blob: a314687b261a9d4d06e8203fc53db26f755ee318 [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/base/task.html">
<link rel="import" href="/core/test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html">
<link rel="import" href="/core/timeline_view.html">
'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
var newSliceEx = tr.c.test_utils.newSliceEx;
var Selection = tr.c.Selection;
var SelectionState = tr.model.SelectionState;
var Task = tr.b.Task;
function newSimpleFakeTimelineView() {
var m = tr.c.test_utils.newModel(function(m) {
m.p1 = m.getOrCreateProcess(1);
m.t2 = m.p1.getOrCreateThread(2);
m.sA = m.t2.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
newSliceEx({title: 'a', start: 0, end: 5}));
m.sB = m.t2.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
newSliceEx({title: 'b', start: 10, end: 15}));
m.sC = m.t2.sliceGroup.pushSlice(
newSliceEx({title: 'c', start: 20, end: 20}));
// Fake timeline view. So fake its ... just wow.
var timelineView = {
model: m
return timelineView;
function doesCauseChangeToFire(selectionController, cb, opt_this) {
var didFire = false;
function didFireCb() {
didFire = true;
selectionController.addEventListener('change', didFireCb);;
selectionController.removeEventListener('change', didFireCb);
return didFire;
test('simpleStateChanges', function() {
var timelineView = newSimpleFakeTimelineView();
var selectionController = new tr.c.SelectionController(timelineView);
var m = timelineView.model;
// Setting causes change.
var bs = new tr.c.BrushingState();
bs.selection = new Selection([m.sA]);
function() {
selectionController.currentBrushingState = bs;
// Setting value equivalent doesn't cause change event.
var bs2 = bs.clone();
function() {
selectionController.currentBrushingState = bs2;
assert.equal(selectionController.currentBrushingState, bs2);
// Setting to something different unapplies the old bs.
var bs3 = new tr.c.BrushingState();
bs3.findMatches = new Selection([m.sA, m.sB]);
selectionController.currentBrushingState = bs3;