blob: 8ccdf689d6ccdbab3bc3644590857b6ec094e31a [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/ir_coverage.html">
'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
var newSliceEx = tr.c.test_utils.newSliceEx;
test('computeCoverage', function() {
var model = tr.c.test_utils.newModel(function(model) {
var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
var thread = process.getOrCreateThread(2);
var s0 = thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
{title: 's0', start: 0.0, duration: 1.0}));
s0.cpuDuration = 0.4;
s0.isTopLevel = true;
var unassociatedEvent = thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
{title: 's1', start: 6.0, duration: 1.0}));
unassociatedEvent.cpuDuration = 0.8;
unassociatedEvent.isTopLevel = true;
var s2 = thread.sliceGroup.pushSlice(newSliceEx(
{title: 's2', start: 2.0, duration: 1.0}));
s2.cpuDuration = 0.4;
s2.isTopLevel = true;
var f0 = tr.c.test_utils.newFlowEventEx({
title: 'test1',
start: 0,
end: 10,
startSlice: s0,
endSlice: s2,
id: '0x100'
var as1 = tr.c.test_utils.newAsyncSliceEx({
title: 'InputLatency::GestureTap',
cat: 'benchmark,latencyInfo',
start: 2,
end: 10,
id: '0x100',
isTopLevel: true,
startThread: thread
var ir = new tr.model.InteractionRecord('test', 0, 0, 7);
var coverage = tr.model.getIRCoverageFromModel(model);
assert.equal(3, coverage.associatedEventsCount);
assert.equal(1, coverage.unassociatedEventsCount);
assert.closeTo(0.75, coverage.coveredEventsCountRatio, 1e-3);
assert.closeTo(0.8, coverage.associatedEventsCpuTimeMs, 1e-3);
assert.closeTo(0.8, coverage.unassociatedEventsCpuTimeMs, 1e-3);
assert.closeTo(0.5, coverage.coveredEventsCpuTimeRatio, 1e-3);