blob: f09262615734d847bf34ef299b0e917ebbee79d6 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/ui/analysis/memory_dump_sub_view_util.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/ui/analysis/stacked_pane.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/ui/base/table.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/numeric.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
<dom-module id='tr-ui-a-memory-dump-vm-regions-details-pane'>
:host {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
#label {
flex: 0 0 auto;
padding: 8px;
background-color: #eee;
border-bottom: 1px solid #8e8e8e;
border-top: 1px solid white;
font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;
#contents {
flex: 1 0 auto;
align-self: stretch;
font-size: 12px;
#info_text {
padding: 8px;
color: #666;
font-style: italic;
text-align: center;
#table {
display: none; /* Hide until memory dumps are set. */
flex: 1 0 auto;
align-self: stretch;
<div id="label">Memory maps</div>
<div id="contents">
<div id="info_text">No memory maps selected</div>
<tr-ui-b-table id="table"></tr-ui-b-table>
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.ui.analysis', function() {
var ScalarNumeric = tr.v.ScalarNumeric;
var sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter =
condition: 'Start address',
importance: 0,
columnConstructor: tr.ui.analysis.StringMemoryColumn
condition: 'Virtual size',
importance: 7,
columnConstructor: tr.ui.analysis.DetailsNumericMemoryColumn
condition: 'Protection flags',
importance: 6,
columnConstructor: tr.ui.analysis.StringMemoryColumn
condition: 'PSS',
importance: 5,
columnConstructor: tr.ui.analysis.DetailsNumericMemoryColumn
condition: 'Private dirty',
importance: 4,
columnConstructor: tr.ui.analysis.DetailsNumericMemoryColumn
condition: 'Private clean',
importance: 3,
columnConstructor: tr.ui.analysis.DetailsNumericMemoryColumn
condition: 'Shared dirty',
importance: 2,
columnConstructor: tr.ui.analysis.DetailsNumericMemoryColumn
condition: 'Shared clean',
importance: 1,
columnConstructor: tr.ui.analysis.DetailsNumericMemoryColumn
condition: 'Swapped',
importance: 0,
columnConstructor: tr.ui.analysis.DetailsNumericMemoryColumn
'proportionalResident': 'PSS',
'privateDirtyResident': 'Private dirty',
'privateCleanResident': 'Private clean',
'sharedDirtyResident': 'Shared dirty',
'sharedCleanResident': 'Shared clean',
'swapped': 'Swapped'
function hexString(address, is64BitAddress) {
if (address === undefined)
return undefined;
var hexPadding = is64BitAddress ? '0000000000000000' : '00000000';
return (hexPadding + address.toString(16)).substr(-hexPadding.length);
function pruneEmptyRuleRows(row) {
if (row.subRows === undefined || row.subRows.length === 0)
// Either all sub-rows are rule rows, or all sub-rows are VM region rows.
if (row.subRows[0].rule === undefined) {
// VM region rows: Early out to avoid filtering a large array for
// performance reasons (no sub-rows would be removed, but the whole array
// would be unnecessarily copied to a new array).
row.subRows = row.subRows.filter(function(subRow) {
return subRow.subRows.length > 0;
is: 'tr-ui-a-memory-dump-vm-regions-details-pane',
behaviors: [tr.ui.analysis.StackedPane],
created: function() {
this.vmRegions_ = undefined;
this.aggregationMode_ = undefined;
ready: function() {
this.$.table.selectionMode = tr.ui.b.TableFormat.SelectionMode.ROW;
* Sets the VM regions and schedules rebuilding the pane.
* The provided value should be a chronological list of lists of VM
* regions. All VM regions are assumed to belong to the same process.
* Example:
* [
* [
* // VM regions at timestamp 1.
* tr.model.VMRegion {},
* tr.model.VMRegion {},
* tr.model.VMRegion {}
* ],
* undefined, // No VM regions provided at timestamp 2.
* [
* // VM regions at timestamp 3.
* tr.model.VMRegion {},
* tr.model.VMRegion {}
* ]
* ]
set vmRegions(vmRegions) {
this.vmRegions_ = vmRegions;
get vmRegions() {
return this.vmRegions_;
set aggregationMode(aggregationMode) {
this.aggregationMode_ = aggregationMode;
get aggregationMode() {
return this.aggregationMode_;
rebuildPane_: function() {
if (this.vmRegions_ === undefined || this.vmRegions_.length === 0) {
// Show the info text (hide the table).
this.$ = 'block';
this.$ = 'none';
// Show the table (hide the info text).
this.$ = 'none';
this.$ = 'block';
var rows = this.createRows_(this.vmRegions_);
var columns = this.createColumns_(rows);
// Note: There is no need to aggregate fields of the VM regions because
// the classification tree already takes care of that.
this.$.table.tableRows = rows;
this.$.table.tableColumns = columns;
// TODO(petrcermak): This can be quite slow. Consider doing this somehow
// asynchronously.
createRows_: function(timeToVmRegionTree) {
// Determine if any start address is outside the 32-bit range.
var is64BitAddress = timeToVmRegionTree.some(function(vmRegionTree) {
if (vmRegionTree === undefined)
return false;
return vmRegionTree.someRegion(function(region) {
if (region.startAddress === undefined)
return false;
return region.startAddress >= 4294967296 /* 2^32 */;
return [
this.createClassificationNodeRow(timeToVmRegionTree, is64BitAddress)
createClassificationNodeRow: function(timeToNode, is64BitAddress) {
// Get any defined classification node so that we can extract the
// properties which don't change over time.
var definedNode = tr.b.findFirstInArray(timeToNode);
// Child node ID (list index) -> Timestamp (list index) ->
// VM region classification node.
var childNodeIdToTimeToNode = tr.b.dictionaryValues(
tr.b.invertArrayOfDicts(timeToNode, function(node) {
var children = node.children;
if (children === undefined)
return undefined;
var childMap = {};
children.forEach(function(childNode) {
if (!childNode.hasRegions)
childMap[childNode.title] = childNode;
return childMap;
var childNodeSubRows =
function(timeToChildNode) {
return this.createClassificationNodeRow(
timeToChildNode, is64BitAddress);
}, this);
// Region ID (list index) -> Timestamp (list index) -> VM region.
var regionIdToTimeToRegion = tr.b.dictionaryValues(
tr.b.invertArrayOfDicts(timeToNode, function(node) {
var regions = node.regions;
if (regions === undefined)
return undefined;
return tr.b.arrayToDict(regions, function(region) {
return region.uniqueIdWithinProcess;
var regionSubRows = {
return this.createRegionRow_(timeToRegion, is64BitAddress);
}, this);
var subRows = childNodeSubRows.concat(regionSubRows);
return {
title: definedNode.title,
contexts: timeToNode,
variableCells: this.createVariableCells_(timeToNode),
subRows: subRows
createRegionRow_: function(timeToRegion, is64BitAddress) {
// Get any defined VM region so that we can extract the properties which
// don't change over time.
var definedRegion = tr.b.findFirstInArray(timeToRegion);
return {
title: definedRegion.mappedFile,
contexts: timeToRegion,
constantCells: this.createConstantCells_(definedRegion, is64BitAddress),
variableCells: this.createVariableCells_(timeToRegion)
* Create cells for VM region properties which DON'T change over time.
* Note that there are currently no such properties of classification nodes.
createConstantCells_: function(definedRegion, is64BitAddress) {
return tr.ui.analysis.createCells([definedRegion], function(region) {
var startAddress = region.startAddress;
if (startAddress === undefined)
return undefined;
return { 'Start address': hexString(startAddress, is64BitAddress) };
* Create cells for VM region (classification node) properties which DO
* change over time.
createVariableCells_: function(timeToRegion) {
return tr.ui.analysis.createCells(timeToRegion, function(region) {
var fields = {};
var sizeInBytes = region.sizeInBytes;
if (sizeInBytes !== undefined) {
fields['Virtual size'] = new ScalarNumeric(
sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, sizeInBytes);
var protectionFlags = region.protectionFlagsToString;
if (protectionFlags !== undefined)
fields['Protection flags'] = protectionFlags;
function(byteStatName, columnName) {
var byteStat = region.byteStats[byteStatName];
if (byteStat === undefined)
fields[columnName] = new ScalarNumeric(
sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, byteStat);
return fields;
createColumns_: function(rows) {
var titleColumn = new tr.ui.analysis.TitleColumn('Mapped file');
titleColumn.width = '200px';
var constantColumns = tr.ui.analysis.MemoryColumn.fromRows(
rows, 'constantCells', undefined, CONSTANT_COLUMN_RULES);
var variableColumns = tr.ui.analysis.MemoryColumn.fromRows(
rows, 'variableCells', this.aggregationMode_, VARIABLE_COLUMN_RULES);
var fieldColumns = constantColumns.concat(variableColumns);
var columns = [titleColumn].concat(fieldColumns);
return columns;
return {};