blob: 5bbff0d927957617a4c3d27fd4bb8df5b9bb6924 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_set.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/ui/base/line_chart.html">
@fileoverview A line chart showing milliseconds since the start of the frame on
the x-axis and power consumption on the y-axis. Each frame is shown as a
separate line in the chart. Vertical sync events are used as the start of each
This chart aims to help users understand the shape of the power consumption
curve over the course of a frame or set of frames.
<polymer-element name="tr-ui-a-frame-power-usage-chart">
<div id="content"></div>
'use strict';
var EventSet = tr.model.EventSet;
var CHART_TITLE = 'Power (in mW) by ms since vertical sync';
// TODO(charliea): Find out how to make this specifiable via CSS.
Polymer('tr-ui-a-frame-power-usage-chart', {
ready: function() {
this.chart_ = undefined;
this.samples_ = new EventSet();
this.vSyncTimestamps_ = [];
get chart() {
return this.chart_;
get samples() {
return this.samples_;
get vSyncTimestamps() {
return this.vSyncTimestamps_;
* Sets the data that powers the chart. Vsync timestamps must be in
* chronological order.
setData: function(samples, vSyncTimestamps) {
this.samples_ = (samples === undefined) ? new EventSet() : samples;
this.vSyncTimestamps_ =
(vSyncTimestamps === undefined) ? [] : vSyncTimestamps;
updateContents_: function() {
var data = this.getDataForLineChart_();
if (data.length === 0)
this.chart_ = this.createChart_(data);
createChart_: function(data) {
var chart = new tr.ui.b.LineChart();
var width = document.body.clientWidth * CHART_WIDTH_FRACTION_OF_BODY;
chart.setSize({width: width, height: chart.height});
chart.chartTitle = CHART_TITLE; = data;
return chart;
clearChart_: function() {
var content = this.$.content;
while (content.firstChild)
this.chart_ = undefined;
// TODO(charliea): Limit the ms since vsync to the median frame length. The
// vertical syncs are not 100% regular and highlighting any sample that's
// in one of these 'vertical sync lulls' makes the x-axis have a much larger
// scale than it should, effectively squishing the other samples into the
// left side of the chart.
* Returns an array of data points for the chart. Each element in the array
* is of the form { x: <ms since vsync>, f<frame#>: <power in mW> }.
getDataForLineChart_: function() {
var sortedSamples = this.sortSamplesByTimestampAscending_(this.samples);
var vSyncTimestamps = this.vSyncTimestamps.slice();
var lastVSyncTimestamp = undefined;
var points = [];
// For each power sample, find and record the frame number that it belongs
// to as well as the amount of time elapsed since that frame began.
var frameNumber = 0;
sortedSamples.forEach(function(sample) {
while (vSyncTimestamps.length > 0 && vSyncTimestamps[0] <= sample.start) {
lastVSyncTimestamp = vSyncTimestamps.shift();
// If no vertical sync occurred before the power sample, don't use the
// power sample.
if (lastVSyncTimestamp === undefined)
var point = { x: sample.start - lastVSyncTimestamp };
point['f' + frameNumber] = sample.power;
return points;
sortSamplesByTimestampAscending_: function(samples) {
return samples.toArray().sort(function(smpl1, smpl2) {
return smpl1.start - smpl2.start;