blob: fa3435aa89788c2920d8fc53d10123d266137980 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/chrome/chrome_test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/rail/rail_ir_finder.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.e.rail', function() {
function compareEvents(x, y) {
if (x.start !== y.start)
return x.start - y.start;
return x.guid - y.guid;
function IRVerifier() {
this.customizeModelCallback_ = undefined;
this.expectedIRs_ = undefined;
IRVerifier.prototype = {
set customizeModelCallback(cmc) {
this.customizeModelCallback_ = cmc;
// |irs| must be sorted by start time.
set expectedIRs(irs) {
this.expectedIRs_ = irs;
importView_: function(cb) {
// Dynamically import the ir-verifier-view.
// It is a layering violation to statically import UI from non-UI.
// 'Polymer' is undefined in d8, so this will fail if tr.isHeadless.
var viewPath = '/ui/extras/rail/ir_verifier_view.html';
var viewLink = document.querySelector('link[rel="import"][href="' +
viewPath + '"]');
if (viewLink) {
if (viewLink.isLoaded) {
} else {
viewLink.addEventListener('load', cb);
viewLink = document.createElement('link');
viewLink.rel = 'import';
viewLink.href = viewPath;
viewLink.isLoaded = false;
viewLink.addEventListener('load', function() {
viewLink.isLoaded = true;
maybeAddHTMLOutput_: function(model, browserHelper, actualIRs, failure) {
if (tr.isHeadless)
// The view might not be available until after the test finishes.
// The view cannot be added to the DOM after the test finishes.
// Add a placeholder to the DOM now, so that whenever the view is loaded,
// it can be added to the placeholder.
var placeholder = document.createElement('div'); = '1px'; = '1px';
this.importView_(function() {
var view = document.createElement('tr-ui-e-rail-ir-verifier-view');
view.bounds = model.bounds;
if (failure)
view.expectedIRs = this.expectedIRs_;
view.actualIRs = actualIRs;
view.model = browserHelper.getAllAsyncSlicesMatching(
function(slice) {
return true;
verify: function() {
var model = tr.e.audits.newChromeModel(this.customizeModelCallback_);
var modelHelper = new tr.e.audits.ChromeModelHelper(model);
var rirf = new tr.e.rail.RAILIRFinder(model, modelHelper);
var actualIRs = rirf.findAllInteractionRecords();
// findAllInteractionRecords() doesn't sort, but we need to sort them in
// order to compare them to expectedIRs.
var failure = undefined;
try {
assert.equal(this.expectedIRs_.length, actualIRs.length);
for (var i = 0; i < this.expectedIRs_.length; ++i) {
var at = 'IRs[' + i + '].';
assert.equal(this.expectedIRs_[i].title, actualIRs[i].title,
at + 'title');
if (this.expectedIRs_[i].name !== undefined) {
assert.equal(this.expectedIRs_[i].name, actualIRs[i].name,
at + 'name');
assert.equal(this.expectedIRs_[i].start, actualIRs[i].start,
at + 'start');
assert.equal(this.expectedIRs_[i].end, actualIRs[i].end, at + 'end');
actualIRs[i].associatedEvents.length, at + 'eventCount');
} catch (caught) {
failure = caught;
var debug = !tr.isHeadless && ('&').indexOf('debug') >= 0);
if (!failure && !debug)
// TODO(benjhayden): Why is the
// getComputedStyle(HTMLTestCaseResult).display sometimes none?
// this.maybeAddHTMLOutput_(
// model, modelHelper.browserHelper, actualIRs, failure);
if (failure)
throw failure;
return {IRVerifier: IRVerifier};