blob: c98906f0e45de6fad61744a35d6c2383c6b83235 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import optparse
import py_utils
import threading
import zlib
from devil.utils import cmd_helper
from systrace import trace_result
from systrace import tracing_agents
# Compress the trace before sending it over USB.
# Use a large trace buffer to increase the polling interval.
'-b', '16384'
# Interval in seconds for sampling atrace data.
# If a custom list of categories is not specified, traces will include
# these categories (if available on the device).
_DEFAULT_CATEGORIES = 'sched gfx view dalvik webview input disk am wm'.split()
_TRACING_ON_PATH = '/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on'
class AtraceAgent(tracing_agents.TracingAgent):
def __init__(self, device, ring_buffer):
self._device = device
self._ring_buffer = ring_buffer
self._done = threading.Event()
self._thread = None
self._trace_data = None
self._categories = None
def __repr__(self):
return 'atrace'
def GetCategories(device):
return device.RunShellCommand('atrace --list_categories')
def StartAgentTracing(self, config, timeout=None):
self._categories = _ComputeAtraceCategories(config)
self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._CollectData)
return True
def StopAgentTracing(self, timeout=None):
return True
def GetResults(self, timeout=None):
self._thread = None
return trace_result.TraceResult('systemTraceEvents', self._trace_data)
def SupportsExplicitClockSync(self):
return False
def RecordClockSyncMarker(self, sync_id, did_record_sync_marker_callback):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
assert self.SupportsExplicitClockSync(), ('Clock sync marker cannot be '
'recorded since explicit clock sync is not supported.')
def IsTracingOn(self):
result = self._RunAdbShellCommand(['cat', _TRACING_ON_PATH])
return result.strip() == '1'
def _RunAdbShellCommand(self, command):
# We use a separate interface to adb because the one from AndroidCommands
# isn't re-entrant.
# TODO(jbudorick) Look at providing a way to unhandroll this once the
# adb rewrite has fully landed.
device_param = (['-s', str(self._device)] if str(self._device) else [])
cmd = ['adb'] + device_param + ['shell'] + command
return cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput(cmd)
def _RunATraceCommand(self, command):
cmd = ['atrace', '--%s' % command] + _ATRACE_OPTIONS + self._categories
return self._RunAdbShellCommand(cmd)
def _ForceStopAtrace(self):
# atrace on pre-M Android devices cannot be stopped asynchronously
# correctly. Use synchronous mode to force stop.
cmd = ['atrace', '-t', '0']
return self._RunAdbShellCommand(cmd)
def _CollectData(self):
trace_data = []
while not self._done.is_set():
if not self._ring_buffer or self._done.is_set():
if self.IsTracingOn():
self._trace_data = ''.join([zlib.decompress(d) for d in trace_data])
def _DecodeTraceData(trace_data):
trace_start = trace_data.index('TRACE:')
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError('Atrace start marker not found')
trace_data = trace_data[trace_start + 6:]
# Collapse CRLFs that are added by adb shell.
if trace_data.startswith('\r\n'):
trace_data = trace_data.replace('\r\n', '\n')
# Skip the initial newline.
return trace_data[1:]
class AtraceConfig(tracing_agents.TracingConfig):
def __init__(self, atrace_categories, device, ring_buffer):
self.atrace_categories = atrace_categories
self.device = device
self.ring_buffer = ring_buffer
def try_create_agent(config):
if config.atrace_categories:
return AtraceAgent(config.device, config.ring_buffer)
return None
def add_options(parser):
atrace_opts = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Atrace tracing options')
atrace_opts.add_option('-s', '--systrace', help='Capture a systrace with '
'the chosen comma-delimited systrace categories. You'
' can also capture a combined Chrome + systrace by '
'enabling both types of categories. Use "list" to '
'see the available categories. Systrace is disabled'
' by default. Note that in this case, Systrace is '
'synonymous with Atrace.',
dest='atrace_categories', default='')
return atrace_opts
def get_config(options):
return AtraceConfig(options.atrace_categories, options.device,
def _ComputeAtraceCategories(config):
if not config.atrace_categories:
return config.atrace_categories.split(',')