blob: 5f59f1d34f11c7abc8177726275b917c89ac0715 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
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`paper-dropdown-transition` is a transition for `paper-dropdown`.
Add the class `menu` to a `core-selector` child of the `paper-dropdown` to
enable the optional list cascade transition.
@group Paper Elements
@class paper-dropdown-transition
@extends core-transition-css
@status unstable
<link href="../polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
<link href="../core-transition/core-transition-css.html" rel="import">
<link href="../core-animation/web-animations.html" rel="import">
<polymer-element name="paper-dropdown-transition" extends="core-transition-css">
<link href="paper-dropdown-transition.css" rel="stylesheet" no-shim>
Polymer('paper-dropdown-transition', {
publish: {
* The duration of the transition in ms. You can also set the duration by
* setting a `duration` attribute on the target:
* <paper-dropdown duration="1000"></paper-dropdown>
* @attribute duration
* @type number
* @default 500
duration: 500
setup: function(node) {
var to = {
'top': '0%',
'left': '0%',
'bottom': '100%',
'right': '100%'
var bg = node.$.background; = to[node.halign] + ' ' + to[node.valign]; = to[node.halign] + ' ' + to[node.valign];
transitionOpened: function(node, opened) {
if (opened) {
if (this.player) {
var duration = Number(node.getAttribute('duration')) || this.duration;
var anims = [];
var size = node.getBoundingClientRect();
var ink = node.$.ripple;
// var offset = 40 / Math.max(size.width, size.height);
var offset = 0.2;
anims.push(new Animation(ink, [{
'opacity': 0.9,
'transform': 'scale(0)',
}, {
'opacity': 0.9,
'transform': 'scale(1)'
}], {
duration: duration * offset
var bg = node.$.background;
var sx = 40 / size.width;
var sy = 40 / size.height;
anims.push(new Animation(bg, [{
'opacity': 0.9,
'transform': 'scale(' + sx + ',' + sy + ')',
}, {
'opacity': 1,
'transform': 'scale(' + Math.max(sx, 0.95) + ',' + Math.max(sy, 0.5) + ')'
}, {
'opacity': 1,
'transform': 'scale(1, 1)'
}], {
delay: duration * offset,
duration: duration * (1 - offset),
fill: 'forwards'
var menu = node.querySelector('.menu');
if (menu) {
var items = menu.items || menu.children.array();
var itemDelay = offset + (1 - offset) / 2;
var itemDuration = duration * (1 - itemDelay) / items.length;
var reverse = this.valign === 'bottom';
items.forEach(function(item, i) {
anims.push(new Animation(item, [{
'opacity': 0
}, {
'opacity': 1
}], {
delay: duration * itemDelay + itemDuration * (reverse ? items.length - 1 - i : i),
duration: itemDuration,
fill: 'both'
anims.push(new Animation(node.$.scroller, [{
'opacity': 1
}, {
'opacity': 1
}], {
delay: duration * itemDelay,
duration: itemDuration * items.length,
fill: 'both'
} else {
anims.push(new Animation(node.$.scroller, [{
'opacity': 0
}, {
'opacity': 1
}], {
delay: duration * (offset + (1 - offset) / 2),
duration: duration * 0.5,
fill: 'both'
var group = new AnimationGroup(anims, {
easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)'
this.player =;
this.player.onfinish = function() {'core-transitionend', this, node);
} else {'core-transitionend', this, node);
<paper-dropdown-transition id="paper-dropdown-transition"></paper-dropdown-transition>