blob: 93230c0385d3eec91ac0ec46fd9088250ee2b479 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="/core/analysis/generic_object_view.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('', function() {
function Selection() {
this.selectionToSetIfClicked = undefined;
Selection.prototype = {
* When two things are picked in the UI, one must occasionally tie-break
* between them to decide what was really clicked. Things with higher
* specicifity will win.
get specicifity() {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
* If a selection is related to a specific layer, then this returns the
* layerId of that layer. If the selection is not related to a layer, for
* example if the device viewport is selected, then this returns undefined.
get associatedLayerId() {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
* If a selection is related to a specific render pass, then this returns
* the layerId of that layer. If the selection is not related to a layer,
* for example if the device viewport is selected, then this returns
* undefined.
get associatedRenderPassId() {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
get highlightsByLayerId() {
return {};
* Called when the selection is made active in the layer view. Must return
* an HTMLElement that explains this selection in detail.
createAnalysis: function() {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
* Should try to create the equivalent selection in the provided LTHI,
* or undefined if it can't be done.
findEquivalent: function(lthi) {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
* @constructor
function RenderPassSelection(renderPass, renderPassId) {
if (!renderPass || (renderPassId === undefined))
throw new Error('Render pass (with id) is required');
this.renderPass_ = renderPass;
this.renderPassId_ = renderPassId;
RenderPassSelection.prototype = {
__proto__: Selection.prototype,
get specicifity() {
return 1;
get associatedLayerId() {
return undefined;
get associatedRenderPassId() {
return this.renderPassId_;
get renderPass() {
return this.renderPass_;
createAnalysis: function() {
var dataView = document.createElement(
dataView.label = 'RenderPass ' + this.renderPassId_;
dataView.object = this.renderPass_.args;
return dataView;
get title() {
return this.renderPass_.objectInstance.typeName;
* @constructor
function LayerSelection(layer) {
if (!layer)
throw new Error('Layer is required');
this.layer_ = layer;
LayerSelection.prototype = {
__proto__: Selection.prototype,
get specicifity() {
return 1;
get associatedLayerId() {
return this.layer_.layerId;
get associatedRenderPassId() {
return undefined;
get layer() {
return this.layer_;
createAnalysis: function() {
var dataView = document.createElement(
dataView.label = 'Layer ' + this.layer_.layerId;
if (this.layer_.usingGpuRasterization)
dataView.label += ' (GPU-rasterized)';
dataView.object = this.layer_.args;
return dataView;
get title() {
return this.layer_.objectInstance.typeName;
findEquivalent: function(lthi) {
var layer = lthi.activeTree.findLayerWithId(this.layer_.layerId) ||
if (!layer)
return undefined;
return new LayerSelection(layer);
* @constructor
function TileSelection(tile, opt_data) {
this.tile_ = tile;
this.data_ = opt_data || {};
TileSelection.prototype = {
__proto__: Selection.prototype,
get specicifity() {
return 2;
get associatedLayerId() {
return this.tile_.layerId;
get highlightsByLayerId() {
var highlights = {};
highlights[this.tile_.layerId] = [
colorKey: this.tile_.objectInstance.typeName,
rect: this.tile_.layerRect
return highlights;
createAnalysis: function() {
var analysis = document.createElement(
analysis.label = 'Tile ' + + ' on layer ' +
if (this.data_) {
analysis.object = {
moreInfo: this.data_,
tileArgs: this.tile_.args
} else {
analysis.object = this.tile_.args;
return analysis;
findEquivalent: function(lthi) {
var tileInstance = this.tile_.tileInstance;
if (lthi.ts < tileInstance.creationTs ||
lthi.ts >= tileInstance.deletionTs)
return undefined;
var tileSnapshot = tileInstance.getSnapshotAt(lthi.ts);
if (!tileSnapshot)
return undefined;
return new TileSelection(tileSnapshot);
* @constructor
function LayerRectSelection(layer, rectType, rect, opt_data) {
this.layer_ = layer;
this.rectType_ = rectType;
this.rect_ = rect;
this.data_ = opt_data !== undefined ? opt_data : rect;
LayerRectSelection.prototype = {
__proto__: Selection.prototype,
get specicifity() {
return 2;
get associatedLayerId() {
return this.layer_.layerId;
get highlightsByLayerId() {
var highlights = {};
highlights[this.layer_.layerId] = [
colorKey: this.rectType_,
rect: this.rect_
return highlights;
createAnalysis: function() {
var analysis = document.createElement(
analysis.label = this.rectType_ + ' on layer ' + this.layer_.layerId;
analysis.object = this.data_;
return analysis;
findEquivalent: function(lthi) {
return undefined;
* @constructor
function AnimationRectSelection(layer, rect) {
this.layer_ = layer;
this.rect_ = rect;
AnimationRectSelection.prototype = {
__proto__: Selection.prototype,
get specicifity() {
return 0;
get associatedLayerId() {
return this.layer_.layerId;
createAnalysis: function() {
var analysis = document.createElement(
analysis.label = 'Animation Bounds of layer ' + this.layer_.layerId;
analysis.object = this.rect_;
return analysis;
return {
Selection: Selection,
RenderPassSelection: RenderPassSelection,
LayerSelection: LayerSelection,
TileSelection: TileSelection,
LayerRectSelection: LayerRectSelection,
AnimationRectSelection: AnimationRectSelection