blob: dafdd812e9cc0b58f0b24b6e71aee74bbbc11a42 [file] [log] [blame]
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Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/core/test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/model/selection_state.html">
<link rel="import" href="/core/tracks/memory_dump_track_test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/core/tracks/memory_dump_track_util.html">
'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
var SelectionState = tr.model.SelectionState;
var createTestGlobalMemoryDumps = tr.c.tracks.createTestGlobalMemoryDumps;
var createTestProcessMemoryDumps = tr.c.tracks.createTestProcessMemoryDumps;
test('buildMemoryLetterDots_withoutVMRegions', function() {
var dumps = createTestGlobalMemoryDumps(false, false);
var items = tr.c.tracks.buildMemoryLetterDots(dumps);
assert.lengthOf(items, 4);
assert.equal(items[0].start, 0);
assert.equal(items[1].start, 5);
assert.equal(items[2].start, 15);
assert.equal(items[3].start, 18);
// Check model mapping.
assert.equal(items[1].selectionState, SelectionState.HIGHLIGHTED);
assert.equal(items[3].modelItem, dumps[3]);
test('buildMemoryLetterDots_withVMRegions', function() {
var dumps = createTestGlobalMemoryDumps(false, false);
var items = tr.c.tracks.buildMemoryLetterDots(dumps);
assert.lengthOf(items, 4);
assert.equal(items[0].start, 0);
assert.equal(items[1].start, 5);
assert.equal(items[2].start, 15);
assert.equal(items[3].start, 18);
// Check model mapping.
assert.equal(items[1].selectionState, SelectionState.HIGHLIGHTED);
assert.equal(items[3].modelItem, dumps[3]);
test('buildGlobalUsedMemoryChartSeries_withoutVMRegions', function() {
var dumps = createTestGlobalMemoryDumps(false, false);
var series = tr.c.tracks.buildGlobalUsedMemoryChartSeries(dumps);
test('buildGlobalUsedMemoryChartSeries_withVMRegions', function() {
var dumps = createTestGlobalMemoryDumps(true, false);
var series = tr.c.tracks.buildGlobalUsedMemoryChartSeries(dumps);
assert.lengthOf(series, 3);
var sa = series[2];
var sb = series[1];
var sc = series[0];
assert.lengthOf(sa.points, 4);
assert.lengthOf(sb.points, 4);
assert.lengthOf(sc.points, 4);
// Process A: VM regions defined -> sum their PSS values (111).
// Process B: VM regions undefined and no previous value -> assume zero.
// Process C: Memory dump not present -> assume process not alive (0).
assert.equal(sa.points[0].x, 0);
assert.equal(sb.points[0].x, 0);
assert.equal(sc.points[0].x, 0);
assert.equal(sa.points[0].y, 111);
assert.equal(sb.points[0].y, 111);
assert.equal(sc.points[0].y, 111);
assert.equal(sa.points[0].yBase, 0);
assert.equal(sb.points[0].yBase, 111);
assert.equal(sc.points[0].yBase, 111);
// Process A: VM regions undefined -> assume previous value (111).
// Process B: VM regions defined -> sum their PSS values (555).
// Process C: VM regions undefined -> assume previous value (0).
assert.equal(sa.points[1].x, 5);
assert.equal(sb.points[1].x, 5);
assert.equal(sc.points[1].x, 5);
assert.equal(sa.points[1].y, 111);
assert.equal(sb.points[1].y, 261);
assert.equal(sc.points[1].y, 261);
assert.equal(sa.points[1].yBase, 0);
assert.equal(sb.points[1].yBase, 111);
assert.equal(sc.points[1].yBase, 261);
// Process A: VM regions defined -> sum their PSS values (0).
// Process B: Memory dump not present -> assume process not alive (0).
// Process C: VM regions defined -> sum their PSS values (999).
assert.equal(sa.points[2].x, 15);
assert.equal(sb.points[2].x, 15);
assert.equal(sc.points[2].x, 15);
assert.equal(sa.points[2].y, 0);
assert.equal(sb.points[2].y, 0);
assert.equal(sc.points[2].y, 210);
assert.equal(sa.points[2].yBase, 0);
assert.equal(sb.points[2].yBase, 0);
assert.equal(sc.points[2].yBase, 0);
// All processes: Memory dump not present -> assume process not alive (0).
assert.equal(sa.points[3].x, 18);
assert.equal(sb.points[3].x, 18);
assert.equal(sc.points[3].x, 18);
assert.equal(sa.points[3].y, 0);
assert.equal(sb.points[3].y, 0);
assert.equal(sc.points[3].y, 0);
assert.equal(sc.points[3].yBase, 0);
assert.equal(sc.points[3].yBase, 0);
assert.equal(sc.points[3].yBase, 0);
// Check model mapping.
assert.equal(sa.points[1].selectionState, SelectionState.HIGHLIGHTED);
assert.equal(sc.points[3].modelItem, dumps[3]);
function() {
var dumps = createTestGlobalMemoryDumps(false, false);
var series = tr.c.tracks.buildGlobalAllocatedMemoryChartSeries(dumps);
function() {
var dumps = createTestGlobalMemoryDumps(false, true);
var series = tr.c.tracks.buildGlobalAllocatedMemoryChartSeries(dumps);
assert.lengthOf(series, 2);
var so = series[0];
var sv = series[1];
assert.lengthOf(so.points, 4);
assert.lengthOf(sv.points, 4);
// Oilpan: Only process B dumps allocated objects size (1024).
// V8: No process dumps allocated objects size (0).
assert.equal(so.points[0].x, 0);
assert.equal(sv.points[0].x, 0);
assert.equal(so.points[0].y, 1024);
assert.equal(sv.points[0].y, 0);
// Oilpan: Process B did not provide a value and process C dumps (128).
// V8: Processes B and C dump (512 + 256).
assert.equal(so.points[1].x, 5);
assert.equal(sv.points[1].x, 5);
assert.equal(so.points[1].y, 128);
assert.equal(sv.points[1].y, 768);
// Oilpan: Process B assumed not alive and process C dumps (512)
// V8: Process A dumps now, process B assumed not alive, process C did not
// provide a value (768).
assert.equal(so.points[2].x, 15);
assert.equal(sv.points[2].x, 15);
assert.equal(so.points[2].y, 512);
assert.equal(sv.points[2].y, 768);
// All processes: Memory dump not present -> assume process not alive (0).
assert.equal(so.points[3].x, 18);
assert.equal(sv.points[3].x, 18);
assert.equal(so.points[3].y, 0);
assert.equal(sv.points[3].y, 0);
// Check model mapping.
assert.equal(so.points[1].selectionState, SelectionState.HIGHLIGHTED);
assert.equal(so.points[3].modelItem, dumps[3]);
function() {
var dumps = createTestProcessMemoryDumps(false, false);
var series = tr.c.tracks.buildProcessAllocatedMemoryChartSeries(dumps);
function() {
var dumps = createTestProcessMemoryDumps(false, true);
var series = tr.c.tracks.buildProcessAllocatedMemoryChartSeries(dumps);
// There should be only 2 series (because 'tracing' is not shown in the
// charts).
assert.lengthOf(series, 2);
var so = series[0];
var sv = series[1];
assert.lengthOf(so.points, 2);
assert.lengthOf(sv.points, 2);
// Oilpan: Process dumps (128).
// V8: Process dumps (256).
assert.equal(so.points[0].x, 5.12);
assert.equal(sv.points[0].x, 5.12);
assert.equal(so.points[0].y, 128);
assert.equal(sv.points[0].y, 256);
// Oilpan: Process dumps (512).
// V8: Process did not provide a value (0).
assert.equal(so.points[1].x, 14.5);
assert.equal(sv.points[1].x, 14.5);
assert.equal(so.points[1].y, 512);
assert.equal(sv.points[1].y, 0);
// Check model mapping.
assert.equal(so.points[1].selectionState, SelectionState.HIGHLIGHTED);
assert.equal(so.points[1].modelItem, dumps[1]);