blob: e813359df0ff01902883d9ceb8346740ee303f4c [file] [log] [blame]
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Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/importer/import.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/global_memory_dump.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_allocator_dump.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/memory_dump_test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/model.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/process_memory_dump.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/numeric.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/unit.html">
'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
var Model = tr.Model;
var GlobalMemoryDump = tr.model.GlobalMemoryDump;
var ProcessMemoryDump = tr.model.ProcessMemoryDump;
var MemoryAllocatorDump = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDump;
var MemoryAllocatorDumpLink = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDumpLink;
var ScalarNumeric = tr.v.ScalarNumeric;
var sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter =
var newAllocatorDump = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.newAllocatorDump;
var newChildDump = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.newChildDump;
var addOwnershipLink = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.addOwnershipLink;
var checkDumpNumericsAndDiagnostics =
var SIZE_DELTA = tr.model.MemoryDumpTestUtils.SIZE_DELTA;
var MemoryAllocatorDumpInfoType = tr.model.MemoryAllocatorDumpInfoType;
function buildArgPusher(array) {
return function(arg) { array.push(arg); };
function assertEqualUniqueMembers(actualArray, expectedArray) {
assert.lengthOf(actualArray, expectedArray.length);
assert.sameMembers(actualArray, expectedArray);
function assertUndefinedNumeric(dump, numericName) {
var numeric = dump.numerics[numericName];
assert.isUndefined(numeric, 'expected numeric \'' + numericName +
'\' of memory allocator dump \'' + dump.fullName + '\' in ' +
dump.containerMemoryDump.userFriendlyName + ' to be undefined');
function assertDefinedNumeric(dump, numericName, expectedUnit, expectedValue,
opt_delta) {
var numeric = dump.numerics[numericName];
var errorMessagePrefix = 'expected numeric \'' + numericName +
'\' of memory allocator dump \'' + dump.fullName + '\' in ' +
dump.containerMemoryDump.userFriendlyName + ' to ';
assert.instanceOf(numeric, ScalarNumeric,
errorMessagePrefix + 'be an instance of ScalarNumeric');
assert.equal(numeric.unit, expectedUnit,
errorMessagePrefix + 'have unit \'' + expectedUnit.unitName +
'\' but got \'' + numeric.unit.unitName + '\' instead');
var valueErrorMessage = errorMessagePrefix + 'have value \'' +
expectedValue + '\' but got \'' + numeric.value + '\'';
if (opt_delta !== undefined) {
numeric.value, expectedValue, opt_delta, valueErrorMessage);
} else {
assert.equal(numeric.value, expectedValue, valueErrorMessage);
function assertSizeNumeric(dump, sizeName, expectedValue) {
if (expectedValue === undefined) {
assertUndefinedNumeric(dump, sizeName);
} else {
assertDefinedNumeric(dump, sizeName, sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter,
expectedValue, SIZE_DELTA);
function assertDumpSizes(dump, expectedSize, expectedEffectiveSize,
opt_expectedInfos, opt_expectedOwnedBySiblingSizes) {
// Check the 'size' numeric.
assertSizeNumeric(dump, 'size', expectedSize);
// Check the 'effective_size' numeric.
assertSizeNumeric(dump, 'effective_size', expectedEffectiveSize);
// Check the 'infos' list.
var expectedInfos = opt_expectedInfos || [];
var actualInfos = dump.infos;
assert.lengthOf(actualInfos, expectedInfos.length,
'expected memory allocator dump \'' + dump.fullName + '\' in ' +
dump.containerMemoryDump.userFriendlyName + ' to have ' +
expectedInfos.length + ' infos but got ' + actualInfos.length);
for (var k = 0; k < actualInfos.length; k++) {
assert.deepEqual(actualInfos[k], expectedInfos[k],
'info ' + k + ' of memory allocator dump \'' + dump.fullName +
'\' in ' + dump.containerMemoryDump.userFriendlyName +
' doesn\'t match the expected info');
// Checked the 'ownedBySiblingSizes' map.
var expectedOwnedBySiblingSizes = opt_expectedOwnedBySiblingSizes || {};
var actualOwnedBySiblingSizes = {};
for (var siblingDump of dump.ownedBySiblingSizes.keys()) {
assert.strictEqual(siblingDump.parent, dump.parent);
actualOwnedBySiblingSizes[] =
assert.deepEqual(actualOwnedBySiblingSizes, expectedOwnedBySiblingSizes,
'ownedBySiblingSizes of memory allocator dump \'' + dump.fullName +
'\' in ' + dump.containerMemoryDump.userFriendlyName +
' doesn\'t contain the expected values');
function createContainerDumps(processMemoryDumpCount, opt_model) {
var model = opt_model;
if (model === undefined)
model = new Model();
var gmd = new GlobalMemoryDump(model, 0);
var pmds = [];
for (var i = 0; i < processMemoryDumpCount; i++) {
var process = model.getOrCreateProcess(i);
var pmd = new ProcessMemoryDump(gmd, process, 0);
gmd.processMemoryDumps[i] = pmd;
return [gmd].concat(pmds);
* Build container memory dumps from tree recipes. This function returns
* a list containing a global memory dump and zero or more process memory
* dumps constructed from the provided function argument as follows:
* allTreeRecipes (argument):
* [
* [tree recipe GA, tree recipe GB, ...],
* [tree recipe P1A, tree recipe P1B, ...],
* [tree recipe P2A, tree recipe P2B ...],
* ...
* ]
* return value:
* [
* GlobalMemoryDump with root MemoryAllocatorDump(s) [GA, GB, ...],
* ProcessMemoryDump with root MemoryAllocatorDump(s) [P1A, P1B, ...],
* ProcessMemoryDump with root MemoryAllocatorDump(s) [P2A, P2B, ...],
* ...
* ]
* where a tree recipe is an object (a recursive data structure) with the
* following fields:
* name: Name of the resulting MAD.
* guid: GUID of the resulting MAD (can be undefined).
* owns: GUID of another MAD owned by the resulting MAD (no owned MAD if
* undefined).
* importance: Importance of the above ownership (can be undefined).
* size: Value of the 'size' numeric of the resulting MAD (no 'size'
* numeric if undefined).
* numerics: Extra numerics of the resulting MAD (dictionary).
* diagnostics: Extra diagnostics of the resulting MAD (dictionary).
* weak: Whether the resulting MAD should be weak (undefined implies
* non-weak).
* children: List of tree recipes for child MADs (no children if undefined).
* skip_build: If this optional property is set to true, this function will
* skip the corresponding tree recipe node and will not create a MAD
* for it (not allowed in root recipes).
* Other fields (most importantly 'expected_size') of a tree recipe are
* ignored by this function.
function buildDumpTrees(allTreeRecipes, opt_model) {
assert.isAbove(allTreeRecipes.length, 0);
var ownerDumps = {}; // owned GUID -> {dump: owner, importance: optional}.
var ownableDumps = {}; // ownable GUID -> ownable dump.
function buildAndAddDumpTrees(containerDump, treeRecipes) {
if (treeRecipes === undefined)
function buildDumpTreeRecursively(treeRecipe, namePrefix) {
var skipBuild = treeRecipe['skip_build'];
var name = treeRecipe['name'];
var guid = treeRecipe['guid'];
var owns = treeRecipe['owns'];
var size = treeRecipe['size'];
var numerics = treeRecipe['numerics'];
var diagnostics = treeRecipe['diagnostics'];
var importance = treeRecipe['importance'];
var weak = treeRecipe['weak'];
assert.notStrictEqual(skipBuild, true);
var fullName = namePrefix + name;
var dump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(containerDump, fullName, guid);
if (size !== undefined) {
'size', new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, size));
if (guid !== undefined) {
assert.notProperty(guid, ownableDumps);
ownableDumps[guid] = dump;
if (owns !== undefined) {
if (!(owns in ownerDumps))
ownerDumps[owns] = [];
ownerDumps[owns].push({dump: dump, importance: importance});
} else {
assert.isUndefined(importance); // Test sanity check.
if (treeRecipe.children !== undefined) {
treeRecipe.children.forEach(function(childTreeRecipe) {
// Virtual children are added during size calculation.
if (childTreeRecipe['skip_build'] === true)
var childDump =
buildDumpTreeRecursively(childTreeRecipe, fullName + '/');
childDump.parent = dump;
if (numerics !== undefined)
tr.b.iterItems(numerics, dump.addNumeric, dump);
if (diagnostics !== undefined)
tr.b.iterItems(diagnostics, dump.addDiagnostic, dump);
if (weak)
dump.weak = true;
return dump;
var memoryAllocatorDumps = {
return buildDumpTreeRecursively(treeRecipe, '');
containerDump.memoryAllocatorDumps = memoryAllocatorDumps;
// Recursively build memory allocator dump trees for all container dumps.
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(
allTreeRecipes.length - 1, opt_model);
for (var i = 0; i < allTreeRecipes.length; i++)
buildAndAddDumpTrees(containerDumps[i], allTreeRecipes[i]);
// Hook up ownership links.
tr.b.iterItems(ownerDumps, function(ownedGuid, ownershipInfos) {
var ownedDump = ownableDumps[ownedGuid];
assert.isDefined(ownedDump, 'Tree recipes don\'t contain a memory ' +
'allocator dump with guid \'' + ownedGuid + '\'');
ownershipInfos.forEach(function(ownershipInfo) {
ownershipInfo.dump, ownedDump, ownershipInfo.importance);
return containerDumps;
// Check that the buildDumpTrees testing helper method above builds a
// hierarchy of container and memory allocator dumps from tree recipes
// correctly.
test('testSanityCheck_buildDumpTrees', function() {
var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees([
[ // GMD.
'name': 'globalSharedDump1',
'size': 123
'name': 'globalSharedDump2',
'subsystem_size': 999,
'owns': 7,
'importance': -1
undefined, // PMD1.
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'v8',
'children': [
'name': 'isolate1',
'guid': 7,
'weak': true
'name': 'isolate2',
'skip_build': true
'name': 'isolate3',
'size': 54,
'guid': 60,
'children': [
'name': 'obj1',
'size': 89,
'guid': 3
'name': 'obj2',
'owns': 3,
'weak': true
'name': 'obj3',
'owns': 3,
'importance': 2
assert.lengthOf(containerDumps, 3);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var pmd1 = containerDumps[1];
var pmd2 = containerDumps[2];
function checkDump(dump, expectedGuid, expectedFullName, expectedParent,
expectedChildrenCount, expectedSize, expectedIsOwner,
expectedOwnersCount, expectedContainerDump, opt_expectedWeak) {
assert.instanceOf(dump, MemoryAllocatorDump);
assert.strictEqual(dump.guid, expectedGuid);
assert.strictEqual(dump.fullName, expectedFullName);
assert.strictEqual(dump.parent, expectedParent);
assert.lengthOf(dump.children, expectedChildrenCount);
assertSizeNumeric(dump, 'size', expectedSize);
assertSizeNumeric(dump, 'subsystem_size', undefined);
if (expectedIsOwner)
assert.lengthOf(dump.ownedBy, expectedOwnersCount);
assert.strictEqual(dump.containerMemoryDump, expectedContainerDump);
expectedFullName), dump);
assert.strictEqual(dump.weak, !!opt_expectedWeak);
function checkOwnershipLink(expectedSourceDump, expectedTargetDump,
expectedImportance) {
var link = expectedSourceDump.owns;
assert.instanceOf(link, MemoryAllocatorDumpLink);
assert.strictEqual(link.source, expectedSourceDump);
assert.strictEqual(, expectedTargetDump);
assert.strictEqual(link.importance, expectedImportance);
assert.include(expectedTargetDump.ownedBy, link);
// GMD memory allocator dumps.
assert.lengthOf(gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps, 2);
var globalSharedDump1 = gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps[0];
checkDump(globalSharedDump1, undefined, 'globalSharedDump1', undefined, 0,
123, false, 0, gmd);
var globalSharedDump2 = gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps[1];
checkDump(globalSharedDump2, undefined, 'globalSharedDump2', undefined, 0,
undefined, true, 0, gmd);
// PMD1 memory allocator dumps.
// PMD2 memory allocator dumps.
assert.lengthOf(pmd2.memoryAllocatorDumps, 1);
var v8Dump = pmd2.memoryAllocatorDumps[0];
checkDump(v8Dump, undefined, 'v8', undefined, 2, undefined, false, 0,
var isolate1Dump = v8Dump.children[0];
checkDump(isolate1Dump, 7, 'v8/isolate1', v8Dump, 0, undefined, false, 1,
pmd2, true /* weak dump */);
var isolate3Dump = v8Dump.children[1];
checkDump(isolate3Dump, 60, 'v8/isolate3', v8Dump, 3, 54, false, 0, pmd2);
var obj1Dump = isolate3Dump.children[0];
checkDump(obj1Dump, 3, 'v8/isolate3/obj1', isolate3Dump, 0, 89, false, 2,
var obj2Dump = isolate3Dump.children[1];
checkDump(obj2Dump, undefined, 'v8/isolate3/obj2', isolate3Dump, 0,
undefined, true, 0, pmd2, true /* weak dump */);
var obj3Dump = isolate3Dump.children[2];
checkDump(obj3Dump, undefined, 'v8/isolate3/obj3', isolate3Dump, 0,
undefined, true, 0, pmd2);
// Ownership links.
checkOwnershipLink(globalSharedDump2, isolate1Dump, -1);
checkOwnershipLink(obj2Dump, obj1Dump, undefined);
checkOwnershipLink(obj3Dump, obj1Dump, 2);
* Check that container memory dumps have the expected structure with sizes
* as described by tree recipes. The fields of a tree recipe are used by this
* function to check the properties of a MemoryAllocatorDump as follows (see
* the buildDumpTrees documentation for more details about the structure of
* tree recipes):
* name: Expected name of the MAD.
* expected_removed: If provided and true, it is expected that there is no
* dump for the recipe.
* expected_size: Expected value of the 'size' numeric of the MAD (no
* 'size' numeric expected if undefined).
* expected_effective_size: Expected value of the 'effective_size'
* numeric of the MAD (no 'effective_size' numeric expected if
* undefined).
* expected_infos: List of expected MAD infos (zero infos expected if
* undefined).
* weak: Whether the MAD is expected to be weak (non-weak if undefined).
* owns: Expected GUID of the dump owned by the MAD.
* importance: Expected importance of the owhership from this MAD.
* expected_owned_by_links_count: Expected number of 'ownedBy' links of the
* MAD.
* children: List of tree recipes for child MADs (no children expected if
* undefined).
* Other fields of a tree recipe (including 'skip_build') are ignored by this
* function.
function checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, allTreeRecipes) {
assert.lengthOf(containerDumps, allTreeRecipes.length);
for (var i = 0; i < containerDumps.length; i++) {
var containerDump = containerDumps[i];
var treeRecipes = allTreeRecipes[i];
var memoryAllocatorDumps = containerDump.memoryAllocatorDumps;
if (treeRecipes === undefined) {
'expected undefined memory allocator dumps in ' +
var expectedTreeRecipes = treeRecipes.filter(function(treeRecipe) {
return !treeRecipe['expected_removed'];
'expected defined memory allocator dumps in ' +
assert.lengthOf(memoryAllocatorDumps, expectedTreeRecipes.length,
'expected ' + expectedTreeRecipes.length + ' root memory allocator ' +
'dumps but got ' + memoryAllocatorDumps.length + ' in ' +
function checkDumpTree(dump, treeRecipe, expectedParent, namePrefix) {
// Test sanity check.
// Check full name, parent, and container dump.
var expectedFullName = namePrefix + treeRecipe['name'];
var quantifiedName = dump.quantifiedName;
assert.equal(dump.fullName, expectedFullName,
quantifiedName + ' has invalid full name');
assert.strictEqual(dump.parent, expectedParent,
quantifiedName + ' has invalid parent');
assert.strictEqual(dump.containerMemoryDump, containerDump,
quantifiedName + ' has invalid container memory dump');
expectedFullName), dump, quantifiedName +
'is not indexed in its container memory dump');
// Check the guid of the dump.
assert.strictEqual(dump.guid, treeRecipe['guid'],
quantifiedName + ' has invalid guid');
// Check that the 'weak' flag is correct.
assert.strictEqual(dump.weak, !!treeRecipe['weak'],
quantifiedName + ' has invalid weak flag');
// Check that sizes were calculated correctly.
// Check that the 'owns' link is correct.
if (treeRecipe['owns'] === undefined) {
quantifiedName + ' was expected not to own another dump');
} else {
var ownershipLink = dump.owns;
assert.isDefined(dump.owns, quantifiedName +
' was expected to have an \'owns\' link');
assert.strictEqual(ownershipLink.source, dump,
'the \'owns\' link of ' + quantifiedName + ' has invalid source');
var expectedImportance = treeRecipe['importance'];
assert.strictEqual(ownershipLink.importance, expectedImportance,
'expected the importance of the \'owns\' link of ' +
quantifiedName + ' to be ' + expectedImportance +
' but got ' + ownershipLink.importance);
var ownedDump =;
assert.strictEqual(ownedDump.guid, treeRecipe['owns'],
'the \'owns\' link of ' + quantifiedName +
' has an invalid target');
assert.include(ownedDump.ownedBy, ownershipLink,
'the target of the \'owns\' link of ' + quantifiedName +
' doesn\'t have the link in its \'ownedBy\' list');
// Check that the number of 'ownedBy' links is correct.
var expectedOwnedByLinksCount =
if (expectedOwnedByLinksCount !== undefined) {
assert.lengthOf(dump.ownedBy, expectedOwnedByLinksCount,
'expected ' + quantifiedName + ' to have ' +
expectedOwnedByLinksCount + ' \'ownedBy\' links but got ' +
// Check children recursively.
var actualChildren = dump.children;
var expectedChildren = (treeRecipe.children || []).filter(
function(childRecipe) {
return !childRecipe['expected_removed'];
assert.lengthOf(actualChildren, expectedChildren.length,
'expected ' + quantifiedName + ' to have ' +
expectedChildren.length + ' children but got ' +
for (var k = 0; k < actualChildren.length; k++) {
checkDumpTree(actualChildren[k], expectedChildren[k], dump,
expectedFullName + '/');
for (var j = 0; j < memoryAllocatorDumps.length; j++) {
memoryAllocatorDumps[j], expectedTreeRecipes[j], undefined, '');
// Check that the checkDumpTrees testing helper method above actually
// performs the expected checks. Since it will be used heavily throughout
// this file (where it is expected to pass), we only need to verify that it
// does indeed fail in several cases where it should.
test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidName', function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var v8Dump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'v8');
var heapsDump =
new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'heaps'); // Should be 'v8/heaps'.
heapsDump.parent = v8Dump;
gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [v8Dump];
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'v8',
'children': [
'name': 'heaps'
}, /'heaps'.*invalid full name/);
test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidGuid', function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'v8', 42)];
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'v8',
'guid': 43 // This should be 42.
}, /'v8'.*\binvalid guid\b/);
test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidStructure', function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var rootDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'root');
newChildDump(rootDump, 'child1');
gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [rootDump];
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'root',
'children': [
'name': 'child1'
// This child is not present in the dump.
'name': 'child2',
'skip_build': true
}, /expected.*\b2\b.*children.*got.*\b1\b/);
test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidParentLink', function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var rootDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'root');
var parentDump = newChildDump(rootDump, 'parent');
var childDump = newChildDump(parentDump, 'child');
childDump.parent = rootDump; // This should correctly be parentDump.
gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [rootDump];
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'root',
'children': [
'name': 'parent',
'children': [
'name': 'child'
}, 'invalid parent');
test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidSize', function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(1);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var pmd = containerDumps[1];
var rootDump = newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'root', { size: 100 });
newChildDump(rootDump, 'parent', { size: 49 });
pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [rootDump];
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'root',
'expected_size': 100,
'children': [
'name': 'parent',
'expected_size': 50 // This should be 49.
}, /expected.*'size'.*value.*\b50\b.*got.*\b49\b/);
test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidEffectiveSize', function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(1);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var pmd = containerDumps[1];
var rootDump = newAllocatorDump(pmd, 'root', { effective_size: 99 });
newChildDump(rootDump, 'parent', { effective_size: 50 });
pmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [rootDump];
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'root',
'expected_effective_size': 100, // This should be 99.
'children': [
'name': 'parent',
'expected_effective_size': 50
}, /expected.*'effective_size'.*value.*\b100\b.*got.*\b99\b/);
test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidInfoCount', function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [
newAllocatorDump(gmd, 'v8', {
size: 50
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'v8',
'expected_size': 50,
'expected_infos': [
providedSize: 50,
dependencySize: 60
}, /expected.*'v8'.*\b1 infos\b.*\bgot\b.*\b0\b/);
test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidInfo', function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var v8Dump = newAllocatorDump(gmd, 'v8', { size: 50 });
providedSize: 40,
dependencySize: 50
gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [v8Dump];
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'v8',
'expected_size': 50,
'expected_infos': [
providedSize: 40,
dependencySize: 50
}, /\binfo 0\b.*'v8'.*\bexpected\b/);
test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidOwnedBySiblingSizes', function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var v8Dump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'v8');
newChildDump(v8Dump, 'child1', {}, 42 /* guid */);
newChildDump(v8Dump, 'child2');
gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [v8Dump];
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'v8',
'children': [
'name': 'child1',
'guid': 42
'name': 'child2',
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'child1': 40 // This should be 30.
}, /\bownedBySiblingSizes\b.*'v8\/child2'.*\bexpected\b/);
function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var parentDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'parent');
var childDump = newChildDump(parentDump, 'child');
childDump.weak = true;
gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [parentDump];
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'parent',
'children': [
'name': 'child',
// Missing "'weak': true".
}, /'parent\/child'.*\binvalid weak flag\b/);
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'parent',
'weak': true, // This should be false (or not provided).
'children': [
'name': 'child',
'weak': true
}, /'parent'.*\binvalid weak flag\b/);
test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_dumpNotRemoved', function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var parentDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'parent');
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
newChildDump(parentDump, 'child' + i);
var otherDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'other');
gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [parentDump, otherDump];
// Child MAD not removed.
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'parent',
'children': [
'name': 'child1',
'name': 'child2',
'expected_removed': true
'name': 'child3',
'name': 'other'
}, /\bexpected\b.*'parent'.*\b2 children\b.*\bgot 3\b/);
// Root MAD not removed.
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'parent',
'children': [
'name': 'child1',
'name': 'child2'
'name': 'child3',
'name': 'other',
'expected_removed': true
}, /\bexpected\b.*\b1 root memory allocator dumps\b.*\bgot 2\b/);
test('testSanityCheck_checkDumpTrees_invalidOwnership', function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(1);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var pmd1 = containerDumps[1];
var ownedDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(gmd, 'owned', 42);
var ownerDump1 = new MemoryAllocatorDump(pmd1, 'owner1');
var link1 = addOwnershipLink(ownerDump1, ownedDump);
var ownerDump2 = new MemoryAllocatorDump(pmd1, 'owner2');
var link2 = addOwnershipLink(ownerDump2, ownedDump, 3);
var nonOwnerDump = new MemoryAllocatorDump(pmd1, 'non-owner', 90);
gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [ownedDump];
pmd1.memoryAllocatorDumps = [ownerDump1, ownerDump2, nonOwnerDump];
// Missing 'owns' link.
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 42
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 42
'name': 'owner2',
'importance': 3,
'owns': 42
'name': 'non-owner',
'guid': 90,
'owns': 42 // This should not be here.
}, /'non-owner'.*\bwas expected to have\b.*'owns' link\b/);
// Extra 'owns' link.
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 42
'name': 'owner1'
// Missing: "'owns': 42".
'name': 'owner2',
'importance': 3,
'owns': 42
'name': 'non-owner',
'guid': 90
}, /'owner1'.*\bwas expected not to own\b/);
// Invalid ownership importance.
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 42
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 42
'name': 'owner2',
'importance': 2, // This should be 3.
'owns': 42
'name': 'non-owner',
'guid': 90
}, /\bexpected\b.*\bimportance\b.*'owner2'.*\b2 but got 3\b/);
// Invalid ownership target.
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 42
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 90 // This should be 42.
'name': 'owner2',
'importance': 3,
'owns': 42
'name': 'non-owner',
'guid': 90
}, /'owner1'.*\binvalid target\b/);
// Invalid 'ownedBy' ownership links count.
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 42,
'expected_owned_by_links_count': 3 // This should be 2.
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 42
'name': 'owner2',
'importance': 3,
'owns': 42
'name': 'non-owner',
'guid': 90
}, /'owned'.*\bhave 3 'ownedBy' links\b.*\bgot 2\b/);
// Invalid ownership source.
link1.source = ownerDump2;
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 42
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 42
'name': 'owner2',
'importance': 3,
'owns': 42
'name': 'non-owner',
'guid': 90
}, /'owns' link\b.*'owner1'.*\binvalid source\b/);
link1.source = ownerDump1;
// Ownership link not in target's 'ownedBy' list.
assert.throws(function() {
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, [
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 42
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 42
'name': 'owner2',
'importance': 3,
'owns': 42
'name': 'non-owner',
'guid': 90
}, /\btarget of\b.*'owner2'.*'ownedBy' list\b/);
* Build container memory dumps from tree recipes, let the resulting
* GlobalMemoryDump calculate sizes and effective sizes, and then check that
* the augmented container memory dumps have the expected structure with
* correct sizes and effective sizes (as described by the same tree recipes).
* See the documentation for buildDumpTrees and checkDumpTrees for more
* details about the structure of tree recipes.
function testSizesCalculation(allTreeRecipes) {
var m = new Model();
var io = new tr.importer.ImportOptions();
io.showImportWarnings = false;
m.importOptions = io;
var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees(allTreeRecipes, m);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, allTreeRecipes);
// Check that the testSizesCalculation testing helper method above
// actually performs the expected checks. Since it will be used heavily
// throughout this file (where it is expected to pass), we only need to
// verify that it does indeed fail when it should.
test('testSanityCheck_testSizesCalculation', function() {
assert.throws(function() {
'name': 'winheap'
'name': 'malloc',
'expected_size': 100,
'children': [
'name': 'allocated_objects',
'size': 100,
'expected_size': 100
'name': 'extra',
'size': 20,
'expected_size': 20
}, /expected.*'size'.*value.*\b100\b.*got.*\b120\b/);
function calculationTest(caseName, treeRecipes) {
test('calculateSizes_' + caseName, function() {
* Build container memory dumps from tree recipes, let the resulting
* GlobalMemoryDump remove weak memory dumps, and then check that the updated
* container memory dumps have the expected structure (as described by the
* same tree recipes).
* See the documentation for buildDumpTrees and checkDumpTrees for more
* details about the structure of tree recipes.
function testWeakDumpRemoval(allTreeRecipes) {
var m = new tr.Model();
var io = new tr.importer.ImportOptions();
io.showImportWarnings = false;
m.importOptions = io;
var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees(allTreeRecipes, m);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
checkDumpTrees(containerDumps, allTreeRecipes);
// Similarly to testSanityCheck_testSizesCalculation, check that the
// testWeakDumpRemoval testing helper method above actually performs the
// expected checks.
test('testSanityCheck_testWeakDumpRemoval', function() {
assert.throws(function() {
'name': 'winheap'
'name': 'malloc',
'children': [
'name': 'allocated_objects'
'name': 'directly_weak',
'guid': 42,
'weak': true,
'expected_removed': true
'name': 'indirectly_weak',
'owns': 42
// Missing: "'expected_removed': true".
}, /expected.*'malloc'.*\b2 children\b.*\bgot 1\b/);
function weakDumpRemovalTest(caseName, treeRecipes) {
test('removeWeakDumps_' + caseName, function() {
// Actual tests begin here.
test('iterateContainerDumps_withoutProcessMemoryDumps', function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(0);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var visitedContainerDumps = [];
assertEqualUniqueMembers(visitedContainerDumps, containerDumps);
test('iterateContainerDumps_withProcessMemoryDumps', function() {
var containerDumps = createContainerDumps(2);
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var visitedContainerDumps = [];
assertEqualUniqueMembers(visitedContainerDumps, containerDumps);
test('iterateAllRootAllocatorDumps', function() {
var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees([
[ // GMD.
'name': 'globalSharedDump1'
'name': 'globalSharedDump2'
[ // PMD.
'name': 'v8',
'children': [
'name': 'isolate'
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var pmd = containerDumps[1];
var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
assertEqualUniqueMembers(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
function() {
var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees([
[ // GMD.
'name': 'root',
'children': [
'name': 'parent',
'children': [
'name': 'child1'
'name': 'child2'
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
// Post-order.
var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
// Pre-order.
var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
function() {
var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees([
[], // GMD.
[ // PMD.
'name': 'root',
'children': [
'name': 'parent',
'children': [
'name': 'child1',
'owns': 0
'name': 'child2',
'guid': 0
'name': 'child3',
'owns': 0
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var pmd = containerDumps[1];
// Post-order.
var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
// Pre-order.
var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
test('traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstOrder_multipleTrees', function() {
var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees([
[ // GMD.
'name': 'shared',
'children': [
'name': 'pool1',
'guid': 1
'name': 'pool2',
'owns': 3
[ // PMD.
'name': 'oilpan',
'children': [
'name': 'objects'
'name': 'heaps',
'owns': 1,
'children': [
'name': 'small',
'guid': 2
'name': 'large'
'name': 'v8',
'children': [
'name': 'isolate1',
'owns': 2
'name': 'isolate2',
'guid': 3
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
var pmd = containerDumps[1];
// Post-order.
var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
// Pre-order.
var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, [
test('traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPostOrder_cycle', function() {
var containerDumps = buildDumpTrees([
[ // GMD.
'name': 'shared',
'owns': 2,
'children': [
'name': 'pool',
'guid': 1
[ // PMD.
'name': 'oilpan',
'owns': 1,
'children': [
'name': 'objects',
'guid': 2
var gmd = containerDumps[0];
// Post-order.
assert.throws(function() {
gmd.traverseAllocatorDumpsInDepthFirstPostOrder(function() {});
}, /contains.*cycle/);
// Pre-order.
var visitedAllocatorDumps = [];
assert.deepEqual(visitedAllocatorDumps, []);
// Just check that the method doesn't crash upon encountering empty and/or
// undefined memory allocator dumps.
calculationTest('noDumps', [
undefined, // GMD.
[], // PMD1.
undefined // PMD2.
calculationTest('flatDumps', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'shared',
'size': 1024,
'expected_size': 1024,
'expected_effective_size': 1024
[ // PMD.
'name': 'gpu'
calculationTest('zeroSizes', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'shared',
'size': 0,
'expected_size': 0,
'expected_effective_size': 0
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'gpu',
'expected_size': 0,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'children': [
'name': 'zero',
'size': 0,
'expected_size': 0,
'expected_effective_size': 0
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'gpu',
'expected_size': 0,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'children': [
'name': 'zero',
'size': 0,
'expected_size': 0,
'expected_effective_size': 0
'name': 'undefined'
calculationTest('children_allSizesUndefined', [
'name': 'parent',
'children': [
'name': 'child1'
'name': 'child2'
calculationTest('children_parentSizeUndefined', [
'name': 'parent',
'expected_size': 384,
'expected_effective_size': 384,
'children': [
'name': 'child1',
'size': 128,
'expected_size': 128,
'expected_effective_size': 128
'name': 'child2',
'size': 256,
'expected_size': 256,
'expected_effective_size': 256
calculationTest('children_parentSizeDefined_childrenAddUp', [
'name': 'parent',
'size': 0,
'expected_size': 0,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'children': [
'name': 'child1'
'name': 'child2'
calculationTest('children_parentSizeDefined_childrenDontAddUp', [
'name': 'parent',
'size': 2048,
'expected_size': 2048,
'expected_effective_size': 2048,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 2048,
'expected_effective_size': 2048
'name': 'child1'
'name': 'child2'
calculationTest('children_oneChildSizeUndefined_childrenAddUp', [
'name': 'parent',
'size': 4096,
'expected_size': 4096,
'expected_effective_size': 4096,
'children': [
'name': 'child1'
'name': 'child2',
'size': 4096,
'expected_size': 4096,
'expected_effective_size': 4096
calculationTest('children_oneChildSizeUndefined_childrenDontAddUp', [
'name': 'parent',
'size': 6144,
'expected_size': 6144,
'expected_effective_size': 6144,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 2048,
'expected_effective_size': 2048
'name': 'child1'
'name': 'child2',
'size': 4096,
'expected_size': 4096,
'expected_effective_size': 4096
calculationTest('children_allSizesDefined_childrenAddUp', [
'name': 'parent',
'size': 100,
'expected_size': 100,
'expected_effective_size': 100,
'children': [
'name': 'child1',
'size': 70,
'expected_size': 70,
'expected_effective_size': 70
'name': 'child2',
'size': 30,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 30
calculationTest('children_allSizesDefined_childrenDontUp', [
'name': 'parent',
'size': 150,
'expected_size': 150,
'expected_effective_size': 150,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 50,
'expected_effective_size': 50
'name': 'child1',
'size': 70,
'expected_size': 70,
'expected_effective_size': 70
'name': 'child2',
'size': 30,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 30
calculationTest('children_oneChildSizeDefined', [
'name': 'parent',
'expected_size': 49,
'expected_effective_size': 49,
'children': [
'name': 'child1',
'size': 49,
'expected_size': 49,
'expected_effective_size': 49
'name': 'child2'
calculationTest('children_multipleLevels', [
[], // GMD.
[ // PMD.
'name': 'v8',
'expected_size': 36,
'expected_effective_size': 36,
'children': [
'name': 'isolate1',
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 10,
'children': [
'skip_build': true,
'name': '<unspecified>',
'expected_size': 3,
'expected_effective_size': 3
'name': 'objects',
'size': 3,
'expected_size': 3,
'expected_effective_size': 3
'name': 'heaps',
'size': 4,
'expected_size': 4,
'expected_effective_size': 4
'name': 'isolate2',
'size': 12,
'expected_size': 12,
'expected_effective_size': 12,
'children': [
'name': 'objects',
'size': 5,
'expected_size': 5,
'expected_effective_size': 5
'name': 'heaps',
'size': 7,
'expected_size': 7,
'expected_effective_size': 7
'name': 'isolate3',
'expected_size': 14,
'expected_effective_size': 14,
'children': [
'name': 'objects',
'size': 14,
'expected_size': 14,
'expected_effective_size': 14
'name': 'heaps'
calculationTest('owners_allSizesUndefined', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'bitmap',
'guid': 7
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'tile',
'owns': 7,
'importance': 1
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'chunk',
'owns': 7
calculationTest('owners_ownedSizeDefined', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'bitmap',
'size': 15,
'expected_size': 15,
'expected_effective_size': 15,
'guid': 7
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'tile',
'owns': 7
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'chunk',
'owns': 7
calculationTest('owners_ownedSizeUndefined', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'bitmap',
'expected_size': 9,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'guid': 7
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'tile',
'size': 5,
'expected_size': 5,
'expected_effective_size': 2.5,
'owns': 7
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'chunk',
'size': 9,
'expected_size': 9,
'expected_effective_size': 6.5,
'owns': 7
calculationTest('owners_oneOwnerSizeDefined', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'bitmap',
'expected_size': 16,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'guid': 7
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'tile',
'size': 16,
'expected_size': 16,
'expected_effective_size': 16,
'owns': 7
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'chunk',
'owns': 7
calculationTest('owners_oneOwnerSizeUndefined', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'bitmap',
'size': 20,
'expected_size': 20,
'expected_effective_size': 2,
'guid': 7
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'tile',
'owns': 7
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'chunk',
'size': 18,
'expected_size': 18,
'expected_effective_size': 18,
'owns': 7
calculationTest('owners_allSizesDefined', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'bitmap',
'size': 60,
'expected_size': 60,
'expected_effective_size': 31,
'guid': 7
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'tile',
'size': 29,
'expected_size': 29,
'expected_effective_size': 19.5,
'owns': 7
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'chunk',
'size': 19,
'expected_size': 19,
'expected_effective_size': 9.5,
'owns': 7
calculationTest('owners_hierarchy', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'bitmap',
'expected_size': 50,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'guid': 7
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'tile',
'expected_size': 50,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'owns': 7,
'guid': 0
'name': 'object1',
'size': 30,
'owns': 0,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 9
'name': 'object2',
'owns': 0
'name': 'object3',
'size': 50,
'owns': 0,
'expected_size': 50,
'expected_effective_size': 21
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'chunk',
'size': 40,
'expected_size': 40,
'expected_effective_size': 20,
'owns': 7
calculationTest('owners_withChildren', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'bitmap',
'guid': 7,
'expected_size': 48,
'expected_effective_size': 17,
'children': [
'name': 'subbitmap1',
'size': 32,
'expected_size': 32,
'expected_effective_size': 17 * (32 / 48)
'name': 'subbitmap2',
'size': 16,
'expected_size': 16,
'expected_effective_size': 17 * (16 / 48)
[ // PMD.
'name': 'tile',
'expected_size': 31,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'guid': 8,
'owns': 7,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 7,
'expected_effective_size': 0
'name': 'subtile',
'size': 24,
'expected_size': 24,
'expected_effective_size': 0
'name': 'cc',
'owns': 8,
'size': 31,
'expected_size': 31,
'expected_effective_size': 31
calculationTest('owners_withParents', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'bitmap',
'size': 96,
'expected_size': 96,
'expected_effective_size': 32,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 32,
'expected_effective_size': 32
'name': 'subbitmap',
'guid': 2,
'expected_size': 64,
'expected_effective_size': 0
[ // PMD.
'name': 'tile',
'expected_size': 64,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'children': [
'name': 'subtile',
'guid': 1,
'owns': 2,
'expected_size': 64,
'expected_effective_size': 0
'name': 'cc',
'owns': 1,
'size': 64,
'expected_size': 64,
'expected_effective_size': 64
calculationTest('owners_multipleLevels', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'bitmap',
'size': 96,
'expected_size': 96,
'expected_effective_size': 32,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 32,
'expected_effective_size': 32
'name': 'subbitmap',
'guid': 2,
'expected_size': 64,
'expected_effective_size': 0
[ // PMD.
'name': 'tile',
'expected_size': 64,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'owns': 2,
'children': [
'name': 'subtile',
'guid': 1,
'expected_size': 64,
'expected_effective_size': 0
'name': 'cc',
'owns': 1,
'size': 64,
'expected_size': 64,
'expected_effective_size': 64
calculationTest('views_allSizesUndefined', [
'name': 'v8',
'children': [
'name': 'v8/heaps',
'guid': 1
'name': 'v8/objects',
'owns': 1
calculationTest('views_ownedSizeDefined', [
'name': 'v8',
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 10,
'children': [
'name': 'heaps',
'guid': 1,
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 10
'name': 'objects',
'owns': 1
calculationTest('views_ownerSizeDefined', [
'name': 'v8',
'expected_size': 20,
'expected_effective_size': 20,
'children': [
'name': 'heaps',
'guid': 1,
'expected_size': 20,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'objects': 20
'name': 'objects',
'owns': 1,
'size': 20,
'expected_size': 20,
'expected_effective_size': 20
calculationTest('views_parentSizeUndefined', [
'name': 'v8',
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 30,
'children': [
'name': 'heaps',
'guid': 1,
'size': 30,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 10,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'objects': 20
'name': 'objects',
'owns': 1,
'size': 20,
'expected_size': 20,
'expected_effective_size': 20
calculationTest('views_ownerSizeUndefined_childrenAddUp', [
'name': 'v8',
'size': 30,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 30,
'children': [
'name': 'heaps',
'guid': 1,
'size': 30,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 30
'name': 'objects',
'owns': 1
calculationTest('views_ownerSizeUndefined_childrenDontAddUp', [
'name': 'v8',
'size': 40,
'expected_size': 40,
'expected_effective_size': 40,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 10
'name': 'heaps',
'guid': 1,
'size': 30,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 30
'name': 'objects',
'owns': 1
calculationTest('views_ownedSizeUndefined_childrenAddUp', [
'name': 'v8',
'size': 30,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 30,
'children': [
'name': 'heaps',
'guid': 1,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'objects': 30
'name': 'objects',
'owns': 1,
'size': 30,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 30
calculationTest('views_ownedSizeUndefined_childrenDontAddUp', [
'name': 'v8',
'size': 40,
'expected_size': 40,
'expected_effective_size': 40,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 10
'name': 'heaps',
'guid': 1,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'objects': 30
'name': 'objects',
'owns': 1,
'size': 30,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 30
calculationTest('views_allSizesDefined_childrenAddUp', [
'name': 'v8',
'size': 30,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 30,
'children': [
'name': 'heaps',
'guid': 1,
'size': 30,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 16,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'objects': 14
'name': 'objects',
'owns': 1,
'size': 14,
'expected_size': 14,
'expected_effective_size': 14
calculationTest('views_allSizesDefined_childrenDontAddUp', [
'name': 'v8',
'size': 35,
'expected_size': 35,
'expected_effective_size': 35,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 5,
'expected_effective_size': 5
'name': 'heaps',
'guid': 1,
'size': 30,
'expected_size': 30,
'expected_effective_size': 16,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'objects': 14
'name': 'objects',
'owns': 1,
'size': 14,
'expected_size': 14,
'expected_effective_size': 14
calculationTest('views_deep', [
'name': 'root',
'expected_size': 17,
'expected_effective_size': 17,
'children': [
'name': 'parent1',
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 5,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'parent2': 5
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 2,
'expected_effective_size': 2
'name': 'child',
'guid': 1,
'size': 8,
'expected_size': 8,
'expected_effective_size': 3
'name': 'parent2',
'size': 8,
'expected_size': 8,
'expected_effective_size': 5,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'parent3': 3
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 3,
'expected_effective_size': 3
'name': 'child',
'guid': 2,
'owns': 1,
'size': 5,
'expected_size': 5,
'expected_effective_size': 2
'name': 'parent3',
'size': 7,
'expected_size': 7,
'expected_effective_size': 7,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 4,
'expected_effective_size': 4
'name': 'child',
'owns': 2,
'size': 3,
'expected_size': 3,
'expected_effective_size': 3
calculationTest('views_nested', [
'name': 'system',
'expected_size': 7,
'expected_effective_size': 7,
'children': [
'name': 'subsystem-A',
'owns': 15,
'expected_size': 5,
'expected_effective_size': 5,
'children': [
'name': 'objects',
'owns': 30,
'size': 3,
'expected_size': 3,
'expected_effective_size': 3
'name': 'heaps',
'guid': 30,
'size': 5,
'expected_size': 5,
'expected_effective_size': 2,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'objects': 3
'name': 'subsystem-B',
'guid': 15,
'expected_size': 7,
'expected_effective_size': 2,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'subsystem-A': 5
'children': [
'name': 'objects',
'owns': 40,
'size': 7,
'expected_size': 7,
'expected_effective_size': 2
'name': 'heaps',
'guid': 40,
'expected_size': 7,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'objects': 7
calculationTest('importance_equal', [
[ // GMD (both importances undefined and equal sizes).
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 1,
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 4
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 1,
'size': 6,
'expected_size': 6,
'expected_effective_size': 3
'name': 'owner2',
'owns': 1,
'size': 6,
'expected_size': 6,
'expected_effective_size': 3
[ // PMD1 (only one importance defined and different sizes).
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 2,
'size': 20,
'expected_size': 20,
'expected_effective_size': 5
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 2,
'importance': 0,
'size': 15,
'expected_size': 15,
'expected_effective_size': 10 / 2 + 5
'name': 'owner2',
'owns': 2,
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 10 / 2
[ // PMD2 (all importances defined and different sizes).
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 3,
'size': 15,
'expected_size': 15,
'expected_effective_size': 5
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 3,
'importance': 3,
'size': 8,
'expected_size': 8,
'expected_effective_size': 8 / 3
'name': 'owner2',
'owns': 3,
'importance': 3,
'size': 9,
'expected_size': 9,
'expected_effective_size': 8 / 3 + 1 / 2
'name': 'owner3',
'owns': 3,
'importance': 3,
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 8 / 3 + 1 / 2 + 1
calculationTest('importance_notEqual', [
[ // GMD (one importance undefined and equal sizes).
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 1,
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 4
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 1,
'size': 6,
'expected_size': 6,
'expected_effective_size': 0
'name': 'owner2',
'owns': 1,
'importance': 1,
'size': 6,
'expected_size': 6,
'expected_effective_size': 6
[ // PMD1 (one importance undefined and different sizes).
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 2,
'size': 20,
'expected_size': 20,
'expected_effective_size': 4
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 2,
'importance': -1,
'size': 16,
'expected_size': 16,
'expected_effective_size': 6
'name': 'owner2',
'owns': 2,
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 10
[ // PMD2 (all importances defined and different sizes).
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 3,
'size': 15,
'expected_size': 15,
'expected_effective_size': 5
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 3,
'importance': 4,
'size': 8,
'expected_size': 8,
'expected_effective_size': 8
'name': 'owner2',
'owns': 3,
'importance': 3,
'size': 6,
'expected_size': 6,
'expected_effective_size': 0
'name': 'owner3',
'owns': 3,
'importance': 2,
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 2
// Example taken from GlobalMemoryDump.calculateDumpOwnershipCoefficient_()
// documentation.
calculationTest('importance_manyOwners', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 4,
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 2
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 4,
'importance': 2,
'size': 6,
'expected_size': 6,
'expected_effective_size': 6 / 2
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'some_parent',
'expected_size': 7,
'expected_effective_size': 6 / 2 + 1,
'children': [
'name': 'owner2',
'owns': 4,
'importance': 2,
'size': 7,
'expected_size': 7,
'expected_effective_size': 6 / 2 + 1
[ // PMD3.
'name': 'owner3',
'owns': 4,
'importance': 1,
'size': 5,
'expected_size': 5,
'expected_effective_size': 0
'name': 'owner4',
'owns': 4,
'importance': 0,
'size': 8,
'expected_size': 8,
'expected_effective_size': 1
calculationTest('importance_chainOwnerships', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'owned',
'guid': 5,
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 2
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'owner1',
'owns': 5,
'importance': 2,
'guid': 6,
'size': 6,
'expected_size': 6,
'expected_effective_size': 2
'name': 'subowner1',
'owns': 6,
'size': 4,
'expected_size': 4,
'expected_effective_size': 4
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'owner2',
'owns': 5,
'importance': 1,
'guid': 8,
'size': 8,
'expected_size': 8,
'expected_effective_size': 2 - 2 / 4
'name': 'subowner2',
'owns': 8,
'size': 2,
'expected_size': 2,
'expected_effective_size': 2 / 4
calculationTest('importance_nested', [
'name': 'grey',
'guid': 15,
'size': 20,
'expected_size': 20,
'expected_effective_size': 6
'name': 'blue',
'guid': 18,
'owns': 15,
'importance': 1,
'size': 14,
'expected_size': 14,
'expected_effective_size': 1
'name': 'purple',
'owns': 15,
'importance': 2,
'size': 7,
'expected_size': 7,
'expected_effective_size': 7
'name': 'yellow',
'owns': 21,
'importance': 3,
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 3
'name': 'red',
'guid': 21,
'owns': 18,
'size': 12,
'expected_size': 12,
'expected_effective_size': 1
'name': 'green',
'owns': 21,
'importance': 3,
'size': 8,
'expected_size': 8,
'expected_effective_size': 2
calculationTest('importance_singleRefinement', [
'name': 'v8',
'expected_size': 13,
'expected_effective_size': 13,
'children': [
'name': 'objects',
'owns': 1,
'size': 11,
'expected_size': 11,
'expected_effective_size': 11,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 4,
'expected_effective_size': 4
'name': 'object1',
'owns': 2,
'size': 7,
'expected_size': 7,
'expected_effective_size': 7
'name': 'heaps',
'guid': 1,
'size': 13,
'expected_size': 13,
'expected_effective_size': 2,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'objects': 11
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 3,
'expected_effective_size': 1
'name': 'heap1',
'guid': 2,
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 1,
calculationTest('importance_sharedRefinement', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'shared_bitmap',
'guid': 0,
'size': 23,
'expected_size': 23,
'expected_effective_size': 5,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 13,
'expected_effective_size': 13 * 5 / (13 + 3)
'name': 'bitmap0x7',
'guid': 999,
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 3 * 5 / (13 + 3),
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'tile_manager',
'owns': 0,
'importance': 2,
'size': 12,
'expected_size': 12,
'expected_effective_size': 5 + 2,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 5,
'expected_effective_size': 5
'name': 'tile42',
'owns': 999,
'importance': 1,
'size': 7,
'expected_size': 7,
'expected_effective_size': 2,
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'gpu',
'owns': 0,
'importance': 1,
'size': 16,
'expected_size': 16,
'expected_effective_size': 6 + 5,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 11,
'expected_effective_size': 6
'name': 'chunk-3.14',
'owns': 999,
'importance': 2,
'size': 5,
'expected_size': 5,
'expected_effective_size': 5,
// Example taken from
calculationTest('documentationExample', [
[ // GMD, Global (shared) memory.
'name': 'unknown',
'guid': 2,
'expected_size': 16,
'expected_effective_size': 0,
[ // PMD1, Browser process.
'name': 'sharedbitmap',
'size': 17,
'expected_size': 17,
'expected_effective_size': 9,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 1,
'expected_effective_size': 1
'name': '0x7',
'size': 16,
'expected_size': 16,
'expected_effective_size': 8,
'owns': 2,
'importance': 1,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 16,
'expected_effective_size': 8
'name': 'y'
[ // PMD2, Renderer process.
'name': 'v8',
'expected_size': 13,
'expected_effective_size': 13,
'children': [
'name': 'heaps',
'guid': 100,
'expected_size': 12,
'expected_effective_size': 3,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'objects': 9
'children': [
'name': '1',
'size': 8,
'expected_size': 8,
'expected_effective_size': 2,
'owns': 2,
'importance': 2
'name': '2',
'expected_size': 4,
'expected_effective_size': 1,
'size': 4
'name': 'objects',
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 10,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 1,
'expected_effective_size': 1
'name': 'strings',
'size': 9,
'expected_size': 9,
'expected_effective_size': 9,
'owns': 100
// This should never happen. Nevertheless, this test checks that we can
// handle invalid sizes (parent dump being smaller than its aggregated
// children and owned dump being smaller than its largest owner) gracefully.
calculationTest('invalidSizes', [
'name': 'root1',
'size': 24,
'expected_size': 24,
'expected_effective_size': 4,
'children': [
'name': '<unspecified>',
'skip_build': true,
'expected_size': 4,
'expected_effective_size': 4
'name': 'parent',
'guid': 2,
'size': 17, // Invalid: child has larger size.
'expected_size': 20,
'expected_infos': [
providedSize: 17,
dependencySize: 20
providedSize: 17,
dependencySize: 18
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'children': [
'name': 'child',
'guid': 1,
'size': 10, // Invalid: owner has larger size.
'expected_size': 20,
'expected_infos': [
providedSize: 10,
dependencySize: 20
'expected_effective_size': 0,
'name': 'root2',
'owns': 1,
'size': 20,
'expected_size': 20,
'expected_effective_size': 20
'name': 'root3',
'owns': 2,
'importance': -1,
'size': 18,
'expected_size': 18,
'expected_effective_size': 18
calculationTest('multipleInfos', [
'name': 'root',
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 10,
'children': [
'name': 'parent1',
'size': 5,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_infos': [
providedSize: 5,
dependencySize: 10
'expected_effective_size': 1,
'expected_owned_by_sibling_sizes': {
'parent2': 17,
'parent3': 7
'children': [
'name': 'child',
'guid': 3,
'size': 10,
'expected_size': 10,
'expected_effective_size': 1,
'name': 'parent2',
// NOTE(petrcermak): The expected size here is a little strange
// because the children both own the same dump (namely
// root/parent1/child). It would, therefore, probably make more
// sense for the calculated size to be 9. Since this is an unlikely
// case and would complicate the (already complex) size
// calculation, we will now keep the algorithm as is.
'expected_size': 17,
'expected_effective_size': 14 / 3 + 2,
'children': [
'name': 'child1',
'owns': 3,
'size': 9,
'expected_size': 9,
'expected_effective_size': 7 / 3 + 1 / 2 + 1,
'name': 'child2',
'owns': 3,
'size': 8,
'expected_size': 8,
'expected_effective_size': 7 / 3 + 1 / 2,
'name': 'parent3',
'size': 7,
'expected_size': 7,
'expected_effective_size': 7 / 3,
'owns': 3
// Check that size calculation is NOT preceded by numeric aggregation, which
// would recursively sum up size numerics.
test('finalizeGraph_aggregation', function() {
var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
undefined, // GMD.
[ // PMD.
'name': 'root',
'children': [
'name': 'owner_child',
'owns': 9,
'size': 7
'name': 'owned_child',
'guid': 9,
'size': 20
], model);
var pmd = model.getProcess(0).memoryDumps[0];
var rootDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root');
assertDumpSizes(rootDump, 20, 20);
var ownerChildDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
assertDumpSizes(ownerChildDump, 7, 7);
var ownedChildDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
assertDumpSizes(ownedChildDump, 20, 13, [] /* expectedInfos */,
{ owner_child: 7 } /* expectedOwnedBySiblingSizes */);
// Check that numeric and diagnostics propagation and aggregation are
// performed in the correct order.
test('finalizeGraph_propagation', function() {
var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
[ // GMD.
'name': 'owned_root',
'guid': 1,
'size': 10,
'diagnostics': {
'url': ''
'children': [
'name': 'owned_child1',
'numerics': {
'summed': new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, 12)
'diagnostics': {
'url2': ''
'name': 'owned_child2',
'numerics': {
'summed': new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, 15)
[ // PMD.
'name': 'direct_owner',
'owns': 1,
'guid': 2,
'diagnostics': {
'url': 'file://not_overriden.html'
'name': 'parent_owner',
'children': [
'name': 'child_owner',
'owns': 1
'name': 'sibling',
'size': 5,
'numerics': {
'summed': new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, 13)
'name': 'precedent_owner',
'owns': 1,
'numerics': {
'summed': new ScalarNumeric(sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter, 0)
'name': 'indirect_owner',
'owns': 2
], model);
var pmd = model.getProcess(0).memoryDumps[0];
'size': 10,
'effective_size': 3.3333,
'summed': 27
'url': 'file://not_overriden.html'
'size': 10,
'effective_size': 3.3333,
'summed': 27
'url': ''
'size': 15,
'effective_size': 8.3333,
'summed': 40
}, {});
'size': 10,
'effective_size': 3.3333,
'summed': 0
'url': ''
pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('indirect_owner'), {}, {});
// Check that weak dumps are removed before size size calculation.
test('finalizeGraph_weakDumpRemoval', function() {
var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
undefined, // GMD.
[ // PMD.
'name': 'root',
'children': [
'name': 'directly_weak_child',
'weak': true,
'guid': 5,
'owns': 10,
'size': 100
'name': 'strong_child',
'guid': 10,
'size': 120
'name': 'indirectly_weak_child',
'owns': 5,
'size': 70
'name': 'separate_weak_child',
'weak': true,
'size': 300
], model);
var pmd = model.getProcess(0).memoryDumps[0];
var rootDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root');
assertDumpSizes(rootDump, 120, 120);
assert.lengthOf(rootDump.children, 1);
var strongChildDump = pmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName(
assertDumpSizes(strongChildDump, 120, 120);
assert.lengthOf(strongChildDump.ownedBy, 0);
test('indicesUpdatedCorrectly', function() {
var gmd, rootDump, childDump;
var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
gmd = new GlobalMemoryDump(model, 10);
rootDump = newAllocatorDump(gmd, 'root', { size: 64 });
childDump = newChildDump(rootDump, 'child', { size: 48 });
gmd.memoryAllocatorDumps = [rootDump];
// Before model is finalized.
gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root'), rootDump);
gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/child'), childDump);
// Test sanity check.
// After model is finalized.
assert.strictEqual(gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root'), rootDump);
gmd.getMemoryAllocatorDumpByFullName('root/child'), childDump);
var unspecifiedDump =
assert.strictEqual(unspecifiedDump.fullName, 'root/<unspecified>');
assert.strictEqual(unspecifiedDump.parent, rootDump);
assert.strictEqual(rootDump.children[0], unspecifiedDump);
weakDumpRemovalTest('allDumpsNonWeak', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'malloc',
'children': [
'name': 'allocated_objects',
'children': [
'name': 'obj42',
'guid': 5,
'expected_owned_by_links_count': 2
undefined, // PMD1.
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'oilpan'
'name': 'v8',
'children': [
'name': 'heaps',
'children': [
'name': 'S',
'owns': 5
'name': 'L',
'owns': 5
weakDumpRemovalTest('weakRootDump', [
[], // GMD.
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'strong1'
'name': 'weak',
'weak': true,
'expected_removed': true
'name': 'strong2'
weakDumpRemovalTest('weakChildDump', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'root',
'children': [
'name': 'parent',
'children': [
'name': 'strong1'
'name': 'weak',
'weak': true,
'expected_removed': true,
'children': [
'name': 'implicitly-removed'
'name': 'strong2'
weakDumpRemovalTest('transitiveOwnerRemoval', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'not-removed-strong-dump',
'guid': 0,
'expected_owned_by_links_count': 1
'name': 'weak-owned-dump',
'guid': 1,
'owns': 0,
'weak': true,
'expected_removed': true
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'direct-owner-dump',
'guid': 2,
'owns': 1,
'expected_removed': true
'name': 'also-not-removed-strong-dump',
'owns': 0
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'indirect-owner-dump',
'owns': 2,
'expected_removed': true
weakDumpRemovalTest('transitiveDescendantRemoval', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'A',
'owns': 10,
// A =owns=> B -child-of-> C -> D => E -> F -> G (weak).
'expected_removed': true
'name': 'D',
'owns': 5,
'expected_removed': true, // D =owns=> E -child-of-> F -> G (weak).
'children': [
'name': 'C',
'children': [
'name': 'B',
'guid': 10
undefined, // PMD1.
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'first-retained-dump',
'children': [
'name': 'G',
'weak': true,
'expected_removed': true,
'children': [
'name': 'F',
'children': [
'name': 'E',
'guid': 5
'name': 'H',
'children': [
'name': 'I',
'children': [
'name': 'J',
'owns': 2
[ // PMD3.
'name': 'second-retained-dump',
'guid': 2,
// The only owner (J) is removed because J -child-of-> I -> H ->
// G (weak).
'expected_owned_by_links_count': 0
weakDumpRemovalTest('subownerships', [
[ // GMD.
'name': 'root1',
'owns': 20,
'expected_removed': true, // root1 =owns=> root2 (weak).
'children': [
'name': 'child1',
'owns': 2
'name': 'root2',
'guid': 20,
'owns': 30,
'weak': true,
'expected_removed': true,
'children': [
'name': 'child2',
'guid': 2,
'owns': 3
'name': 'root3',
'guid': 30,
'owns': 40,
'expected_owned_by_links_count': 0,
'children': [
'name': 'child3',
'guid': 3,
'owns': 4,
'weak': true,
'expected_removed': true
[ // PMD1.
'name': 'root4',
'guid': 40,
'expected_owned_by_links_count': 1,
'children': [
'name': 'child4',
'guid': 4,
'expected_owned_by_links_count': 0
[ // PMD2.
'name': 'root5',
'owns': 60,
'expected_removed': true, // root5 =owns=> root6 => root7 (weak).
'children': [
'name': 'child5',
'owns': 6
'name': 'root6',
'guid': 60,
'owns': 70,
'expected_removed': true, // root6 =owns=> root7 (weak).
'children': [
'name': 'child6',
'guid': 6,
'owns': 7
'name': 'root7',
'guid': 70,
'owns': 40,
'weak': true,
'expected_removed': true,
'children': [
'name': 'child7',
'guid': 7,
'owns': 4