stop_trace(self):
"""Stops atrace.
Tries to stop the atrace asynchronously. Note that on some devices,
--async-stop does not work. Thus, this uses the fallback
method of running a zero-length synchronous trace if that fails.
self._device_utils.RunShellCommand(self._tracer_args + ['--async_stop'])
is_trace_enabled_cmd = ['cat', '/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on']
trace_on = int(self._device_utils.RunShellCommand(is_trace_enabled_cmd)[0])
if trace_on:
self._device_utils.RunShellCommand(self._tracer_args + ['-t 0'])
def _collect_trace_data(self):
"""Reads the output from atrace and stops the trace."""
result = self._dump_trace()
data_start =, result)
if data_start:
data_start = data_start.end(0)
raise IOError('Unable to get atrace data. Did you forget adb root?')
output = re.sub(ADB_IGNORE_REGEXP, '', result[data_start:])
return output
def _preprocess_trace_data(self, trace_data):
"""Performs various processing on atrace data.
trace_data: The raw trace data.
The processed trace data.
if trace_data:
trace_data = strip_and_decompress_trace(trace_data)
if not trace_data:
print >> sys.stderr, ('No data was captured. Output file was not '
if self._config.fix_threads:
# Issue ps command to device and patch thread names
ps_dump = do_preprocess_adb_cmd('ps -t',
if ps_dump is not None:
thread_names = extract_thread_list(ps_dump)
trace_data = fix_thread_names(trace_data, thread_names)
if self._config.fix_tgids:
# Issue printf command to device and patch tgids
procfs_dump = do_preprocess_adb_cmd('printf "%s\n" ' +
if procfs_dump is not None:
pid2_tgid = extract_tgids(procfs_dump)
trace_data = fix_missing_tgids(trace_data, pid2_tgid)
if self._config.fix_circular:
trace_data = fix_circular_traces(trace_data)
return trace_data
class BootAgent(AtraceAgent):
"""AtraceAgent that specializes in tracing the boot sequence."""
def __init__(self):
super(BootAgent, self).__init__()
def StartAgentTracing(self, config, timeout=None):
self._config = config
setup_args = _construct_boot_setup_command(config)
except OSError as error:
print >> sys.stderr, (
'The command "%s" failed with the following error:' %
' '.join(setup_args))
print >> sys.stderr, ' ', error
def _dump_trace(self): #called by StopAgentTracing
"""Dumps the running trace asynchronously and returns the dumped trace."""
dump_cmd = _construct_boot_trace_command(self._config)
return self._device_utils.RunShellCommand(dump_cmd, raw_output=True)
def _stop_trace(self): # called by _collect_trace_data via StopAgentTracing
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
# This is a member function for consistency with AtraceAgent
pass # don't need to stop separately; already done in dump_trace
def _construct_boot_setup_command(config):
echo_args = (['echo'] + config.atrace_categories +
setprop_args = ['setprop', BOOTTRACE_PROP, '1']
reboot_args = ['reboot']
return util.construct_adb_shell_command(
echo_args + ['&&'] + setprop_args + ['&&'] + reboot_args,
def _construct_boot_trace_command(config):
atrace_args = ['atrace', '--async_stop']
setprop_args = ['setprop', BOOTTRACE_PROP, '0']
rm_args = ['rm', BOOTTRACE_CATEGORIES]
return util.construct_adb_shell_command(
atrace_args + ['&&'] + setprop_args + ['&&'] + rm_args,
def extract_thread_list(trace_text):
"""Removes the thread list from the given trace data.
trace_text: The text portion of the trace
a map of thread ids to thread names
threads = {}
# start at line 1 to skip the top of the ps dump:
text = trace_text.splitlines()
for line in text[1:]:
cols = line.split(None, 8)
if len(cols) == 9:
tid = int(cols[1])
name = cols[8]
threads[tid] = name
return threads
def extract_tgids(trace_text):
"""Removes the procfs dump from the given trace text
trace_text: The text portion of the trace
a map of pids to their tgid.
tgid_2pid = {}
text = trace_text.splitlines()
for line in text:
result = re.match('^/proc/([0-9]+)/task/([0-9]+)', line)
if result:
parent_pid, tgid =, 2)
tgid_2pid[tgid] = parent_pid
return tgid_2pid
def strip_and_decompress_trace(trace_data):
"""Fixes new-lines and decompresses trace data.
trace_data: The trace data returned by atrace.
The decompressed trace data.
# Collapse CRLFs that are added by adb shell.
if trace_data.startswith('\r\n'):
trace_data = trace_data.replace('\r\n', '\n')
elif trace_data.startswith('\r\r\n'):
# On windows, adb adds an extra '\r' character for each line.
trace_data = trace_data.replace('\r\r\n', '\n')
# Skip the initial newline.
if trace_data[0] == '\n':
trace_data = trace_data[1:]
if not trace_data.startswith(TRACE_TEXT_HEADER):
# No header found, so assume the data is compressed.
trace_data = zlib.decompress(trace_data)
# Enforce Unix line-endings.
trace_data = trace_data.replace('\r', '')
# Skip any initial newlines.
while trace_data and trace_data[0] == '\n':
trace_data = trace_data[1:]
return trace_data
def fix_thread_names(trace_data, thread_names):
"""Replaces thread ids with their names.
trace_data: The atrace data.
thread_names: A mapping of thread ids to thread names.
The updated trace data.
def repl(m):
tid = int(
if tid > 0:
name = thread_names.get(tid)
if name is None:
name =
if name == '<...>':
name = '<' + str(tid) + '>'
thread_names[tid] = name
return name + '-' +
# matches something like:
# Binder_2-895, or etc...
trace_data = re.sub(r'^\s*(\S+)-(\d+)', repl, trace_data,
return trace_data
def fix_missing_tgids(trace_data, pid2_tgid):
"""Replaces missing TGIDs from the trace data with those found in procfs
trace_data: the atrace data
The updated trace data with missing TGIDs replaced with the correct TGID
def repl(m):
tid =
if (int(tid) > 0 and != '<idle>' and == '(-----)'
and tid in pid2_tgid):
# returns Proc_name-PID (TGID)
# Binder_2-381 (-----) becomes Binder_2-381 (128)
return + '-' + + ' ( ' + pid2_tgid[tid] + ')'
# matches something like:
# Binder_2-895 (-----)
trace_data = re.sub(r'^\s*(\S+)-(\d+)\s+(\(\S+\))', repl, trace_data,
return trace_data
def fix_circular_traces(out):
"""Fix inconsistentcies in traces due to circular buffering.
The circular buffers are kept per CPU, so it is not guaranteed that the
beginning of a slice is overwritten before the end. To work around this, we
throw away the prefix of the trace where not all CPUs have events yet.
out: The data to fix.
The updated trace data.
# If any of the CPU's buffers have filled up and
# older events have been dropped, the kernel
# emits markers of the form '##### CPU 2 buffer started ####' on
# the line before the first event in the trace on that CPU.
# No such headers are emitted if there were no overflows or the trace
# was captured with non-circular buffers.
buffer_start_re = re.compile(r'^#+ CPU \d+ buffer started', re.MULTILINE)
start_of_full_trace = 0
while True:
result =, start_of_full_trace + 1)
if result:
start_of_full_trace = result.start()
if start_of_full_trace > 0:
# Need to keep the header intact to make the importer happy.
end_of_header ='^[^#]', out, re.MULTILINE).start()
out = out[:end_of_header] + out[start_of_full_trace:]
return out
def do_preprocess_adb_cmd(command, serial):
"""Run an ADB command for preprocessing of output.
Run an ADB command and get the results. This function is used for
running commands relating to preprocessing of output data.
command: Command to run.
serial: Serial number of device.
args = [command]
dump, ret_code = util.run_adb_shell(args, serial)
if ret_code != 0:
return None
dump = ''.join(dump)
return dump
class AtraceConfig(tracing_agents.TracingConfig):
def __init__(self, atrace_categories, trace_buf_size, kfuncs,
app_name, fix_threads, fix_tgids, fix_circular,
compress_trace_data, boot, from_file, device_serial_number,
trace_time, target):
self.atrace_categories = atrace_categories
self.trace_buf_size = trace_buf_size
self.kfuncs = kfuncs
self.app_name = app_name
self.fix_threads = fix_threads
self.fix_tgids = fix_tgids
self.fix_circular = fix_circular
self.compress_trace_data = compress_trace_data
self.boot = boot
self.from_file = from_file
self.device_serial_number = device_serial_number
self.trace_time = trace_time = target
def add_options(parser):
options = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Atrace options')
options.add_option('--atrace-categories', dest='atrace_categories',
help='Select atrace categories with a comma-delimited '
'list, e.g. --atrace-categories=cat1,cat2,cat3')
options.add_option('-k', '--ktrace', dest='kfuncs', action='store',
help='specify a comma-separated list of kernel functions '
'to trace')
options.add_option('-a', '--app', dest='app_name', default=None,
type='string', action='store',
help='enable application-level tracing for '
'comma-separated list of app cmdlines')
options.add_option('--no-compress', dest='compress_trace_data',
default=True, action='store_false',
help='Tell the device not to send the trace data in '
'compressed form.')
options.add_option('--boot', dest='boot', default=False, action='store_true',
help='reboot the device with tracing during boot enabled.'
'The report is created by hitting Ctrl+C after the device'
'has booted up.')
return options
def get_config(options):
return AtraceConfig(options.atrace_categories,
options.trace_buf_size, options.kfuncs,
options.app_name, options.fix_threads,
options.fix_tgids, options.fix_circular,
options.compress_trace_data, options.boot,
options.from_file, options.device_serial_number,