blob: 1d47a75c7dd297ed5636871c09b8f67209f83ca1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Adds pre hook to data store queries to hide internal-only data.
Checks if the user has a address, and hides data with the
internal_only property set if not.
import webapp2
from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map
from google.appengine.api import users
from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_pb
from dashboard import check_whitelisted_ip
from dashboard import request_handler
# The list below contains all kinds that have an internal_only property.
# IMPORTANT: any new data types with internal_only properties must be added
# here in order to be restricted to internal users.
# Permissions namespaces.
EXTERNAL = 'externally_visible'
INTERNAL = 'internal_only'
def InstallHooks():
"""Installs datastore pre hook to add access checks to queries.
This only needs to be called once, when doing config (currently in
'_DatastorePreHook', _DatastorePreHook, 'datastore_v3')
def SetPrivilegedRequest():
"""Allows the current request to act as a privileged user.
This should ONLY be called for handlers that are restricted from end users
by some other mechanism (IP whitelisting, admin-only pages).
This should be set once per request, before accessing the data store.
request = webapp2.get_request()
request.registry['privileged'] = True
def _IsServicingPrivilegedRequest():
"""Checks whether the request is considered privileged."""
request = webapp2.get_request()
except AssertionError:
# This only happens in unit tests, when the code gets called outside of
# a request.
return False
if not request or (
hasattr(request, 'path') and request.path.startswith('/mapreduce')):
# Running a mapreduce.
return True
if request.registry.get('privileged', False):
return True
if hasattr(request, 'remote_addr'):
return check_whitelisted_ip.CheckWhiteListedIp(request.remote_addr)
return False
def IsUnalteredQueryPermitted():
"""Checks if the current user is internal, or the request is privileged.
Google users are assumed to be internal; privileged requests allow for task
queue tasks like find_anomalies to work correctly.
True for users with emails and privileged requests.
if request_handler.IsLoggedInWithGoogleAccount():
return True
if users.is_current_user_admin():
# It's only possible to be an admin with a account on a dev
# box. But the default login on dev boxes is, so it's
# confusing when people run locally and can't see their data.
return True
return _IsServicingPrivilegedRequest()
def GetNamespace():
if IsUnalteredQueryPermitted():
return 'internal_only'
return 'externally_visible'
def _DatastorePreHook(service, call, request, _):
"""Adds a filter which checks whether to return internal data for queries.
If the user is not privileged, we don't want to return any entities that
have internal_only set to True. That is done here in a datastore hook.
service: Service name, must be 'datastore_v3'.
call: String representing function to call. One of 'Put', Get', 'Delete',
or 'RunQuery'.
request: Request protobuf.
_: Response protobuf (not used).
assert service == 'datastore_v3'
if call != 'RunQuery':
if request.kind() not in _INTERNAL_ONLY_KINDS:
if IsUnalteredQueryPermitted():
# Queries should always check "internal_only = False" since the user is
# external.
# Production and unit tests use proto2
external_filter = request.filter_list().add()
except AttributeError:
# The framework uses dev_appserver_internal_main, which uses the old
# dev_appserver, which uses proto1. This should go away when it switches to
# devappserver2_internal_main, which is tracked in http://b/8449518
external_filter = request.add_filter()
new_property = external_filter.add_property()