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# Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Test for the base encoder. Also serves as a base class for the
chart-type-specific tests."""
from graphy import common
from graphy import graphy_test
from graphy import formatters
from graphy.backends.google_chart_api import encoders
from graphy.backends.google_chart_api import util
class TestEncoder(encoders.BaseChartEncoder):
"""Simple implementation of BaseChartEncoder for testing common behavior."""
def _GetType(self, chart):
return {'chart_type': 'TEST_TYPE'}
def _GetDependentAxis(self, chart):
return chart.left
class TestChart(common.BaseChart):
"""Simple implementation of BaseChart for testing common behavior."""
def __init__(self, points=None):
super(TestChart, self).__init__()
if points is not None:
def AddData(self, points, color=None, label=None):
style = common._BasicStyle(color)
series = common.DataSeries(points, style=style, label=label)
return series
class BaseChartTest(graphy_test.GraphyTest):
"""Base class for all chart-specific tests"""
def ExpectAxes(self, labels, positions):
"""Helper to test that the chart axis spec matches the expected values."""
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxl'), labels)
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxp'), positions)
def GetChart(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Get a chart object. Other classes can override to change the
type of chart being tested.
chart = TestChart(*args, **kwargs)
chart.display = TestEncoder(chart)
return chart
def AddToChart(self, chart, points, color=None, label=None):
"""Add data to the chart.
Chart is assumed to be of the same type as returned by self.GetChart().
return chart.AddData(points, color=color, label=label)
def setUp(self):
self.chart = self.GetChart()
def testImgAndUrlUseSameUrl(self):
"""Check that Img() and Url() return the same URL."""
self.assertIn(self.chart.display.Url(500, 100, use_html_entities=True),
self.chart.display.Img(500, 100))
def testImgUsesHtmlEntitiesInUrl(self):
img_tag = self.chart.display.Img(500, 100)
self.assertNotIn('&ch', img_tag)
self.assertIn('&ch', img_tag)
def testParamsAreStrings(self):
"""Test that params are all converted to strings."""
self.chart.display.extra_params['test'] = 32
self.assertEqual(self.Param('test'), '32')
def testExtraParamsOverideDefaults(self):
self.assertNotEqual(self.Param('cht'), 'test') # Sanity check.
self.chart.display.extra_params['cht'] = 'test'
self.assertEqual(self.Param('cht'), 'test')
def testExtraParamsCanUseLongNames(self):
self.chart.display.extra_params['color'] = 'XYZ'
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chco'), 'XYZ')
def testExtraParamsCanUseNewNames(self):
"""Make sure future Google Chart API features can be accessed immediately
through extra_params. (Double-checks that the long-to-short name
conversion doesn't mess up the ability to use new features).
self.chart.display.extra_params['fancy_new_feature'] = 'shiny'
self.assertEqual(self.Param('fancy_new_feature'), 'shiny')
def testEmptyParamsDropped(self):
"""Check that empty parameters don't end up in the URL."""
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxt'), '')
self.assertNotIn('chxt', self.chart.display.Url(0, 0))
def testSizes(self):
self.assertIn('89x102', self.chart.display.Url(89, 102))
img = self.chart.display.Img(89, 102)
self.assertIn('chs=89x102', img)
self.assertIn('width="89"', img)
self.assertIn('height="102"', img)
def testChartType(self):
self.assertEqual(self.Param('cht'), 'TEST_TYPE')
def testChartSizeConvertedToInt(self):
url = self.chart.display.Url(100.1, 200.2)
self.assertIn('100x200', url)
def testUrlBase(self):
def assertStartsWith(actual_text, expected_start):
message = "[%s] didn't start with [%s]" % (actual_text, expected_start)
self.assert_(actual_text.startswith(expected_start), message)
assertStartsWith(self.chart.display.Url(0, 0),
url_base = ''
self.chart.display.url_base = url_base
assertStartsWith(self.chart.display.Url(0, 0), url_base)
def testEnhancedEncoder(self):
self.chart.display.enhanced_encoding = True
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 'e:')
def testUrlsEscaped(self):
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3])
url = self.chart.display.Url(500, 100)
self.assertNotIn('chd=s:', url)
self.assertIn('chd=s%3A', url)
def testUrls_DefaultIsWithoutHtmlEntities(self):
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3])
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3], label='Ciao&"Mario>Luigi"')
url_default = self.chart.display.Url(500, 100)
url_forced = self.chart.display.Url(500, 100, use_html_entities=False)
self.assertEqual(url_forced, url_default)
def testUrls_HtmlEntities(self):
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3])
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3], label='Ciao&"Mario>Luigi"')
url = self.chart.display.Url(500, 100, use_html_entities=True)
self.assertNotIn('&ch', url)
self.assertIn('&ch', url)
self.assertIn('%7CCiao%26%22Mario%3ELuigi%22', url)
def testUrls_NoEscapeWithHtmlEntities(self):
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3])
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3], label='Ciao&"Mario>Luigi"')
self.chart.display.escape_url = False
url = self.chart.display.Url(500, 100, use_html_entities=True)
self.assertNotIn('&ch', url)
self.assertIn('&ch', url)
self.assertIn('Ciao&"Mario>Luigi"', url)
def testUrls_NoHtmlEntities(self):
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3])
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3], label='Ciao&"Mario>Luigi"')
url = self.chart.display.Url(500, 100, use_html_entities=False)
self.assertIn('&ch', url)
self.assertNotIn('&ch', url)
self.assertIn('%7CCiao%26%22Mario%3ELuigi%22', url)
def testCanRemoveDefaultFormatters(self):
self.assertEqual(3, len(self.chart.formatters))
# I don't know why you'd want to remove the default formatters like this.
# It is just a proof that we can manipulate the default formatters
# through their aliases.
self.assertEqual(0, len(self.chart.formatters))
def testFormattersWorkOnCopy(self):
"""Make sure formatters can't modify the user's chart."""
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1])
# By making sure our point is at the upper boundry, we make sure that both
# line, pie, & bar charts encode it as a '9' in the simple encoding.
self.chart.left.max = 1
self.chart.left.min = 0
# Sanity checks before adding a formatter.
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:9')
self.assertEqual(len(, 1)
def MaliciousFormatter(chart): # Modify a mutable chart attribute
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:', "Formatter wasn't used.")
self.assertEqual(len(, 1,
"Formatter was able to modify original chart.")
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:9',
"Chart changed even after removing the formatter")
class XYChartTest(BaseChartTest):
"""Base class for charts that display lines or points in 2d.
Pretty much anything but the pie chart.
def testImgAndUrlUseSameUrl(self):
"""Check that Img() and Url() return the same URL."""
super(XYChartTest, self).testImgAndUrlUseSameUrl()
self.AddToChart(self.chart, range(0, 100))
self.assertIn(self.chart.display.Url(500, 100, use_html_entities=True),
self.chart.display.Img(500, 100))
self.chart = self.GetChart([-1, 0, 1])
self.assertIn(self.chart.display.Url(500, 100, use_html_entities=True),
self.chart.display.Img(500, 100))
# TODO: Once the deprecated AddSeries is removed, revisit
# whether we need this test.
def testAddSeries(self):
self.chart.auto_scale.buffer = 0 # Buffer causes trouble for testing.
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:')
self.AddToChart(self.chart, (1, 2, 3))
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:Af9')
self.AddToChart(self.chart, (4, 5, 6))
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:AMY,lx9')
# TODO: Once the deprecated AddSeries is removed, revisit
# whether we need this test.
def testAddSeriesReturnsValue(self):
points = (1, 2, 3)
series = self.AddToChart(self.chart, points, '#000000')
self.assertTrue(series is not None)
self.assertEqual(, points)
self.assertEqual(, '#000000')
def testFlatSeries(self):
"""Make sure we handle scaling of a flat data series correctly (there are
div by zero issues).
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [5, 5, 5])
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:AAA')
self.chart.left.min = 0
self.chart.left.max = 5
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:999')
self.chart.left.min = 5
self.chart.left.max = 15
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:AAA')
def testEmptyPointsStillCreatesSeries(self):
"""If we pass an empty list for points, we expect to get an empty data
series, not nothing. This way we can add data points later."""
chart = self.GetChart()
self.assertEqual(0, len(
data = []
chart = self.GetChart(data)
self.assertEqual(1, len(
self.assertEqual(0, len([0].data))
# This is the use case we are trying to serve: adding points later.
self.assertEqual(1, len([0].data))
def testEmptySeriesDroppedFromParams(self):
"""By the time we make parameters, we don't want empty series to be
included because it will mess up the indexes of other things like colors
and makers. They should be dropped instead."""
self.chart.auto_scale.buffer = 0
# Check just an empty series.
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [], color='eeeeee')
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:')
# Now check when there are some real series in there too.
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1], color='111111')
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [], color='FFFFFF')
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [2], color='222222')
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:A,9')
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chco'), '111111,222222')
def testDataSeriesCorrectlyConverted(self):
# To avoid problems caused by floating-point errors, the input in this test
# is carefully chosen to avoid 0.5 boundries (1.5, 2.5, 3.5, ...).
chart = self.GetChart()
chart.auto_scale.buffer = 0 # The buffer makes testing difficult.
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd', chart), 's:')
chart = self.GetChart(range(0, 10))
chart.auto_scale.buffer = 0
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd', chart), 's:AHOUbipv29')
chart = self.GetChart(range(-10, 0))
chart.auto_scale.buffer = 0
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd', chart), 's:AHOUbipv29')
chart = self.GetChart((-1.1, 0.0, 1.1, 2.2))
chart.auto_scale.buffer = 0
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd', chart), 's:AUp9')
def testSeriesColors(self):
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3], '000000')
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [4, 5, 6], 'FFFFFF')
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chco'), '000000,FFFFFF')
def testSeriesCaption_NoCaptions(self):
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3])
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [4, 5, 6])
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.Param, 'chdl')
def testSeriesCaption_SomeCaptions(self):
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3])
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [4, 5, 6], label='Label')
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [7, 8, 9])
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chdl'), '|Label|')
def testThatZeroIsPreservedInCaptions(self):
"""Test that a 0 caption becomes '0' and not ''.
(This makes sure that the logic to rewrite a label of None to '' doesn't
also accidentally rewrite 0 to '').
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [], label=0)
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [], label=1)
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chdl'), '0|1')
def testSeriesCaption_AllCaptions(self):
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3], label='Its')
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [4, 5, 6], label='Me')
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [7, 8, 9], label='Mario')
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chdl'), 'Its|Me|Mario')
def testDefaultColorsApplied(self):
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3])
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [4, 5, 6])
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chco'), '0000ff,ff0000')
def testShowingAxes(self):
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxt'), '')
self.chart.left.min = 3
self.chart.left.max = 5
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxt'), '')
self.chart.left.labels = ['a']
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxt'), 'y')
self.chart.right.labels = ['a']
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxt'), 'y,r')
self.chart.left.labels = [] # Set back to the original state.
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxt'), 'r')
def testAxisRanges(self):
self.chart.left.labels = ['a']
self.chart.bottom.labels = ['a']
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxr'), '')
self.chart.left.min = -5
self.chart.left.max = 10
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxr'), '0,-5,10')
self.chart.bottom.min = 0.5
self.chart.bottom.max = 0.75
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxr'), '0,-5,10|1,0.5,0.75')
def testAxisLabels(self):
self.ExpectAxes('', '')
self.chart.left.labels = [10, 20, 30]
self.ExpectAxes('0:|10|20|30', '')
self.chart.left.label_positions = [0, 50, 100]
self.ExpectAxes('0:|10|20|30', '0,0,50,100')
self.chart.right.labels = ['cow', 'horse', 'monkey']
self.chart.right.label_positions = [3.7, 10, -22.9]
def testGridBottomAxis(self):
self.chart.bottom.min = 0
self.chart.bottom.max = 20
self.chart.bottom.grid_spacing = 10
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chg'), '50,0,1,0')
self.chart.bottom.grid_spacing = 2
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chg'), '10,0,1,0')
def testGridFloatingPoint(self):
"""Test that you can get decimal grid values in chg."""
self.chart.bottom.min = 0
self.chart.bottom.max = 8
self.chart.bottom.grid_spacing = 1
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chg'), '12.5,0,1,0')
self.chart.bottom.max = 3
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chg'), '33.3,0,1,0')
def testGridLeftAxis(self):
self.chart.auto_scale.buffer = 0
self.AddToChart(self.chart, (0, 20))
self.chart.left.grid_spacing = 5
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chg'), '0,25,1,0')
def testLabelGridBottomAxis(self):
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [0, 20, 40])
self.chart.bottom.label_gridlines = True
self.chart.bottom.labels = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Coconut']
self.chart.bottom.label_positions = [1.5, 5, 8.5]
self.chart.display._width = 320
self.chart.display._height = 240
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxtc'), '0,-320')
def testLabelGridLeftAxis(self):
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [0, 20, 40])
self.chart.left.label_gridlines = True
self.chart.left.labels = ['Few', 'Some', 'Lots']
self.chart.left.label_positions = [5, 20, 35]
self.chart.display._width = 320
self.chart.display._height = 240
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxtc'), '0,-320')
def testLabelGridBothAxes(self):
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [0, 20, 40])
self.chart.left.label_gridlines = True
self.chart.left.labels = ['Few', 'Some', 'Lots']
self.chart.left.label_positions = [5, 20, 35]
self.chart.bottom.label_gridlines = True
self.chart.bottom.labels = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Coconut']
self.chart.bottom.label_positions = [1.5, 5, 8.5]
self.chart.display._width = 320
self.chart.display._height = 240
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxtc'), '0,-320|1,-320')
def testDefaultDataScalingNotPersistant(self):
"""The auto-scaling shouldn't permanantly set the scale."""
self.chart.auto_scale.buffer = 0 # Buffer just makes the math tricky here.
# This data should scale to the simple encoding's min/middle/max values
# (A, f, 9).
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 2, 3])
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:Af9')
# Different data that maintains the same relative spacing *should* scale
# to the same min/middle/max.[0].data = [10, 20, 30]
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:Af9')
def FakeScale(self, data, old_min, old_max, new_min, new_max):
self.min = old_min
self.max = old_max
return data
def testDefaultDataScaling(self):
"""If you don't set min/max, it should use the data's min/max."""
orig_scale = util.ScaleData
util.ScaleData = self.FakeScale
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [2, 3, 5, 7, 11])
self.chart.auto_scale.buffer = 0
# This causes scaling to happen & calls FakeScale.
self.chart.display.Url(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(2, self.min)
self.assertEqual(11, self.max)
util.ScaleData = orig_scale
def testDefaultDataScalingAvoidsCropping(self):
"""The default scaling should give a little buffer to avoid cropping."""
orig_scale = util.ScaleData
util.ScaleData = self.FakeScale
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, 6])
# This causes scaling to happen & calls FakeScale.
self.chart.display.Url(0, 0)
buffer = 5 * self.chart.auto_scale.buffer
self.assertEqual(1 - buffer, self.min)
self.assertEqual(6 + buffer, self.max)
util.ScaleData = orig_scale
def testExplicitDataScaling(self):
"""If you set min/max, data should be scaled to this."""
orig_scale = util.ScaleData
util.ScaleData = self.FakeScale
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [2, 3, 5, 7, 11])
self.chart.left.min = -7
self.chart.left.max = 49
# This causes scaling to happen & calls FakeScale.
self.chart.display.Url(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(-7, self.min)
self.assertEqual(49, self.max)
util.ScaleData = orig_scale
def testImplicitMinValue(self):
"""min values should be filled in if they are not set explicitly."""
orig_scale = util.ScaleData
util.ScaleData = self.FakeScale
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [0, 10])
self.chart.auto_scale.buffer = 0
self.chart.display.Url(0, 0) # This causes a call to FakeScale.
self.assertEqual(0, self.min)
self.chart.left.min = -5
self.chart.display.Url(0, 0) # This causes a call to FakeScale.
self.assertEqual(-5, self.min)
util.ScaleData = orig_scale
def testImplicitMaxValue(self):
"""max values should be filled in if they are not set explicitly."""
orig_scale = util.ScaleData
util.ScaleData = self.FakeScale
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [0, 10])
self.chart.auto_scale.buffer = 0
self.chart.display.Url(0, 0) # This causes a call to FakeScale.
self.assertEqual(10, self.max)
self.chart.left.max = 15
self.chart.display.Url(0, 0) # This causes a call to FakeScale.
self.assertEqual(15, self.max)
util.ScaleData = orig_scale
def testNoneCanAppearInData(self):
"""None should be a valid value in a data series. (It means "no data at
this point")
# Buffer makes comparison difficult because min/max aren't A & 9
self.chart.auto_scale.buffer = 0
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [1, None, 3])
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chd'), 's:A_9')
def testResolveLabelCollision(self):
self.chart.auto_scale.buffer = 0
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [500, 1000])
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [100, 999])
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [200, 900])
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [200, -99])
self.AddToChart(self.chart, [100, -100])
self.chart.right.max = 1000
self.chart.right.min = -100
self.chart.right.labels = [1000, 999, 900, 0, -99, -100]
self.chart.right.label_positions = self.chart.right.labels
separation = formatters.LabelSeparator(right=40)
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxp'), '0,1000,960,900,0,-60,-100')
# Try to force a greater spacing than possible
separation.right = 300
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxp'), '0,1000,780,560,340,120,-100')
# Cluster some values around the lower and upper threshold to verify
# that order is preserved.
self.chart.right.labels = [1000, 901, 900, 899, 10, 1, -50, -100]
self.chart.right.label_positions = self.chart.right.labels
separation.right = 100
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxp'), '0,1000,900,800,700,200,100,0,-100')
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxl'), '0:|1000|901|900|899|10|1|-50|-100')
# Try to adjust a single label
self.chart.right.labels = [1000]
self.chart.right.label_positions = self.chart.right.labels
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxp'), '0,1000')
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxl'), '0:|1000')
def testAdjustSingleLabelDoesNothing(self):
"""Make sure adjusting doesn't bork the single-label case."""
self.AddToChart(self.chart, (5, 6, 7))
self.chart.left.labels = ['Cutoff']
self.chart.left.label_positions = [3]
def CheckExpectations():
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxl'), '0:|Cutoff')
self.assertEqual(self.Param('chxp'), '0,3')
CheckExpectations() # Check without adjustment
CheckExpectations() # Make sure adjustment hasn't changed anything
if __name__ == '__main__':