blob: b121d2e957ffd461941f66c12a17a202a7f4067b [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
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Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/base/deep_utils.html">
<link rel="import"
<link rel="import" href="/core/test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/model/process_memory_dump.html">
'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
var Selection = tr.c.Selection;
var VMRegion = tr.model.VMRegion;
function createVMRegions() {
return [
mappedFile: '/lib/',
startAddress: 65536,
sizeInBytes: 536870912,
protectionFlags: VMRegion.PROTECTION_FLAG_READ |
byteStats: {
proportionalResident: 8192
startAddress: 10995116277760,
sizeInBytes: 2147483648,
protectionFlags: VMRegion.PROTECTION_FLAG_READ |
byteStats: {
privateDirtyResident: 0,
swapped: 0
startAddress: 12094627905536,
sizeInBytes: 2147483648,
protectionFlags: VMRegion.PROTECTION_FLAG_READ |
byteStats: {
privateDirtyResident: 0,
swapped: 0
function checkRowValue(row, column, expectedValue) {
var value = column.value(row);
if (typeof(expectedValue) === 'number')
value = value.numBytes;
assert.equal(value, expectedValue);
test('instantiate_empty', function() {
var viewEl = document.createElement(
test('instantiate_nonEmpty', function() {
var vmRegions = createVMRegions();
var viewEl = document.createElement(
viewEl.vmRegions = vmRegions;
var table = tr.b.findDeepElementMatching(
viewEl, 'tr-b-ui-table');
var columns = table.tableColumns;
assert.lengthOf(columns, 7);
var titleColumn = columns[0];
var virtualSizeColumn = columns[1];
var proportionalResidentColumn = columns[2];
var privateDirtyResidentColumn = columns[3];
var swappedColumn = columns[4];
var startAddressColumn = columns[5];
var protectionFlagsColumn = columns[6];
function checkRow(row, expectedTitle, expectedVirtualSize,
expectedProportionalResident, expectedPrivateDirtyResident,
expectedSwapped, expectedStartAddress, expectedProtectionFlags,
expectedSubRowCount) {
checkRowValue(row, titleColumn, expectedTitle);
checkRowValue(row, virtualSizeColumn, expectedVirtualSize);
row, proportionalResidentColumn, expectedProportionalResident);
row, privateDirtyResidentColumn, expectedPrivateDirtyResident);
checkRowValue(row, swappedColumn, expectedSwapped);
checkRowValue(row, startAddressColumn, expectedStartAddress);
checkRowValue(row, protectionFlagsColumn, expectedProtectionFlags);
if (expectedSubRowCount === undefined)
assert.lengthOf(row.subRows, expectedSubRowCount);
// Check the rows of the table.
var rows = table.tableRows;
assert.lengthOf(rows, 1);
var totalRow = rows[0];
checkRow(totalRow, 'Total', 4831838208, 8192, 0, 0, '', '', 7);
var androidRow = totalRow.subRows[0];
checkRow(androidRow, 'Android', '', '', '', '', '', '', 3);
var javaRuntimeRow = androidRow.subRows[0];
checkRow(javaRuntimeRow, 'Java runtime', '', '', '', '', '', '', 5);
var spacesRow = javaRuntimeRow.subRows[0];
checkRow(spacesRow, 'Spaces', '', '', '', '', '', '', 4);
var normalRow = spacesRow.subRows[0];
checkRow(normalRow, 'Normal', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0);
var filesRow = totalRow.subRows[3];
checkRow(filesRow, 'Files', 536870912, 8192, '', '', '', '', 7);
var soRow = filesRow.subRows[0];
checkRow(soRow, 'so', 536870912, 8192, '', '', '', '', 1);
var mmapChromeRow = soRow.subRows[0];
checkRow(mmapChromeRow, '/lib/', 536870912, 8192, '', '',
'0000000000010000', 'r-x', undefined);
var otherRow = totalRow.subRows[6];
checkRow(otherRow, 'Other', 4294967296, '', 0, 0, '', '', 2);
var mmapOther2Row = otherRow.subRows[1];
checkRow(mmapOther2Row, '', 2147483648, '', 0, 0, '00000b0000000000',
'rw-', undefined);