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Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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'use strict';
* @fileoverview Helper code for memory dump sub-views.
tr.exportTo('tr.ui.analysis', function() {
* A table builder column for displaying memory dump data.
* @constructor
function MemoryColumn(name, title, units, cellGetter) { = name;
this.title = title;
this.units = units;
this.cell = cellGetter;
// Color of the values returned by this column. This can be either
// (1) undefined (no specific color is set), (2) a color string (e.g.
// 'blue'), or (3) a function mapping defined attributes to color strings
// (the return value can be undefined again).
this.color = undefined;
MemoryColumn.fromRows = function(rows, cellKey, opt_titleBuilder) {
var columnTraits = {};
function gatherTraits(row) {
if (row === undefined)
var attrCells = row[cellKey];
tr.b.iterItems(attrCells, function(attrName, attrCell) {
if (attrCell === undefined)
var attrValue = attrCell.attr;
if (attrValue === undefined)
var existingTraits = columnTraits[attrName];
if (existingTraits === undefined) {
columnTraits[attrName] = {
constructor: attrValue.constructor,
units: attrValue.units
if (existingTraits.constructor !== attrValue.constructor ||
existingTraits.units !== attrValue.units) {
existingTraits.constructor = tr.model.UnknownAttribute;
existingTraits.units = undefined;
if (row.subRows !== undefined)
var titleBuilder = opt_titleBuilder || tr.b.identity;
var columns = [];
tr.b.iterItems(columnTraits, function(columnName, columnTraits) {
var cellGetter = fieldGetter(cellKey, columnName);
var title = titleBuilder(columnName);
columnName, title, columnTraits, cellGetter));
return columns;
MemoryColumn.fromAttributeTraits = function(name, title, traits, cellGetter) {
var constructor;
if (traits.constructor === tr.model.ScalarAttribute)
constructor = ScalarMemoryColumn;
constructor = MemoryColumn;
return new constructor(name, title, traits.units, cellGetter);
MemoryColumn.spaceEqually = function(columns) {
var columnWidth = (100 / columns.length).toFixed(3) + '%';
columns.forEach(function(column) {
column.width = columnWidth;
* Sort a list of memory columns according to a list of importance rules.
* This function modifies the original array and doesn't return anything.
* The list of importance rules contains objects with mandatory 'importance'
* numeric fields and optional 'condition' string or regex fields. Example:
* var importanceRules = [
* {
* condition: 'page_size',
* importance: 8
* },
* {
* condition: /size/,
* importance: 10
* },
* {
* // No condition: matches all columns.
* importance: 9
* }
* ];
* The importance of a column is determined by the first rule whose condition
* matches the column's name, so the rules above will sort a generic list of
* columns into three groups as follows:
* [most important, left in the resulting table]
* 1. columns whose name contains 'size' excluding 'page_size' because it
* would have already matched the first rule (Note that string matches
* must be exact so a column named 'page_size2' would not match the
* first rule and would therefore belong to this group).
* 2. columns whose name does not contain 'size'.
* 3. columns whose name is 'page_size'.
* [least important, right in the resulting table]
* where the order within each group is unmodified (stable sort).
MemoryColumn.sortByImportance = function(columns, importanceRules) {
var positions =, srcIndex) {
return {
importance: column.getImportance(importanceRules),
srcIndex: srcIndex,
column: column
positions.sort(function(a, b) {
// Keep existing order of columns if they have the same importance
// (stable sort).
if (a.importance === b.importance)
return a.srcIndex - b.srcIndex;
// Sort columns in descending order of importance.
return b.importance - a.importance;
positions.forEach(function(position, dstIndex) {
columns[dstIndex] = position.column;
MemoryColumn.iconFromAttributeInfoType = function(type) {
switch (type) {
case tr.model.AttributeInfoType.WARNING:
return {
symbol: String.fromCharCode(9888), // Exclamation mark in a triangle.
color: 'red'
case tr.model.AttributeInfoType.LINK:
return {
symbol: String.fromCharCode(9903) // Link symbol.
/* Don't modify the color. */
case tr.model.AttributeInfoType.MEMORY_OWNER:
return {
symbol: String.fromCharCode(8702), // Right arrow.
color: 'green'
case tr.model.AttributeInfoType.MEMORY_OWNED:
return {
symbol: String.fromCharCode(8701), // Left arrow.
color: 'green'
return {
symbol: String.fromCharCode(9432), // Circled small letter 'i'.
color: 'blue'
throw new Error('Unreachable');
MemoryColumn.prototype = {
attr: function(row) {
var cell = this.cell(row);
if (cell === undefined)
return undefined;
return cell.attr;
value: function(row) {
var attr = this.attr(row);
if (attr === undefined)
return '';
return this.formatDefinedAttribute(attr);
* Format a defined attribute (both values and infos). This method is not
* intended to be overriden.
formatDefinedAttribute: function(attr) {
var formattedValue = this.formatDefinedAttributeValue(attr);
// Determine the color of the resulting element.
var color;
if (typeof this.color === 'function')
color = this.color(attr);
color = this.color;
// If no color is specified and there are no infos, there is no need
// to wrap the value in a span element.
if (color === undefined && attr.infos.length === 0)
return formattedValue;
var attrEl = document.createElement('span'); = 'flex'; = 'center';
// Add info icons with tooltips.
attr.infos.forEach(function(info) {
var infoEl = document.createElement('span'); = '4px'; = 'help'; = 'bold';
var icon = MemoryColumn.iconFromAttributeInfoType(info.type);
infoEl.textContent = icon.symbol;
if (icon.color !== undefined) = icon.color;
infoEl.title = info.message;
}, this);
// Set the color of the element.
if (color !== undefined) = color;
return attrEl;
* Format the value of a defined attribute. This method is intended to be
* overriden by attribute type/unit specific columns (e.g. show '1.0 KiB'
* instead of '1024' for ScalarAttribute(s) representing bytes).
formatDefinedAttributeValue: function(attr) {
return String(attr.value);
cmp: function(rowA, rowB) {
var attrA = this.attr(rowA);
var attrB = this.attr(rowB);
if (attrA === undefined && attrB === undefined)
return 0;
if (attrA === undefined)
return -1;
if (attrB === undefined)
return 1;
return this.compareDefinedAttributes(attrA, attrB);
compareDefinedAttributes: function(attrA, attrB) {
var strA = String(attrA.value);
var strB = String(attrB.value);
return strA.localeCompare(strB);
getImportance: function(importanceRules) {
if (importanceRules.length === 0)
return 0;
// Find the first matching rule.
for (var i = 0; i < importanceRules.length; i++) {
var importanceRule = importanceRules[i];
if (this.matchesNameCondition(importanceRule.condition))
return importanceRule.importance;
// No matching rule. Return lower importance than all rules.
var minImportance = importanceRules[0].importance;
for (var i = 1; i < importanceRules.length; i++) {
minImportance = Math.min(minImportance, importanceRules[i].importance);
return minImportance - 1;
matchesNameCondition: function(condition) {
// Rules without conditions match all columns.
if (condition === undefined)
return true;
// String conditions must match the column name exactly.
if (typeof(condition) === 'string')
return === condition;
// If the condition is not a string, assume it is a RegExp.
return condition.test(;
* @constructor
function ScalarMemoryColumn(name, title, units, cellGetter) {, name, title, units, cellGetter);
ScalarMemoryColumn.prototype = {
__proto__: MemoryColumn.prototype,
formatDefinedAttributeValue: function(attr) {
if (this.units === 'bytes') {
var sizeEl = document.createElement('tr-ui-u-size-in-bytes-span');
sizeEl.numBytes = attr.value;
return sizeEl;
this, attr);
compareDefinedAttributes: function(attrA, attrB) {
return attrA.value - attrB.value;
* @constructor
function MemoryCell(attr) {
this.attr = attr;
MemoryCell.extractAttribute = function(cell) {
if (cell === undefined)
return undefined;
return cell.attr;
function fieldGetter(/* fields */) {
var fields = tr.b.asArray(arguments);
return function(row) {
var value = row;
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
value = value[fields[i]];
return value;
/** Limit for the number of sub-rows for recursive table row expansion. */
function expandTableRowsRecursively(table) {
function expandRowRecursively(row) {
if (row.subRows === undefined || row.subRows.length === 0)
table.setExpandedForTableRow(row, true);
// TODO(petrcermak): This code is almost the same as
// MemoryAllocatorDump.aggregateAttributes. Consider sharing code between
// the two functions.
function aggregateTableRowCellsRecursively(row, cellKey) {
var subRows = row.subRows;
if (subRows === undefined)
subRows.forEach(function(subRow) {
aggregateTableRowCellsRecursively(subRow, cellKey);
aggregateTableRowCells(row, subRows, cellKey);
function aggregateTableRowCells(row, subRows, cellKey) {
var rowCells = row[cellKey];
if (rowCells === undefined)
row[cellKey] = rowCells = {};
var subRowCellNames = {};
subRows.forEach(function(subRow) {
var subRowCells = subRow[cellKey];
if (subRowCells === undefined)
tr.b.iterItems(subRowCells, function(columnName) {
subRowCellNames[columnName] = true;
tr.b.iterItems(subRowCellNames, function(cellName) {
var subRowAttributes = {
var subRowCells = subRow[cellKey];
if (subRowCells === undefined)
return undefined;
return MemoryCell.extractAttribute(subRowCells[cellName]);
}, this);
var existingRowCell = rowCells[cellName];
var existingRowAttribute = MemoryCell.extractAttribute(existingRowCell);
var aggregatedAttribute =
tr.model.Attribute.aggregate(subRowAttributes, existingRowAttribute);
if (existingRowCell !== undefined) {
// The cell might contain some extra fields (e.g. custom
// buildDetailsPane method) which we don't want to throw away.
existingRowCell.attr = aggregatedAttribute;
} else {
rowCells[cellName] = new MemoryCell(aggregatedAttribute);
return {
MemoryColumn: MemoryColumn,
ScalarMemoryColumn: ScalarMemoryColumn,
MemoryCell: MemoryCell,
fieldGetter: fieldGetter,
expandTableRowsRecursively: expandTableRowsRecursively,
aggregateTableRowCellsRecursively: aggregateTableRowCellsRecursively,
aggregateTableRowCells: aggregateTableRowCells