blob: 61edcd9e34c216b859398491fe164485329aee4e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unit tests for file_bug module."""
import json
import unittest
import mock
import webapp2
import webtest
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
# Importing mock_oauth2_decorator before file_bug mocks out
# OAuth2Decorator usage in that file.
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from dashboard import mock_oauth2_decorator
# pylint: enable=unused-import
from dashboard import file_bug
from dashboard import testing_common
from dashboard import utils
from dashboard.models import anomaly
from dashboard.models import sheriff
from dashboard.models import try_job
class FileBugTest(testing_common.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(FileBugTest, self).setUp()
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([(
'/file_bug', file_bug.FileBugHandler)])
self.testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)
self.SetCurrentUser('', is_admin=True)
def tearDown(self):
super(FileBugTest, self).tearDown()
mock_oauth2_decorator.MockOAuth2Decorator.past_bodies = []
def _AddAlertsToDataStore(self, first_fake_rev=10000):
"""Adds sample data and returns a dict of rev to anomaly key."""
# Add sample sheriff, masters, bots, and tests.
sheriff_key = sheriff.Sheriff(
id='Chromium Perf Sheriff', email='').put()
testing_common.AddDataToMockDataStore(['ChromiumGPU'], ['linux-release'], {
'scrolling-benchmark': {
'first_paint': {},
'mean_frame_time': {},
# Get the keys of the two tests that were added.
test_keys = map(utils.TestKey, [
key_map = {}
# Add Anomaly entities to the two tests alternately.
for end_rev in range(first_fake_rev, first_fake_rev + 20, 10):
test_key = test_keys[0] if end_rev % 20 == 0 else test_keys[1]
anomaly_key = anomaly.Anomaly(
start_revision=(end_rev - 5), end_revision=end_rev, test=test_key,
median_before_anomaly=100, median_after_anomaly=200,
key_map[end_rev] = anomaly_key.urlsafe()
return key_map
def testGet_WithNoKeys_ShowsError(self):
# When a request is made and no keys parameter is given,
# an error message is shown in the reply.
response = self.testapp.get(
self.assertIn('<div class="error">', response.body)
self.assertIn('No alerts specified', response.body)
def testGet_WithNoFinish_ShowsForm(self):
# When a GET request is sent with keys specified but the finish parameter
# is not given, the response should contain a form for the sheriff to fill
# in bug details (summary, description, etc).
key_map = self._AddAlertsToDataStore()
response = self.testapp.get(
'/file_bug?summary=s&description=d&keys=%s' % key_map[10000])
self.assertEqual(1, len(response.html('form')))
def testInternalBugLabel(self):
# If any of the alerts are marked as internal-only, which should happen
# when the corresponding test is internal-only, then the create bug dialog
# should suggest adding a Restrict-View-Google label.
key_map = self._AddAlertsToDataStore()
anomaly_entity = ndb.Key(urlsafe=key_map[10000]).get()
anomaly_entity.internal_only = True
response = self.testapp.get(
'/file_bug?summary=s&description=d&keys=%s' % key_map[10000])
self.assertIn('Restrict-View-Google', response.body)
def _PostSampleBug(self, fake_rev=10000):
key_map = self._AddAlertsToDataStore(fake_rev)
response =
('keys', '%s,%s' % (key_map[fake_rev], key_map[fake_rev + 10])),
('summary', 's'),
('description', 'd\n'),
('finish', 'true'),
('label', 'one'),
('label', 'two'),
return response
file_bug, '_GetAllCurrentVersionsFromOmahaProxy',
def testGet_WithFinish_CreatesBug(self):
# When a POST request is sent with keys specified and with the finish
# parameter given, an issue will be created using the issue tracker
# API, and the anomalies will be updated, and a response page will
# be sent which indicates success. = '{"id": 277761}'
response = self._PostSampleBug()
# The response page should have a bug number.
self.assertIn('277761', response.body)
# The anomaly entities should be updated.
for anomaly_entity in anomaly.Anomaly.query().fetch():
if anomaly_entity.end_revision in [10000, 10010]:
self.assertEqual(277761, anomaly_entity.bug_id)
# Two HTTP requests are made when filing a bug; only test 2nd request.
comment = json.loads(mock_oauth2_decorator.HTTP_MOCK.body)['content']
self.assertIn('', comment)
self.assertIn('\n\n\nBot(s) for this bug\'s original alert(s):\n\n'
'linux-release', comment)
# A bisect job should be added.
bisect_jobs = try_job.TryJob.query().fetch()
self.assertEqual(1, len(bisect_jobs))
file_bug, '_GetAllCurrentVersionsFromOmahaProxy',
'versions': [
{'branch_base_position': '10000', 'current_version': '2.0'},
{'branch_base_position': '9990', 'current_version': '1.0'}
def testGet_WithFinish_LabelsBugWithMilestone(self):
# Here, we expect the bug to have the following start revisions: [9995,
# 10005] and the milestones are M-1 for rev 9990 and M-2 for 10000. Hence
# the expected behavior is to label the bug M-2 since 9995 (lowest possible
# revision introducing regression) is less than 10000 (revision for M-2).
self.assertIn(u'M-2', json.loads(
200, json.dumps([
'versions': [
{'branch_base_position': '9999',
'current_version': '3.0.1234.32'},
{'branch_base_position': '10000',
'current_version': '2.0'},
{'branch_base_position': '9990',
'current_version': '1.0'}
def testGet_WithFinish_LabelsBugWithLowestMilestonePossible(self):
# Here, we expect the bug to have the following start revisions: [9995,
# 10005] and the milestones are M-1 for rev 9990, M-2 for 10000 and M-3 for
# 9999. Hence the expected behavior is to label the bug M-2 since 9995
# is less than 10000 (M-2) and 9999 (M-3) AND M-2 is lower than M-3.
self.assertIn(u'M-2', json.loads(
200, '[]')))
def testGet_WithFinish_SucceedsWithNoVersions(self):
# Here, we test that we don't label the bug with an unexpected value when
# there is no version information from omahaproxy (for whatever reason)
labels = json.loads(
self.assertEqual(0, len([x for x in labels if x.startswith(u'M-')]))
200, json.dumps([
'versions': [
{'branch_base_position': '0', 'current_version': '1.0'}
def testGet_WithFinish_SucceedsWithRevisionOutOfRange(self):
# Here, we test that we label the bug with the highest milestone when the
# revision introducing regression is beyond all milestones in the list.
self.assertIn(u'M-1', json.loads(
200, json.dumps([
'versions': [
{'branch_base_position': 'N/A', 'current_version': 'N/A'}
def testGet_WithFinish_SucceedsWithNAAndLogsWarning(self, mock_warn):
labels = json.loads(
self.assertEqual(0, len([x for x in labels if x.startswith(u'M-')]))
self.assertEqual(1, mock_warn.call_count)
if __name__ == '__main__':