blob: 55c63fdb436ce7408caec71850e5d379eae09689 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""General functions which are useful throughout this project."""
import re
import time
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from dashboard import request_handler
def TestPath(key):
"""Returns the test path for a Test from an ndb.Key.
A "test path" is just a convenient string representation of an ndb.Key.
Each test path corresponds to one ndb.Key, which can be used to get an
key: An ndb.Key where all IDs are string IDs.
A test path string.
return '/'.join(key.flat()[1::2])
def TestSuiteName(test_key):
"""Returns the test suite name for a given Test key."""
pairs = test_key.pairs()
if len(pairs) < 3:
return None
return pairs[2][1]
def TestKey(test_path):
"""Returns the ndb.Key that corresponds to a test path."""
if test_path is None:
return None
path_parts = test_path.split('/')
if path_parts is None:
return None
key_list = [('Master', path_parts[0])]
if len(path_parts) > 1:
key_list += [('Bot', path_parts[1])]
if len(path_parts) > 2:
key_list += [('Test', x) for x in path_parts[2:]]
return ndb.Key(pairs=key_list)
def TestMatchesPattern(test, pattern):
"""Checks whether a test matches a test path pattern.
test: A Test entity or a Test key.
pattern: A test path which can include wildcard characters (*).
True if it matches, False otherwise.
if not test:
return False
if type(test) is ndb.Key:
test_path = TestPath(test)
test_path = test.test_path
test_path_parts = test_path.split('/')
pattern_parts = pattern.split('/')
if len(test_path_parts) != len(pattern_parts):
return False
for test_path_part, pattern_part in zip(test_path_parts, pattern_parts):
if not _MatchesPatternPart(pattern_part, test_path_part):
return False
return True
def _MatchesPatternPart(pattern_part, test_path_part):
"""Checks whether a pattern (possibly with a *) matches the given string.
pattern_part: A string which may contain a wildcard (*).
test_path_part: Another string.
True if it matches, False otherwise.
if pattern_part == '*' or pattern_part == test_path_part:
return True
if '*' not in pattern_part:
return False
# Escape any other special non-alphanumeric characters.
pattern_part = re.escape(pattern_part)
# There are not supposed to be any other asterisk characters, so all
# occurrences of backslash-asterisk can now be replaced with dot-asterisk.
re_pattern = re.compile('^' + pattern_part.replace('\\*', '.*') + '$')
return re_pattern.match(test_path_part)
def TimestampMilliseconds(datetime):
"""Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch."""
return int(time.mktime(datetime.timetuple()) * 1000)
def GetTestContainerKey(test):
"""Gets the TestContainer key for the given Test.
test: Either a Test entity or its ndb.Key.
ndb.Key('TestContainer', test path)
test_path = None
if type(test) is ndb.Key:
test_path = TestPath(test)
test_path = test.test_path
return ndb.Key('TestContainer', test_path)
def GetMulti(keys):
"""Gets a list of entities from a list of keys.
If this user is logged in, this is the same as ndb.get_multi. However, if the
user is logged out and any of the data is internal only, an AssertionError
will be raised.
keys: A list of ndb entity keys.
A list of entities, but no internal_only ones if the user is not logged in.
if request_handler.IsLoggedInWithGoogleAccount():
return ndb.get_multi(keys)
# Not logged in. Check each key individually.
entities = []
for key in keys:
except AssertionError:
return entities