blob: c0fbe2d45c0c9b80fb562b61421b77ae7285158c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from telemetry.core import exceptions
from telemetry.testing import tab_test_case
import py_utils
class InspectorRuntimeTest(tab_test_case.TabTestCase):
def testRuntimeEvaluateSimple(self):
res = self._tab.EvaluateJavaScript('1+1')
assert res == 2
def testRuntimeEvaluateThatFails(self):
with self.assertRaises(exceptions.EvaluateException) as ex_context:
self._tab.EvaluateJavaScript('var x = 1;\n'
exception_message = str(ex_context.exception)
self.assertIn('ReferenceError: fsdfsdfsf is not defined', exception_message)
def testRuntimeEvaluateOfSomethingThatCantJSONize(self):
def test():
var cur = {};
var root = {next: cur};
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
next = {}; = next;
cur = next;
self.assertRaises(exceptions.EvaluateException, test)
def testRuntimeExecuteOfSomethingThatCantJSONize(self):
def testIFrame(self):
starting_contexts = self._tab.EnableAllContexts()
# Access host page.
test_defined_js = "typeof(testVar) != 'undefined'"
self._tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression(test_defined_js, timeout=10)
py_utils.WaitFor(lambda: self._tab.EnableAllContexts() != starting_contexts,
self.assertEquals(self._tab.EvaluateJavaScript('testVar'), 'host')
def TestVarReady(context_id):
"""Returns True if the context and testVar are both ready."""
return self._tab.EvaluateJavaScriptInContext(test_defined_js,
except exceptions.EvaluateException:
# This happens when the context is not ready.
return False
def TestVar(context_id):
"""Waits for testVar and the context to be ready, then returns the value
of testVar."""
py_utils.WaitFor(lambda: TestVarReady(context_id), timeout=10)
return self._tab.EvaluateJavaScriptInContext('testVar', context_id)
all_contexts = self._tab.EnableAllContexts()
# Access parent page using EvaluateJavaScriptInContext.
self.assertEquals(TestVar(context_id=all_contexts-3), 'host')
# Access the iframes without guarantees on which order they loaded.
iframe1 = TestVar(context_id=all_contexts-2)
iframe2 = TestVar(context_id=all_contexts-1)
iframe3 = TestVar(context_id=all_contexts)
self.assertEqual(set([iframe1, iframe2, iframe3]),
set(['iframe1', 'iframe2', 'iframe3']))
# Accessing a non-existent iframe throws an exception.
lambda: self._tab.EvaluateJavaScriptInContext(
'1+1', context_id=all_contexts+1))